Data Entry:Covenant Stronghold 301
Posted By: Dan Mitteer<mageofpower1117@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 April 2003, 4:02 AM
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Operation:Apocalypse Phase:1 Destroy Enemy resistance Phase:2 Protect UNSC forces Phase:3 Find Covenant stronghold Phase:4 Neutralize Enemy Base Phase:5 Retrieve Covenant Data Stick Phase:6 Escape and destroy stonghold
Master Chief was given shelter from a massive stone in front of him. It was the only barrier between the Covenant forces and himself. He reloaded his assault rifle magazine, and maneuvered in a side step pattern away from the boulder. A smashing blow from the Master Chief's rifle caved in a Grunt's air supply toward his mouth. The abnormal barking shouted from his disgusting throat and John's MJOLNIR armor lifted his leg, causing a deadening propel of a kick aimed at the repulsive creature. As plasma rounds chiseled away at his armor's shield, the Master Chief tapped the trigger of his firearm twice, piercing a Jackal within its spine. He grabbed hold of the enemy plasma barrier, and shoved three grunts toward each other. The small rodents of aliens were extremely alarmed, and fired at each other. John dashed towards the side where his shield met with a Jackal. Plasma bolts of electricity sparked and dissipated, while the Jackal struggled his gun from the Master Chief's grip of his arm. Within a moment, the bird-like creature was disfigured on the ground and his gun left a cave within a Grunt's head. John never wasted a weapon.
While taking cover from a tree he saw a crimson armored Covenant Elite. When the elite switched his position to patrol the other part of the base, Master Chief slid behind him and stealthily shattered the alien's neck bone. The Elite screamed in agony, and fired a round of plasma towards the Spartan. John fired as well. The plasma sheared his shield bar, and Master Chief let it recharge. The one and only weakness of a Spartan was time. John may have destroyed a whole base, if he didn't need to recharge his shield. He stared at the elite for a minute, and whipped the being with his rifle. Sapphire blood flooded John's visor.
John glanced at his surroundings. Four Grunts, and a Jackal patrolled the first floor. They would be easily defeated. He saw two indigo armored elites guarding the second floor. The Master Chief let out a deep sigh and noticed a massive giant guarding the only entrance to the main deck of the base. A Hunter. The sizes of the beasts were a bit more than John himself, and their brute force was that of his own. The only reason the Elites resign over them is because the intelligence and tactical plots they maintain. He would fight him one way or another, no matter the circumstances.
The Master Chief darted along the titanium looking foundation, and squeezed the trigger at a Grunt's skull. The bullet slid through the tough membrane and through his forehead. The rest of the bullet dissolved into the heat of the Jackal's plasma protection. John grasped the neck of a Grunt and turned it quickly, shattering the alien's spinal cord. He hurled the dead being at the Jackal, giving a distraction to the creature. The alien deflected the Grunt but received an assault rifle round through the head. A whimpering echo was heard before the last bullet was coated with purple liquid.
Master Chief found a plasma grenade near the slain Grunt and tossed it between the MJOLNIR hands. He forced it from his clutch and into the walkway of an Elite. The floor was raining blood. John tightened his grip on the assault rifle and walked up the ramp. The alien took out John's shield as it strained the needler into the MJOLNIR armor. Spartan 117 took the enemy gun and locked the trigger into place, and near the Elite's stomach. John rejuvenated his shield and massaged his neck. Now for the Hunter.
The super soldier wasted no time with the Hunter. He needed every advantage. When John 117 ran up the ramp, it was faster than the Hunter's reaction time. The Master Chief pulsated the air with automatic rounds, rifle whipped, and physically murdered his armor. The Hunter gave John a giant swing of his arm, yet Master Chief was not injured. The alien's skin ruptured and slit with rifle bullets, which sent orange projectiles of blood spinning at the soldier's MJOLNIR armor.
The Master Chief quietly slid open the door and Cortana gave a sigh of relief, which echoed through 117's mind. He took the data from the Covenant base. The information, which could evolve the ideas and culture of the colony systems. John placed a bomb on the mainframe alien CPU system. Sounds of rolling thunder boomed outside. The Master Chief looked to the sky and a familiar shadow came into view. The Pelican hovered above the ceiling and the Spartan shattered the glass opening. He climbed out of the window and took hold of a wrist. A Marine helped him up, and he sighed. Another hardship beaten, another barrier past, yet only the first task of one hundred. The Master Chief tapped the detonator within his hand and slung the rifle over his shoulder. The mushroom shaped cloud of a base disappeared as the hatch of the Pelican closed.