
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Data Entry:Covenant Stronghold 301'

Cpt Crapper
3:38 am | April 27, 2003
lol.... tahts from splinter cell!
5:38 pm | April 26, 2003
Data stick...lol...wait a second, you stole that from Splinter Cell! ;) (j/k)
James Kinsella
12:43 am | April 26, 2003
I thought that it was kinda weird, but whatever. Keep it up.
8:00 pm | April 25, 2003
7.5/10. Did you have to call it a 'Covenant Data Stick.' I mean you could have used something more...I'm not sure, it's just something about the words: 'Data Stick.'
