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Chapter One: TF Resolution
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<crazymadsh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 30 August 2003, 5:41 PM
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Task Force Resolution
November 1, 2556
04:21 Local Time, UNSC Cruiser Sashok Nayosha, orbiting Talos IV in Talos Prime star system Rear Admiral Larin Riyonus looked down at the sensor display one more time. Something was definitely wrong, long range scanners had picked up several Covenant warships in the system just half an hour ago, but by the time they had arrived in system, the ships had vanished. Ground based scanners had not picked up anything, but the warships could have been on the opposite side of the sun. "Sensors, dispatch a high speed probe to the opposite side of each planet and moon in the system, and send 3 behind the sun."
"Aye, aye admiral, launching probes in Five, Four, Three, Two, Admiral! Launch detected, we have incoming!" The sensor operator reported.
Riyonus looked down at the flashing sensor panel beneath him and saw 4 plasma torpedoes streaking in towards his battle group.
"Evasive maneuvers, break orbit now, launch countermeasures and fire Archer tubes A-16 through C-8 on the starboard side only!" Riyonus ordered.
The Covenant group had been hiding behind one of the moons of Talos IV and had now completed a full orbit of the moon and shown themselves to the Human fleet. They didn't stand much of a chance however, they were outnumbered 7 to 4, and the Human ships vastly outsized them.
"Admiral, torpedo impact in 3 seconds, switching full power to shields." The Defensive systems operator spoke.
The ship shuddered and the lights on the bridge went dim but came back to full strength a few seconds after impact. The ship had survived the impact well, so the shields did work.
"Sir, shields holding at 73%, shifting power back to weapons systems." The defense operator spoke again.
"All right, turn towards the bastards, get firing solutions for all ships Eitri, blow those sons of bitches back to hell." Riyonus ordered.
"Yes admiral, I have a solution already locked in, firing Archer salvo now." the ships AI said.
The entire group fired a full Archer salvo, nearly 3500 missiles for 4 ships. Plus the 500 launched by the group before the main salvo. The Covenant ships were completely obliterated by the salvo, none of the ships survived, and barely anything remained.
"Eitri, order the Sovia to launch her fighters, I don't want any Covie fighters causing any trouble." Riyonus ordered.
"Yes sir, Sovia already has one squadron engaging Seraphs with another squadron on the way." Eitri replied.
"All right, set an course to exit the system. If any more Covies come in here I don't want them to know we were here." Riyonus said this and left the CIC for his cabin. 5 hours of watching waiting for the Covenant force had paid off. They had been tracking this group for many hours, and finally the Covenant had been caught with their pants down. Riyonus decided he would reward himself with a few hours of sleep.
07:13 Local Time, November 1, Deep Space, near Talos Prime system
"Admiral Riyonus, would you come to the CIC immediately please" Eitri said politely.
Riyonus rubbed his eyes and got out of his bed. He looked at the clock and then left the cabin. He arrived in the CIC 1 minute later. Officers were running around to different stations, while various alarms were sounding at the sensor station.
"Admiral, sensors indicated several Covenant warships in the Talos Prime system! Ground sensors on the planet indicate at least 2 Cruisers and 7 Destroyers orbiting Talos IV!" The sensors operator yelled.
"All right lieutenant, Eitri, set us a course for Talos IV." Riyonus replied. He then picked up the microphone in front of him and switched the comm channel to the entire fleet. "This is Admiral Riyonus speaking, Covenant warships have been detected orbiting Talos IV. All pilots are to man their crafts. Marines, saddle up and prepare to engage Covenant forces on ground. Jump jets from the Talos IV defense forces will provide air support while our fighters engage the Seraphs." Riyonus then switched the comm channel to the ship commanders channel. "All right, we have 2 Cruisers and 7 Destroyers in system confirmed, Eitri will provide firing solutions, ground batteries will provide some support, so don't get too close to the Covenant ships." Riyonus ordered. All the Captains confirmed his orders and the ships entered slip stream.
7:18 Local Time, November 1, Near Talos IV
"Covenant have spotted us Admiral, they sir, they are preparing to fire their weapons." Eitri then added, "Admiral, Talos IV defense batteries have opened fire, I detect multiple MAC rounds being fired. Verifying.......I count 8 rounds in flight now."
"All right Eitri, lock firing solutions into computer, I want Starboard weapons to fire on the near cruiser and port weapons to fire on the far cruiser." Riyonus ordered
"Yes admiral, firing Archer missiles now. 15 seconds till MAC launch. Admiral, the MAC rounds will be launched 3 seconds before the Covenant salvo hits us, shall I fire now?"
"Yes Eitri, fire MAC rounds now, then switch full power to shields." Riyonus ordered.
The ship shuddered as the MAC rounds and Archer missiles finished firing. The Covenant salvo struck just seconds before the human salvo did. 2 Covenant torpedoes struck each human ship. The Sashok Nayosha easily absorbed the impact because it had much larger power plants, but the Frigates Reshiya and Aolaus were unable to absorb the impact through shields. On both ships, the second torpedo broke through the shields and struck their hulls causing minimal damage. Riyonus didn't want to risk damage to the ships however and ordered them to withdraw to the far side of the planet and provide support for the ground troops and act as Medical ships.
The Human salvo struck the Covenant ships, completely annihilating 5 of the destroyers, and damaging both cruisers. The Covenant fired a second salvo, consisting of 4 torpedoes, all of which splashed harmlessly along the Human ships shields. The Covenant shields however, were not able to withstand the force of the returning MAC rounds and Archer missiles. The entire Covenant force was finished after 2 salvos. The Human ships began recovery operations, picking up damaged Longswords and mopping up remaining Covenant fighters. Only a small number of Covenant dropships had reached the surface of Talos IV and they were quickly being rounded up and eliminated. Riyonus leaned back in his chair. "Not bad for 1 morning's work." he thought.