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April 4, 2003 Link to this post

More Origami
A couple of weeks ago, we put up a news article about an origami Master Chief project available from playmore.com. Later that day, Geeoff put up shots of his finished product (including a custom-added AR). We haven't heard from anyone else... until today, when DocOctavius (in a transparent?but ultimately doomed-to-failure?bid to flood our front page) threw up his own copies. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 19:16:02 UTC)

December 20, 2002 Link to this post

I see Farquod!
Before I forget - there are a pair of new mirrors for the recently released 'Holiday' video - Rampancy.net (thanks, Vec!) and customsex have both put up copies. This is a good thing, because mythica will be moving soon, and will be down for a bit to make the transition. Links can be found on the Mirrors page. (Louis Wu 06:44:44 UTC)

December 18, 2002 Link to this post

More Parking Mirrors
A quick note - thanks to customsex and vector40 for more mirrors for the Parking Attendant movie released yesterday. If you haven't seen this - grab it now, it's not too big and it's really funny! (Louis Wu 13:57:56 UTC)

November 10, 2002 Link to this post

Haliens - now in QT format!
It's not perfect, but it's certainly watchable. Thanks to the work of Cybrfrk and customsex, and a little help from Apple and Sorenson, we've got a decent version of the recent Haliens movie for you in QuickTime format. Anyone who had trouble with the .wmv version... this puppy's for you. Currently, it's only at Mythica.org and the Psyjnir.com hotline server, but we'd LOVE to compile a bigger mirror list; feel free to host it and tell us about it. This bad boy is 36.7 mb, 8 minutes, 320x240 (pretty close to the original). Have I said thanks to Cybrfrk and customsex yet? Go get it! (Louis Wu 16:17:27 UTC)

September 6, 2002 Link to this post

What? MORE mirror news?
Boatloads of new mirrors for the Halo 2 Trailer - lots in Europe, more Hotline servers, and even though the main site for customsex's new mpeg2 version died (from overdemand), a kind hotline server picked up the slack (and we're adding a second hotline server as I write this). More mirrors for that large, popular version would be eagerly accepted - just drop us a line. For everything else, visit the Halo 2 Mirror List, or the Mirror List Mirror! From now on, when new mirrors come in, we'll simply add them to the mirror list, without using valuable front page space to announce them. If you need a copy of this trailer, in ANY format, visit the mirror list. (Louis Wu 01:15:36 UTC)

September 5, 2002 Link to this post

MPEG2, anybody?
customsex has converted the WMP9 video to MPEG2 format... and it's gorgeous under QT6. It's huge, though... and he had a bit of trouble with the aspect ratio, so if you grab it, be sure to reset the width to 600 pixels (keeping the height at 360). You'll find the link on our Mirrors page. This is considerably larger than the large QT version... but almost the same image quality. Be warned, though - if you don't have an MPEG2 decoder on your computer, you won't be able to watch it, so don't bother downloading it. Update: the aspect problem has been fixed. This one seems to be popular, though - mirrors are badly needed! (Louis Wu 19:29:44 UTC)

July 17, 2002 Link to this post

Bungie.net forums open
Bungie.net came back up from its downtime this morning... and you're gonna like the reason. They were installing their new Forum system - eventually, every chapter will be able to ahve its own forum, but for now, there are just a pair of them, The Underground, and the Septagon. It's completely custom-built - check it out! (Thanks to Warbow for pointing them out.) (Louis Wu 21:12:30 UTC)

May 6, 2002 Link to this post

XBConnect v1.1 released
HUNTR-KILLR writes to let us know that XBConnect (one of the three options you have for playing Halo online right now, and by some accounts the least laggy) has a new release out, as of this weekend. Version 1.1 adds these features:

  1. Host can see players pings
  2. Players can see all players in game
  3. Language filter
  4. Full games show up in red
  5. Fixed bug in adapter list. Should help some people finding xbox
  6. Customizable sound events

Check it out at the XBConnect site, and download the latest version! (Louis Wu 15:56:59 UTC)

May 3, 2002 Link to this post

Halo action figures... redux
Whoa! Thanks to Team Overkill, who sent in a scan from the latest issue of ToyFare Magazine. It's a Wish List article... about Halo action figures! And they've done a custom mockup! Very cool. (Louis Wu 14:03:28 UTC)

March 18, 2002 Link to this post

EOF vid finds a home
Back in late February, customsex sent word that Eleet Ops Faction had a new video for the masses - it showed how to get down from the beginning of the Maw (a subject which was pretty hot at that moment), and a bug in Two Betrayals in which the death of one co-op player meant the death of the other. It was rather large, however - 31 megs - so I told him that we couldn't host it, and that since it showed one subject he'd already covered in another vid (albeit without the music) and another subject that could be done in many, many fewer bytes, that finding a host might be a problem. Well, thanks to Vector40, that host has been found - The Repertory has put the movie up, and you can grab it from there. The Two Betrayals bug is pretty hilarious... and there's plenty of playing with dead bodies. Again, it's a 31 mb MPG, almost 2 minutes long. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:24:01 UTC)

December 4, 2001 Link to this post

MS is okay with online hacks
There's been forum speculation that Microsoft might try to stomp on the 'competition' for MS's upcoming online services provided by GameSpy Arcade and Xbox Gateway. Seems they're taking the high road on this one - a recent addition to the Xbox FAQ for the Xbox Retail site asks

I've heard that utilities have been developed that allow Xbox Systemlink games to be played over the Internet. Is this true? What should I tell my customers?

The answer (in part) reads

It's amazing and exciting to see the lengths that gamers will go to in order to take their Xbox games online. The GameSpy arcade efforts are a strong indication that people want online console game experiences. Additionally, these efforts showcase the superiority of Xbox because it was built from the ground up to provide people with the next generation of exciting online game play.

It goes on to explain how the MS service will be far more secure and scalable when it comes online. This is a refreshing reaction from a corporation known for their ruthless responses to perceived threats. Thanks to TeamXbox for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:28:26 UTC)

August 25, 2001 Link to this post

Xbox != PC, in plain english
Bryan Kaufman sends in a pretty interesting link from The Enquirer, called "Inner Secrets of X-box Revealed". There's quite a bit of information from an anonymous Xbox developer - a goodly chunk of the technical points have been independently confirmed by Mat Noguchi in various posts on our forum, and it's nice to see it all in one place like this. Definitely worth a read, for anyone who thinks that 'the Xbox is just a PC with some custom stuff'. (Louis Wu 15:07:56 UTC)

May 6, 2001 Link to this post

Goodies for you
arcarsenal sends in a couple of files you might be interested in - the first is the small icon you see here, for use as a system icon (you can either grab it right off this page, or download a stuffed (mac-format) folder (2k) that uses it as a custom icon). Additionally, he's modified the Mac version of the SETI 3.0.3 client - you can see an example of the end result here (46K .gif), and download the client itself here (205K .sit). (Louis Wu 03:14:36 UTC)

February 8, 2001 Link to this post

MS says no delay
MSXbox noted last night that Microsoft has issued a statement pertaining to the pending lawsuit over the Xbox name:

"Despite some reports, Xbox is on track for killer launches in the US and Japan this fall and Europe in spring 2002. While there is a known trademark issue which needs to be resolved, Microsoft wants to assure Xbox fan community that the company is still on schedule to ship later in the year."

Whew! That's good news... for US customers. 'Spring 2002', though, for Europeans... wasn't the old plan Q1 (i.e. before April), not Spring (i.e. before June)? Pax. (Crux Fidelis 18:03:49 UTC)

October 24, 2000 Link to this post

Free custom Halo logo at the Junkyard
Ryan "Mhaddy" Matthews sent us mail that the Junkyard is having a contest... they're making custom-designed Tribes maps or logos. Visit the site, click on Custom Orders, and fill out the form (name and email)... if you win, they'll make you what you want. Apparently, the logos part can include Halo. If you're interested, stop by! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 09:12:39 UTC)

August 29, 2000 Link to this post

Salon looks at the Xbox
Xbox, Xbox über alles... Wagner James Au has written a long rationalization on why the Xbox will succeed next year over at Salon.com. Lots of tasty morsels here... Kevin Bachus points out the difference between the target Xbox gamer and other console targets:

"We're going after an 18-year-old guy away at college for the first time. That's who the Xbox customer is going to be."

This piece is well-written, and while you may not agree with its conclusions, you need to acknowledge that lots of things are being done right here. Check it out! Thanks to Finn Smith for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:49:16 UTC)

July 5, 2000 Link to this post

Halo-Net shop to clear out current orders
Flashback has sent word explaining the details of the Halo-Net shop:

We've finally sorted out everything with the Halo-Net Shop

Pete Tamte (Executive Vice President) of Bungie has been contacting me this afternoon a bit and we have cleared up everything related to the shop now. They are letting us send any orders made for the stickers so as not to cause any problems with the customers as the stickers are in stock and orders have been made. We will no-longer be selling items that have Halo imagery on, but we will have some very very cool shirts and other items in when Halo-Net.Com re-opens... you'll have to keep an eye on that.

The Halo-Net Shop will be closed until Halo-Net.Com re-opens.

(Louis Wu 23:21:08 UTC)

June 28, 2000 Link to this post

Bungie Store to stop taking orders
Bungie store to close? As noted first on the Marathon's Story page the Bungie Store is to stop taking orders as of this Friday. Jim Ruiz posted a farewell letter to Bungie Store customers and stated he was moving on. The Microsoft assimilation begins in earnest. Doug, Jim... who next? And what about my Bungie Points? (Ding 07:58:32 UTC)

June 1, 2000 Link to this post

Story page says Kortana no bomb
Seen on the Story page... seems the report a few days ago of a bomb with a nickname of "Kortana" might not be true after all. The makers of the bomb in question have said that no nickname has been given to it either by them or by the USAF customer. Hmm... oh, well, it seemed too good to be true, anyway. (Louis Wu 00:18:45 UTC)

May 11, 2000 Link to this post

Way-cool info about E3 showings
E3 movie content info! We asked Matt Soell if he could give us a little taste of what was coming this week, and here's what he said:

There were plans to dole out a teaser trailer of what will be shown at E3, but time and circumstance conspired against us.

Here's an idea of what you might see if you were at E3:

  • firefights, complete with suckers getting hit and going down
  • vehicles flying, driving, exploding
  • ambient life doing ambient life-type stuff
  • new indoor spaces
  • a tidbit of dialog that is sure to set Hamish Sinclair's head spinning

The above doesn't sound all that interesting in its own right, but trust me: what we show at E3 is the sort of thing that will convert the doubters and impress the people who've been following this game all along but wondering what the hell we've been up to for the last year. It will make the MacWorld NY demo look old. It will make gamers and software store owners giddy. It will make other developers envious. It rocks.


Matthew Soell
Director of Customer Support
Bungie Software

And don't worry... he didn't mean that those of us not going to E3 will NEVER see this stuff... just that there wasn't time to actually get the teaser trailer out the door. It's coming, never fear! (Thanks, Matt!) (Louis Wu 08:53:20 UTC)

May 10, 2000 Link to this post

The new Bungie.net goes live
Woohoo! The Jobs redirect was probably just a minor glitch in the process of making the new channel system live... it's no longer a beta test. Bungie.net has now officially moved over to the new setup. Check it out... Customized Bungie News, from fan sites! (Kudos to Shadowfax, who noticed the live main site before we did.) (Louis Wu 16:07:11 UTC)

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