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Search results for custom

Showing results 626 - 650 of 721 matches

May 1, 2005 Link to this post

Customized Lego Art
Grant writes to say that the Home Front mod for Battlefield 2 (which will be launching on May 29), is offering a small Lego Halo kit for free - download it, print it out, and attach it to a lego figure for your own PoA crew member. (Click on the Staff tab to see it.) (Louis Wu 18:53:25 UTC)

March 23, 2005 Link to this post

Gametypes - from a fan
SonGoharotto posted a link to a page that contains some of his favorite custom gametypes - looks like some nice ones in there! (Louis Wu 18:07:25 UTC)

February 17, 2005 Link to this post

Gametype Organizer
Interesting - JSatt has created an Access database to organize your Halo 2 Custom Gametypes. You can grab a copy off his website. I don't have a copy of Microsoft Access, so I have no way to test this... but it looks useful for those who maintain a large collection of custom gametypes and want to organize them. Update: Halo2Customs.com has just mirrored the file, so if the original Freewebs site goes down, you can grab it there. Thanks, Timdogg. (Louis Wu 18:02:11 UTC)

February 12, 2005 Link to this post

I Am What I Am
Dennis Powers writes to point out that Episode 4 of the Halo CE Chronicles is now online at Halo Maps. Conceived as a showcase for Custom Edition works, this flash-based series is pretty different from most Halo-based machinima... it's a lot less violent, for example. This episode continues the development of the Spartan and AI characters. (Louis Wu 15:25:45 UTC)

February 11, 2005 Link to this post

Custom Gametypes - for the sharing
On and off, folks have talked about 'custom gametype collections' - websites where folks could get (and share) custom game settings for entertaining multiplay. Halo2Customs just opened its doors - and in addition to maintaining a reader-expandable collection of custom gametypes, it's gone one step further; it's offering Action Replay downloads of the most popular gametypes. (It remains to be seen how this works out in the long run; without some sort of real ranking system, it's conceivable that the useful gametypes get buried in a flood of 'standard slayer on Coag but with ghosts only' type submissions... but the potential is there.) Check this out - add your own, and if you have Action Replay, download a few custom gametypes to try! (Louis Wu 10:04:23 UTC)

February 10, 2005 Link to this post

Custom Tourneys - and More
Wow. Frankie pointed out a new article on Bungie.net that gets down and dirty with RSS feeds - it's an interview with the guys who run the DeFAS.org website about the tools they're developing that use Bungie's RSS feeds in new and innovative ways. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 01:32:19 UTC)

February 6, 2005 Link to this post

Custom game options - all of them
Wow - I nearly missed this. c0ld vengeance put together an Excel spreadsheet containing every possible game variation for each gametype, broken out cleanly into easy-to-understand sections. For someone looking to create a website that allows fans to specify their own variants, this would make the workload MUCH smaller. (It's great for ANYONE wanting to see what all the options are at a glance - but that was one particular use that stood out for me.) Update: c0ld submitted a new version, with a couple of mistakes corrected. (Louis Wu 16:04:50 UTC)

January 20, 2005 Link to this post

Discussing the Back End
Gossip tossed us a link to the Amazon Web Services Blog, and an interview with Eric Neustadter, of the Xbox Live team, at the Amazon DevCon. Gossip characterized this as 'dry' - I'd have to agree. There ARE some interesting facts in it, though - Xbox Live increased some of its systems by a factor of 10 to accomodate the Halo 2 launch, and bought an additional 32 terabytes of disk space to handle the new stats system. (They're not using it all yet... but that's a LOT of space.) There's also a question about Halo 2 for the PC - Neustadter was asked if there were plans for a PC version that could play with the Xbox version, and his answer was negative:

The security model can't be expanded to the PC, so it's unlikely. Nobody has yet to figure out how to do it without punishing existing customers.

(A quick note about that - while we here at bungie.org believe pretty strongly that it's unlikely that there will ever be a version of Halo 2 for the PC - that's not what this question was about; this was about the interoperability of a potential PC version and the existing Xbox version. Nobody at Microsoft, or Bungie, has ever made a definitive statement, either way, about the future possibilities for a PC version.) (Louis Wu 11:05:30 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

Tribute to Burial Mounds
Gah. This was supposed to go up earlier this afternoon, but I've been gone all day. TheTaintedOne created a video he calls 'Tribute to Burial Mounds' - a glitch film with one important difference from other glitch films - it's in widescreen mode. Really nicely done, showing most of the funky stuff you can do on Burial Mounds, performed by his clan, The Custom Gamers Clan. He's hosting the low-res WMP9 version (14 mb) - and HALOChat has hosted a higher-quality WMP9 version (24 mb). We're using the bandwidth of the Mighty KP to bring you a low-res WMP9 mirror and a low-res QuickTime version (16 mb). So you understand - the screensize of both high and low versions are the same - there's more data in the large version, if you choose to expand it on your screen. (Louis Wu 01:05:18 UTC)

January 12, 2005 Link to this post

Busy Bungie Bees
Wow. When they're not running around for PR, those Bungie boys are busy. Two new articles for you over on Bungie.net (since I left for lunch, even): there are 3 new themes to customize the look of your Group pages (I'm pretty partial to Halo Babies, myself), and they've got a link up to GamePro's Reader's Choice Awards, now accepting votes (Halo 2 is up for Best Combat/Shooting Game and Game of the Year). Go read! (Louis Wu 19:23:08 UTC)

January 4, 2005 Link to this post

More Auction Madness
The 'sell Halo-related stuff at auction' phenomenon is exploding. Here's what we've heard of in the past day or so:

It's buy, buy, buy! (Louis Wu 14:27:46 UTC)

December 21, 2004 Link to this post

Dawn of the Dead
A custom gametype is sweeping XBL these days - it's big enough that Dolbex felt the urge to write up a description of it yesterday over on MLGPro.com (and call it 'the most fun I have had on Halo 2 yet'). It's known variously as 'Dawn of the Dead', or 'Zombie', or occasionally something close to that. Dolbex gives a quick summary of the rules. The first mention of this game I can remember seeing was almost a month ago, by Salandarin on our forum - this isn't new, it's just becoming popular. Give it a try! (Louis Wu 13:38:24 UTC)

December 6, 2004 Link to this post

I haven't seen THAT for a while...
Pcsme found a truly retro Halo-themed logon screen for Windows users at WinCustomize. It's so old, it's new! (Louis Wu 14:20:09 UTC)

December 1, 2004 Link to this post

Enrichenation Schemes Wanted
Wonga. New Letters to the Webmaster over at Bungie.net; along with the usual ridicule and scorn is word of the possibility of customized shirts (emblazoned with your gamertag). Hmm... the ridicule and scorn is pretty fun, too. (Louis Wu 02:38:35 UTC)

November 28, 2004 Link to this post

Halorama Redux
About a year and a half ago, BOLL started creating panoramic views of Halo, using custom-built software and some video-captured footage. He's back... with his first set of Halo 2 Panoramas. At this point, he's using a modded controller to make his life easier, and he's put together a nice little flash interface for viewing the panoramas. We'll add more images as he submits them. (If you don't have Javascript enabled, or Flash installed, you can simply click on the thumbnails to see full-sized versions of the images with no fancy interface.) Right now there are 4 multiplayer strips, and 6 single-player ones (from 3 levels). The Delta Halo strips are GORGEOUS! (Louis Wu 22:24:15 UTC)

November 10, 2004 Link to this post

The Bungie Store has even more new stuff for you to covet. Now, the hotly-anticipated Art of Halo Coffee Table Book has been added, along with a few notepads. Go! Buy! Read! Write! Update: fullbore points out that anybody interested in getting an autographed/personalized copy of this book can buy one through Olympic Cards and Comics, which is owned and operated by Eric Trautmann's wife (Eric, of course, being the author of the book). fullbore said that she's happy to hook up any fans with a copy of the book if they can't make it in to the in-store tourney/book signing happening this Saturday. (He's just a satisfied customer, and has nothing to gain from this info.) This is just an option - you're free to buy anywhere you want (as long as you buy SOMEWHERE, of course.) (mnemesis 19:49:12 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Zanzibar CE - Released
And lest you think all there was to do was read about Halo 2 and look at tons of new media, the Custom Edition Halo 2 team has finally released Zanzibar CE - you can download it off EPGServers or HaloImpulse. It's 22 mb. Thanks to a dozen people who all wrote within seconds of each other. Update: And another one - thanks, VII Toast. (Louis Wu 20:21:11 UTC)

November 4, 2004 Link to this post

Walk of Victory
Finchmeister points out that the Walk of Game voting is over; they haven't confirmed the vote yet, but you can see the current ranking on the website, and the two top winners in the Game/Character section are Halo and Master Chief. Looks like the last minute push might have helped! Unless something weird happens, Halo will live on as a customized, brushed-steel star on the floor of the Metreon in San Francisco. Way to go! (Louis Wu 12:51:31 UTC)

October 27, 2004 Link to this post

B.net pours it on
Nine thousand people noticed the new Top Story at Bungie.net - it's a Dual Wielding guide. Which weapons work together, how to use particular pairs, that sort of thing. First heads-up goes to Swirlfire, who was beaten only by Frankie, it would seem. Every single one of you, however, managed to miss the 7th Column Themes article - there's a new theme builder (HTML template for messing with) for folks who want to customize their 7th Column chapter - except for The Morningstar. (Louis Wu 02:12:31 UTC)

October 22, 2004 Link to this post

EP Game Servers host talks about Halo
There's a short interview with Nathaniel, one of the owners of EP Game Servers, over at BlamDink.co.uk. He takes a decidedly Gearbox-centric view of the development situation for Halo Custom Edition and Halo PC - that is, Gearbox is doing everything they can to help the fans, and the only roadblock is the big bad Microsoft and its left arm, Bungie. I suppose that's one point of view. (Louis Wu 12:30:04 UTC)

October 20, 2004 Link to this post

Chance to win a Yellow Hog
Holly Wright, who owns littleplasticmen.com, a site that sells action figures, wrote to tell us about the HALO Forward Command Center (HALOfcc), a new subsection devoted to Halo, with news, giveaways, and of course, Halo action figures (both current and older). The deal that makes this newsworthy: from now through the end of November, customers will have a chance to win the Halo 2 Yellow civilian 'hog - it's a 'chase figure', which means there's one randomly inserted in every 5 or 10 boxes of toys. (In many places, workers pull the chase figures and sell them on eBay or to friends, and the general public never even gets a shot at them.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 20:52:16 UTC)

October 10, 2004 Link to this post

Yayap.com DS server - Halo CE goodness
DocOctavius stopped by the forum to point out the new Yayap.com Halo CE dedicated server, running 'most of the best Halo CE maps in various gametypes'. The entire map collection can be downloaded from the website - if you haven't played many of the Halo CE custom maps, here's a chance to see a whole bunch in one place! (Louis Wu 22:00:05 UTC)

September 24, 2004 Link to this post

Aussie Halo 2 site a wealth of info
serpx points out the official Halo 2 site in Australia, which has quite a bit more content than the US site. Unfortunately, for most of it, you need to register... and to register, you have to have a geographic address somewhere in Australia. I suppose I understand the theory behind this... but since this content isn't available anywhere else in the world, it seems a bit unfair. Google, however, helps quite a lot when you let it, so Louis Wu now lives next door to the Australian Museum in Sydney. If you're an Aussie, you can enter the Halo 2 competition, which started last week; each week, through October 15, they'll pick the best 25-words-or-less description of what a fan would do if aliens landed on earth; there's pretty nice schwag to win. There's also customized wallpapers for several large cities in AU, news items about MC sightings, and more. Go check it all out! (If you're Australian, that is...) (Louis Wu 12:59:21 UTC)

September 20, 2004 Link to this post

Making the hardware look right
UNEXPECTED62 sent along a few pictures of his Halo2-customized hub - I've picked a decent representative one (26k). Nice work! (Louis Wu 15:02:46 UTC)

September 17, 2004 Link to this post

Desktop Countdown
Tyrian points out a customizable desktop countdown clock called PhanTim3 - it runs under pretty much any flavor of Windows. What makes this Halo-relevant is the existence of a set of 9 Halo skins for the clock; you can use this as a countdown to Halo 2. Freeware. (Louis Wu 10:38:44 UTC)

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