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Search results for theme

Showing results 501 - 525 of 605 matches

July 9, 2004 Link to this post

Not Yet September 19
New Halo Babies comic up. Nautical theme. Avast. (Louis Wu 08:43:55 UTC)

July 8, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Wallpaper theme - you decide
Interesting - zoe, the artist responsible for several of Bungie's coolest wallpaper creations, is asking for fan input on her next creation. She's got a quickpoll up in her Seventh Column chapter, asking 'Which paint job would you most like to see in a 3d render of Master Chief for a desktop wallpaper?' (Choices range from jet black to zebra stripe, with a whole lot in between.) If you want to contribute, go vote! (You don't need to be a chapter member to vote, though nothing's stopping you from joining.) Word about this came from MakaVeli4Life1, a moderator over at the Bungie.net forums. (Louis Wu 10:25:45 UTC)

June 28, 2004 Link to this post

Powertabbed RvB Theme
Skeletor points out a resource for guitarists:

Powertab Editor is a program that makes arranging songs for the guitar easier. Someone made a tab of the RvB theme recently and uploaded it to the Powertab Archive.

If you use Powertab Editor, go grab this! (And then upload your OWN tabbed version of other Halo songs... (Louis Wu 09:40:25 UTC)

June 9, 2004 Link to this post

Halo - The Master Chief
Shrike has sent word about a new Halo track he's created; it's a remix from different parts of the main theme. It's made for listening to while playing Halo - and it works nicely for that! 7:18 long, 8.3 mb big... give it a listen! Update: if you'd like to use this file, please contact Shrike directly. (Louis Wu 16:01:54 UTC)

May 30, 2004 Link to this post

I gotta try that Feckless Cry idea
Red vs Blue has released a bonus vid found on last month's Computer Gaming World cover CD to sponsors; check the Season 2 Sponsors forum for a link. (Non-sponsors; you might still find that CGW on store shelves.) It shows off some of the FAILED concepts they didn't go with, before deciding on the RvB comedy theme. Personally, I think Soldiers with Passion could have gone somewhere... if only they had more women. Thanks to Ross Mills for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:31:38 UTC)

May 18, 2004 Link to this post

Miniature Halo Returns
After a rather long delay, another installment of Miniature Halo has been posted. SESpider has sent page 19 for the collection. He also wanted to point out a Miniature Halo DesktopX theme - you can find it linked to his name at WinCustomize. (Well, you SHOULD be able to find it soon; it's not up yet.) Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 10:20:29 UTC)

May 6, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Desktop Theme
SEspider noticed a Halo DesktopX Theme; if you have DesktopX, check this out! (Louis Wu 12:33:44 UTC)

May 5, 2004 Link to this post

HEK Tutorial - available for all
We received word today from Marc Tardif of Gearbox Software about the ability to distribute the HEK Tutorial. Some European sites were asking whether they were translatable, and others wanted to know whether the color scheme of the pages could be altered. (White on black can be hard on some eyes.) The answer to all of these questions is yes:

The more people who get it the better. I think getting it translated is an excellent idea. My hope is that this document will become a base for more user-created tutorials.

I haven't removed the frames yet - but I DID whip up an HBO-themed version (minor image changes and a new style sheet) - you can see it here. For any sites interested in using the cleaned-up html as a base for translation - you can grab it here, in zipped format; drop in the two image folders, and you're good to go. (The tutorial is included with the HEK download, so if you grabbed that, you already have these folders. If you need them as a separate download, drop us a note; we'll see if we can find the bandwidth for it.) And if you DO write a new tutorial that folks might find useful, send it along; we'll probably host it for you! (Louis Wu 22:53:05 UTC)

April 22, 2004 Link to this post

Fall From Above (You Can't Stop)
There's a new remix of the Halo title theme posted over at Overclocked Remix; it's 4:06 long, and 5.6 mb large. Worth a listen! Thanks to ARUCKSHA for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:28:24 UTC)

April 14, 2004 Link to this post

Rated M For Suggestive Holographic Themes
Halo: Resolution looks at a possible crossover title... nah. (Louis Wu 14:32:41 UTC)

March 19, 2004 Link to this post

Project Halo changes focus
Wow, some big (and somewhat sad) news from the Project Halo team - easiest to simply let them speak:

"It is with deep regret that I inform you that Project Halo is being discontinued, and that the project will be moving to a new name.

    Due to lack of response from Bungie, the project has been halted and we will be redoing some things. We will be dropping the Halo theme for the game and inserting a new story. The project will continue in a way, but with a new name and story line. We can't continue without licensing from Bungie, and it doesn't look like that will be coming. So, we've decided to just make an all new game.

    Thanks to all the Halo fans that supported us, and especially to HBO and the Junkyard for all their support. I hope you guys all follow our game, and thanks again for supporting us!"

I have no doubt it'll continute to be a great project... but I'm saddened by the fact that it will no longer be Halo-related. (Louis Wu 10:03:33 UTC)

March 16, 2004 Link to this post

Soothing the Savage Breast
It's music day as far as Halo is concerned! Rampancy Net posted a 12-page transcription of Enough Dead Heroes (from the Halo Soundtrack), put together by Spencer "Poop Scoop" Anunsen, and we received a guitar tab of the Opening theme of Halo, created by XvShadow. Grab 'em both, and get to playing! (Louis Wu 12:55:41 UTC)

March 15, 2004 Link to this post

Project Halo moves along
There's another Project Halo Weekly Update, posted on our forum. The high point is an early concept of what might become their theme song. Check it out! (Louis Wu 02:03:21 UTC)

March 4, 2004 Link to this post

New Music
Two new Halo songs (three songs altogether) have been uploaded to SexyJosh's website; one is called XBC Halo, the other is Josh's take on Nico's Red vs Blue theme. Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 10:22:17 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

Tina Leyk, Halo Artiste Extraordinaire
A couple of days ago, we got an email from Tim Leyk, who wanted to point out a Halo fan comic created by his sister, Tina Leyk. I visited the site, and was blown away by what I found - she's a fantasy/furry artist, and Fur-lo (her Halo comic) incorporates furry art with Halo themes and not a little bit of humor. The work, quite simply, rocks. Browsing the site, I discovered an entire treasure-trove of Halo-related art, ON TOP of the comic strip - and Tina was kind enough to let us archive her work here so that Halo fans could enjoy it. So here you go: for your viewing pleasure, there's a subsection devoted to Fur-lo, Tina's Halo Furry Fan Comic... and another section devoted to her Halo Fan Art. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 02:52:55 UTC)

February 23, 2004 Link to this post

A Song to Kill By
Here's a Halo Fan Music submission unlike any other we've received... this song comes from Mothergoat, the composer of the Hail 117 Anthem, and while it's Halo-inspired, it's not as obviously based in Halo's themes; it's designed for fan music videos.

Seeing the Oddbrawl video made me realize the Hail 117 Anthem is more theatrical than it is good for constant firefights. So now I bring you "Repeater," a faster-moving overdrive fury with a good pinch of Halo. There's a lot of repetition on purpose. The tune was made as background music for use in fan videos.  Anyone can freely use it by just giving me credit in the video.

It's a 3 mb mp3, 3:20 long, and as Mothergoat says, would probably work very nicely as a backdrop to Halo carnage. You can grab our local copy. (Louis Wu 11:23:57 UTC)

February 19, 2004 Link to this post

Halo-Themed Music
SexyJosh, from Team Sexy Films, has been writing some Halo-themed music recently; there are currently two songs available on his website. Lament to Keyes is a 4-minute ballad, and Cortana is half as long, twice as fast, and a bit ruder. If you like the music, explore the site; there's quite a bit more, non-Halo-related, stuff. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:01:12 UTC)

February 16, 2004 Link to this post

Under The Influence 1 - Spartan and Hobbes
Stuntmutt begins another series of themed One One Se7en strips; the first pays homage to that master of imagination, Bill Watterson. (Louis Wu 15:53:31 UTC)

February 5, 2004 Link to this post

Hard-rockin' Fan Music
Mothergoat of Clan Boomstick, dropped off a pretty cool piece of music he put together. Here's what he says about it:

This isn't any sort of easy remix or anything, this tune was built with full instrumentation from the ground up. Matt Cox (me) of the band Windsor Medium wrote this new theme for Halo, inspired by Marty O'Donnell's favorite melody. I play every instrument heard. NOTE: This is just a 2-minute clip of the 5-minute song it will be soon. I will be adding piano and strings to the final version.

This is the kind of music I want to hear while searching, then bullet-dancing with Gold Elites...with a butt-load of explosions, too.

Go grab Hail to 117 (1.8mb, mp3) and look for that Gold Elite! (Louis Wu 01:22:41 UTC)

February 2, 2004 Link to this post

Halo music used in political video
Mooreburg found a rather strange report - apparently, according to the Palestinian Media Watch organization, the Palestinian Authority is using Halo's theme in a video aimed at promoting the Palestinian cause. Microsoft has made a statement that the use of the music was wholly unsanctioned. If you decide to participate in the forum thread on this subject, please remember that political discussion is simply not allowed on our forum; keep your comments Halo-related, or the thread will end up locked. (The wider topic is pretty incendiary, and we simply don't need it here... we're a game site.) (Louis Wu 19:49:02 UTC)

January 30, 2004 Link to this post

Don't Argue, Manipulate Your Words!
Halo: Resolution continues its Matrix-like theme... but the corn is coming. (Louis Wu 10:38:58 UTC)

January 17, 2004 Link to this post

The Second Coming
Hehe - Bachus pointed out that the latest d+pad (a web comic) has a Halo 2 theme to it. Got a chuckle out of me... (Louis Wu 02:19:14 UTC)

January 7, 2004 Link to this post

Making your life easier, one link at a time
By popular demand, a new link has been added to the left navbar here; one that contains all the comics we host, plus the two biggies we don't. (I'm sure there are others out there - I remember one that Stosh used to do, for example, and Bungie does some awesome ones - but they're not very coherent; the former is defunct, as far as I know, and the latter set doesn't really have a theme.) Hopefully, this will make your life easier, as you only need one hand to navigate to your daily sketched fix. (Louis Wu 00:03:08 UTC)

December 26, 2003 Link to this post

Still Makin'em How They Used To, Eh?
Halo: Resolution finishes out the week with its Christmas theme... and it takes a shot at Razors. Oh, yeah. (Louis Wu 02:06:16 UTC)

December 24, 2003 Link to this post

The Ghost of Halo Present.
The second of Stuntmutt's Christmas-themed One One Se7en episodes is up... and he's STILL taking shots at poor Halo PC. Ouch. (Louis Wu 03:29:02 UTC)

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