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Search results for custom

Showing results 476 - 500 of 721 matches

February 1, 2008 Link to this post

Campaign scoring - your way
MTV's Stephen Totilo wonders if Bungie should let us define the parameters of Halo 3's metagame - what actions are worth how many points. Me? I think you should get 1000 points every time you get killed. I'd clean up. (Louis Wu 18:19:02 UTC)

January 16, 2008 Link to this post

Black is the new Grey
Heh - Bungie hasn't had a 'Black' option in your armor customization choices since Halo - but there IS a 'black' option in the 'Force Colors' team options for multiplayer games. So Gravemind took advantage of it to create a Halo 3 Spec Ops Elite. Nice! (Louis Wu 15:18:21 UTC)

January 16, 2008 Link to this post

Custom Halo Drink Coaster
Wow, nova's got a pretty cool stepsister. She made him a handmade Halo-themed drink coaster - what a perfect place for that Grunty mug! (Louis Wu 15:01:23 UTC)

January 11, 2008 Link to this post

Another Inkblot (and a cool Transformer Auction)
Hawty McBloggy has posted another one of her Rorschach Inblot tests - this one is the heatmap from Epitaph. What does it look like to you? (She also pointed out, as a sidenote, that there's a custom Transformers Halo crossover model up for sale on eBay. The last time we posted one of these, some forum members complained that the workmanship was shoddy, and that the only reason these were selling was because they were front-paged at big Halo sites. This one hasn't been mentioned yet - and the bid's up to $177.50 (with two and a half days to go)... I guess there are other things besides Halo websites driving the demand for these.) (Louis Wu 16:17:15 UTC)

January 8, 2008 Link to this post

Spartans in Disguise
Hawty McBloggy found a Master Chief Transformer on eBay - there aren't any pictures of it in vehicle form, but it's pretty awesome anyway. Go look. Update: DOH! I was too busy to actually follow the eBay link, so I missed all the shots of the transformed MC. Just for me, there's an updated pic in the story, showing the tank version. Thanks, Hawty! (Louis Wu 18:34:00 UTC)

January 8, 2008 Link to this post

Paying people to play
Bungie.net has a news post about a token-based rewards system set up by Clantacular.com - play custom games, win tokens, use the tokens for stuff on the site. I don't know WHAT stuff, really; there's nothing ON the site except a member login. (There are no links to information, no link for a forum, nothing I can find without actually signing up.) That said - if you're interested, swing by and investigate! (Louis Wu 15:12:20 UTC)

January 6, 2008 Link to this post

More discussion of server browsers
Mr. Titan's call for a server browser generated some pretty interesting discussion - but there are two posts, in specific, that you should read. One is from Narcogen - it gives a decent fans-eye view of why a server browser might be a bad thing in the Haloverse... and one is from Achronos, who makes it clear that Bungie has thought about this quite a lot, and the lack of a browser is NOT because they forgot - it's because they decided it didn't make sense. I still think the ability to advertise your partially-full custom game to people outside your friends list (and your friends-of-friends list) would be a cool feature - but I'm starting to see the other side of it, too. (Louis Wu 18:16:58 UTC)

January 6, 2008 Link to this post

Mmm... Green (or Blue)
Hawty McBloggy found a pretty slick Halo-themed case for your Xbox360 - it glows! Check it out. (Louis Wu 18:12:46 UTC)

January 5, 2008 Link to this post

Arguing for a Server Browser
Over at Planet Halo, Mr. Titan is unhappy with the choices he's got for playing Halo 3 online; he wants a server browser, so that he can pick and choose the game he wants to play, rather than be thrown into a randomly-chosen game in matchmaking, or have to work to put together a full complement of players for a custom game. I'm not sure where his claim that Bungie "promised that a public server browser would be implemented in Halo 3 to fill the gap" comes from - I've never heard this promise before - but he's certainly not alone in his desires; this has come up before from players who come from other FPS communities. Go read it - and see if you agree with him. Update: Leviathan came up with the source of the 'promise' Bungie made to include a server browser in Halo 3 - it was a quote made by Tyson Green to EGM in late 2006, and it describes a feature that was clearly cut before release. Thanks for jogging my memory; I DO remember being disappointed when that feature didn't make the final shipping product! (I'm not sure I'd characterize Green's statement as a 'promise' - but the situation points out exactly why Bungie is reluctant to say ANYTHING about the game in production. When discussed features get cut, fans get unhappy.) (Louis Wu 17:48:41 UTC)

January 3, 2008 Link to this post

Master Chief Paintball Mask
Hawty McBloggy found a custom Master Chief paintball mask on eBay - the picture has a bunch of other masks which are cool too, but it's pretty clear which one's for sale. Starting bid is $30 - take a look! (Louis Wu 18:46:39 UTC)

December 31, 2007 Link to this post

Getting Sent Off, Halo Style
Mariachi is getting married this week - and his friends threw him a Halo-themed bachelor party for him. No hot chicks in cakes... but custom medals, and appropriate lessons. Nice! Thanks, JeSteR 343. (Louis Wu 16:15:49 UTC)

December 30, 2007 Link to this post

Recon Armor - worth stealing accounts for
A pro gamer who was awarded Recon armor by Bungie for a pretty cool suicide he filmed has had his account stolen by a jerk who wanted the armor. The story on Joystiq suggests his account was 'hacked', but if you read the thread on Team vBi's forum, it becomes clear that the account was stolen by someone who called up Xbox Customer Support and somehow convinced the person on the other end of the phone that the account belonged to him, and that certain info needed changing. Having had my own personal run-ins with tech support over there, I find this totally believable - and I'm curious to see how this turns out. Hopefully, the upshot will be better phone security for Xbox Live accounts down the road. (Louis Wu 21:24:37 UTC)

December 30, 2007 Link to this post

Trolling the web, so you don't have to
Hawty McBloggy has a whole bunch of goodies to show you; starting off, there's a Master Chief helmet created in Forge. (I thought I'd seen this before - but I can't find it in our news.) Then, she mentions an auction for an item she does NOT want you bidding on - because she wants it. Finally, she points out an auction for a custom Halo 3 Guitar Hero III for the 360. Nice! (Louis Wu 21:10:22 UTC)

December 28, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Hot Wheels
Hawty McBloggy found a customized Halo 3 Hot Wheels car on eBay - it ain't cheap, but it's pretty slick! (I'm not sure, in fact, why it's Halo-themed... but hey, I guess that's where the money is.) (Louis Wu 13:35:56 UTC)

December 26, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 among the top CG events of 2007
CG Society ran a 2007 Retrospective on the best uses of CG in the past year, with decisions being made by community voting. Halo 3 is on the Top 20 list! Not too shabby. Thanks, CHAOS1212. (Louis Wu 15:41:24 UTC)

December 23, 2007 Link to this post

I bet I'm getting a tie.
If you had a really talented friend who was into Halo... you might get Christmas presents like these: a custom-painted controller (check out the brushwork!) and a custom-made Halo action figure, with one of the oddest Weapons of Destruction, ever. Elnea created these for her friend (and ours), OboeCrazy. Are you jealous yet? (Louis Wu 16:14:31 UTC)

December 23, 2007 Link to this post

Show me the money.
Narcogen found a story at Kotaku about a really, REALLY ugly Halo-branded shoe... and speculates that absurd licensing deals might be the rationale behind Microsoft's allowing Bungie to become independent. After all, if Bungie were still fully in control of the Halo IP, would they ever allow the Halo name to be attached to this silly-looking sneaker? Update: Mikey-san points out that the shoe featured in that Kotaku article is fan-made; it's not an official Nike - or Microsoft-endorsed - product. (It was created by a guy who goes by the nick Rebelaire; he's made a number of custom shoes.) While Narc's general point (that it's possible that Microsoft was willing to let Bungie become independent because it meant they could sell the hell out of the Halo name) is valid... this isn't a great example of it. (Louis Wu 15:25:37 UTC)

December 21, 2007 Link to this post

More lady spartans for sale
You might remember a custom female Spartan figure for sale on eBay back around the time Halo 3 launched; the artist is back, with two new versions. One's pink and one's green; they've got different weapons this time out, and they're missing the fishnet tops... but beyond that, they look pretty similar. Bidding starts at $159, you've got a few days. Thanks, bs angel! (Louis Wu 19:13:34 UTC)

December 21, 2007 Link to this post

New Halo Goodies from Master Replicas
J C let us know that Master Replicas has posted their 2008 Product Line Announcement... and there are a number of new Halo items on the list. Go see what you'll be spending your money on next year! (Louis Wu 17:52:47 UTC)

December 13, 2007 Link to this post

Maps and Cannibals at Gamasutra
RotaJota noticed a couple of Halo articles at Gamasutra - both are interesting, though one has lots of meat and the other's just an appetizer. For snacks - an article suggesting that Halo 3 sales caused many, many fewer than expected sales for Stranglehold. (What... mediocre reviews might not have something to do with it?) The main course - a Q&A session with Bungie's Steve Cotton about the thought processes that went into the development of the DLC maps. It's a great read, and might give you some ideas about customization after the fact. (Louis Wu 23:39:55 UTC)

December 10, 2007 Link to this post

Custom-Made Spartan at Urban Art Central
Wow. Mike Carson pointed out a 1/6 scale model of a Spartan, custom-created by Eric Barclay, aka callous. Now, we set up a page for callous' work last year - but we had no idea he was this far along at this point. Check it out! (That page will be updated in the not-too-distant future.) Update: the original article seems to have been posted at figures.com - more pics there! (Louis Wu 20:47:40 UTC)

December 10, 2007 Link to this post

The Little Game who Could
Dennis Powers of Halo Maps, had this to say about Halo Custom Edition:

Even with the Halo 3 game topping all charts the Halo Custom Edition game is still going strong. There are now over 1300 custom maps, over 100 added within the last month and over 500 map variants and modifications of existing maps bringing the total to over 2,850 maps models, mapping tools and map assets available. Halo Custom Edition seems to be the little game who could.

To emphasize his point, he highlighted Checkers, a map that lets you play Checkers in a Halo environment. Weird! (Louis Wu 03:04:44 UTC)

December 3, 2007 Link to this post

Custom Johnson Bust on eBay
This bust of Avery Johnson showed up on eBay today - very, very cool. Thanks, Joerhyno (who either is bidding on it, or just bought a duplicate, I couldn't tell from his email). You've got until tomorrow (or until someone pays the 'Buy it Now' price) to snag it. Update: Joerhyno explained that he bought one of these a few days ago; apparently, there'll be a few altogether, for as long as the mold lasts. (Louis Wu 17:41:48 UTC)

November 26, 2007 Link to this post

Custom Halo and Marathon action figures on eBay
Blayne Scott has created a bunch of custom Halo action figures - he's currently selling them on eBay, because he's moving. Swing by his forum post for links and pics (there's some pretty cool stuff in there!). Near the bottom there's a general link to ALL his eBay auctions; there are a bunch of non-customized Halo action figures for sale, as well. Go see what he's got! (Louis Wu 11:15:16 UTC)

November 25, 2007 Link to this post

I'm not sure that first one should be pink...
Hawty McBloggy found a couple of new Halo 3 themed Xbox 360 faceplates on eBay - go see if your Xbox needs a lift! (Louis Wu 16:33:03 UTC)

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