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Search results for custom

Showing results 351 - 375 of 721 matches

February 12, 2010 Link to this post

Custom Painted Spartan for Sale
Andrew Squires wants to paint you a 12-inch Spartan. Your colors, your choice of details. The auction listing has some photos of work he's done - but what you're bidding on will be your own creation. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 15:28:18 UTC)

December 20, 2009 Link to this post

Halo CE Promo
Kibbles pointed out a promo film made for Halo Custom Edition a couple of months ago - it's pretty slick! Just two minutes long, but shows off a number of great maps. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:44:04 UTC)

December 18, 2009 Link to this post

Halo up your Guitar
Might be a little late for a Christmas present, but Blast (Boston's Online Magazine) has an article about a Guitar Hero controller skin someone made using a Halo 3 screenshot - pretty slick! (GelaSkins will customize a lot of things, from your iPhone to a laptop to your gaming accessories - with art of your choosing.) Thanks to bs angel for getting me to take another look! (Louis Wu 19:19:33 UTC)

December 6, 2009 Link to this post

Everyone has their own spin on Halo
Swing by Hawty McBloggy's this morning for some pretty out-there fna interpretations of the Halo universe: there's a mashup of Mario's Yoshi with the Master Chief (Master Yoshi?), and there's a female custom Spartan action figure that gets close to the NSFW territory. Oh, those crazy fans! (Louis Wu 16:42:21 UTC)

November 27, 2009 Link to this post

Cheapest ODST yet
Halo 3: ODST is available RIGHT NOW as a Lightning Deal at Amazon - $29.99 for a short time more. (You won't see these unless you're logged in as an Amazon customer. If you miss this deal, the regular Black Friday price is $39.99.) Go! (Louis Wu 17:33:19 UTC)

November 11, 2009 Link to this post

Wednesday's Comm Chatter
Bungie's community feed offers you the following tidbits today:

  • 'Beauty of Halo' is a Scenery Screenshot Montage put together by several community groups - pretty pics.
  • 'Whatever' is a tritage (every time I hear 'tage' now, I think of Pure Pwnage's Taji) - Axilo, Magix, and Mick put some of their best clips together to give you a 7 minute montage. (It's totally silent because the audiotrack contained unauthorized music.)
  • The Community Spotlight is being shined on Aberrant Designs - go read about who they are, then check out Bungie Favorites for some of their choicest files.
  • It's been a long time coming - but you can finally buy extra Bungie Pro Render Minutes. What does this mean? It means you can finally render that 30-minute monster custom game you've been holding on to... Minutes are ten cents apiece - no discount for bulk.

Go watch, go read, go buy! (Louis Wu 20:15:33 UTC)

November 5, 2009 Link to this post

Customized ODSTs on eBay
Leviathan seems to be taking over the 'find cool customized stuff on eBay' job from Hawty McBloggy; he's pointed out a pair of auctions you might be interested in. The first is a custom-painted Romeo figure, and the second one is the whole dang squad. Check 'em! (Louis Wu 13:05:13 UTC)

November 5, 2009 Link to this post

Real-life Mongoose for sale in Seattle
Lt Col Hurd won an ATV customized to look like a Mongoose at the Halo 3 Launch Event in New York City two years ago; he's never used it offroad and it's still in mint condition. He needs to sell it - if you're in the Seattle area, it's up on Craigslist right now. He's asking $9000 or best offer - check out the pics! Update: oops, Lt Col Hurd just found this - it's not his. My mistake! (Louis Wu 13:04:31 UTC)

November 5, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie Favorites: ReconLIVE, Week Two
We missed it yesterday afternoon, but Bungie updated their Bungie Favorites page with a second batch of content from ReconLIVE - swing by and read about one of the custom maps, and check out the rest of the goodies! (Louis Wu 13:00:28 UTC)

October 29, 2009 Link to this post

Evolutions Excerpt
CaptainTony noticed an excerpt from Halo: Evolutions at Amazon (the same excerpt is on Macmillan's website, as well) - the typos are likely due to bad OCR rather than horrible editing. Go give it a read! (Louis Wu 14:26:58 UTC)

October 28, 2009 Link to this post

Let's Get Cereal
John_117 let us know about a new collection of clips - nothing spectacular, and the quality's a little shaky... but overall, it makes you want to jump into Matchmaking. (Well, a lot of the clips were from customs, but you get the idea.) (Louis Wu 13:54:40 UTC)

October 27, 2009 Link to this post

Helljumpers Pumpkin... and shoes.
Hawty McBloggy has a very cool ODST-themed pumpkin on her front page today - go check it out! (I haven't looked yet to see if it's been submitted to our Guilt O' Lantern contest... but it would be a real shame if it's not!) While you're over there, check out the pretty slick-looking Nike Dunk Highs that someone customized with a Master Chief... they're expensive, but man, they look good! (Louis Wu 13:43:19 UTC)

October 22, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie has your vids
Comm Chatter video roundup this afternoon:

Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:09:34 UTC)

October 19, 2009 Link to this post

ODST BMW for Forza Pre-Orders
If you read the October 9th Bungie Weekly Update, you saw a pretty cool Halo 3: ODST-themed BMW. Now you have a chance to actually grab that car, from Turn 10 - they're giving away three customized cars to folks who have preordered, and that ODST Beemer is one of 'em. Read this page on their blog for full details. Hurry - you've only got until October 26th! Thanks again, urk. (Louis Wu 16:58:42 UTC)

October 14, 2009 Link to this post

FLAG - Play With Bungie
Hopefully, you've noticed (and checked out) the FLAG (Fight Like A Girl) icon over on the right side of the page - the tournament is coming up this weekend, and the cause is a great one. If you need MORE incentive, they've just opened up a 'Play With Bungie' option - for a $15 donation, you and a friend can play against a pair of Bungie employees in a Halo 3 custom game, or with them in a Firefight game. Playtime is limited to 20-30 minutes, so sign up NOW. Thanks, angel. (Louis Wu 12:55:53 UTC)

October 9, 2009 Link to this post

Friday Afternoon at the Movies
Tons of movies for you today, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter:

Shouldn't take you TOO long to watch all that... (Louis Wu 17:41:54 UTC)

October 3, 2009 Link to this post

Controller mockup actually looks cool
Ben Heck (we've mentioned the guy before) decided to make some custom Xbox 360 controllers for a new movie - and Destructoid has a clip of them in use playing Halo 3. They actually look quite nice! (Louis Wu 15:10:45 UTC)

September 24, 2009 Link to this post

The Pit - in Halo CE
Over at NeoGAF, Botolf noticed that someone's remaking The Pit in Halo Custom Edition - looks great! (Louis Wu 15:38:32 UTC)

September 23, 2009 Link to this post

When Good Companies Go Bad
Whee doggies. Something to watch for, in the future... I pre-ordered two copies of ODST from Amazon back in July. This morning, an unlock code for Sgt. Johnson appeared in my inbox. When I wrote to Amazon to find out where my second code was, I was told that their policy was 1 code per household, regardless of the number of copies purchased. (The promotion is no longer active, so anything that WAS on the page about restrictions has been removed, leaving no way to confirm this. Amazon Customer Service admitted as much on the telephone - but since the original response was generated by Marketing, and since Marketing was involved in the original promotion, they're sticking to their guns.) Nobody needs to worry about ME - Frank O'Connor sacrificed his personal code so that my sons could play as Sgt. Johnson - but for all the other loyal Halo fans and Amazon shoppers who bought more than one copy... we don't think this is right! Let Amazon know that you're not alone - maybe they'll be willing to reconsider. (Louis Wu 23:29:27 UTC)

September 23, 2009 Link to this post

Sumthing lets you enjoy ODST music - the right way
Whoa - swing by Sumthing.com's custom ODST page to listen to full, uncompressed versions (320kpbs mp3s) of four of the tracks on the Halo 3: ODST Official Soundtrack. NICE! (Louis Wu 22:27:14 UTC)

September 22, 2009 Link to this post

Bringin' it back
Botolf posted a bunch of screenshots over at NeoGAF of an ODST-inspired Halo Custom Edition multiplayer map. (The last one is rather poignant.) The map's not available yet, so for now it's just the screenshots - but go look! (It's not his map, he's just posting the pics.) (Louis Wu 12:26:11 UTC)

September 8, 2009 Link to this post

Halo CE and H2V Map Updates
Dennis Powers let us know about new stuff at HaloMaps... The Halo Custom Edition archive jumped by 120 new submissions during August, bringing the total to 4,333 files. Highlights of the new stuff include Maridia (Public Beta) (Metroid total conversion), TM Immolate, and Garden CE (very cool-looking). The Halo 2 Vista Map Archive got 22 new maps, including a remake of Ratrace, another of Hang 'em High, and original stuff like Glass Horizon and Dissemination Beta. Check 'em all out! (Louis Wu 17:35:41 UTC)

August 31, 2009 Link to this post

Halo R6 at MotoGP
Jamal Malik went to the Indy MotoGP yesterday - and grabbed some pictures of an interesting motorcycle at the Yamaha Custom Sport Bike tent. (Side | Front Left | Front Right) Now THAT'S a bike! Thanks to KP for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:06:59 UTC)

August 28, 2009 Link to this post

Wild French ODST - a followup
Kotaku got a bit more information out of Microsoft about the French ODST leak we mentioned Wednesday. Looks like there might have been a 'small breach' in the distribution process. They confirmed that they "will take action against those [they] believe have procured copies of the game illegitimately." (It's unclear how you can consider the purchase of a game at a retail outlet 'illegitimate'... but maybe they're not talking about those guys.) Requests for clarification of the MS France announcement CaLL Me ZeNy posted (stating that those caught playing before the release date would be banned from LIVE) were met with 'no comment'. Update: a further clarification today says Microsoft will NOT be banning 'legitimate customers'. That's much more reasonable. (Louis Wu 11:24:44 UTC)

August 27, 2009 Link to this post

Win a custom controller
Bryan Simon is facilitating a giveaway of a custom-painted controller from The Controller Shop - you just need to make a video explaining why you need this. (His example vid uses Halo 3 footage, sneaking this news in as 'Halo-related'.) (Louis Wu 16:11:29 UTC)

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