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August 26, 2006 Link to this post

Details, Details...
Just a small thing... Psychophan7 noticed a tiny detail about the recently released Halo 2 Vista screenshots; there's been a change in the motion sensor. Other players still show up in red, or yellow, depending on whether they're friend or foe... but now there's also a directional aspect to the symbol. Again - a small thing, but a good example of the level of detail and care taken by the Halo 2 Vista team. Pretty cool! Update: Chris Butcher clarified that the Xbox version was SUPPOSED to work this way, as well - but the pixel shader responsible for the motion sensor blip motion broke before release, and never got fixed. Apparently, LOTS of little bugs like this have been fixed. (Louis Wu 14:16:26 UTC)

August 25, 2006 Link to this post

H2V Gameplay vids from IGN
IGN has some more Halo 2 Vista footage from Leipzig - they call it 'off-screen', which either means 'filmed with a video camera pointing at the monitor', or 'filmed directly off the screen'. (The audio is clearly live, but the video's quite good; doesn't look very 'shakey'. Audio sync on the Midship clip is AWFUL.) You can't see the huge improvements in detail that you'd see if these were, say, 1280x960 vids... but you CAN see the cool smoke effects, and in a few places on Lockout you can see the great level of detail improvements at a distance. (Gameplay is... well, sort of lame. But again, remember, none of these people have played Halo 2 on a keyboard and mouse before.) Thanks to HaloPlanet for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:45:52 UTC)

August 24, 2006 Link to this post

H2Vista section opens at B.net
Bungie has just opened a new section of their website - Halo 2 Vista. There's not much there yet, except a FAQ and some screenshots - but the screenshots are GORGEOUS. I wanna play. (And oh, yeah... up in the top right corner of the site is a new search box. Hint - it works for everything - including the forum!) Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:44:56 UTC)

August 24, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Vista Not Ready for Prime Time Yet
At IGN, there's a short Hands-on piece about Halo 2 Vista from Leipzig - they suggested that the gameplay we saw yesterday WAS using a keyboard and mouse (suggesting that the code in use at Leipzig is NOT from the latest sprint, as described by Matt Priestley on Monday - I suppose this isn't surprising, if you think about it; they probably had to set up the Leipzig content well before now - and that code was reviewed just 5 days ago). On-screen indicators aside, the news from the IGN reviewers is that Halo 2 Vista feels... undone. In fact, they question why it's being shown at all at this point. Interesting... (Louis Wu 12:17:27 UTC)

August 23, 2006 Link to this post

CROSSFIRE's 'Desolate' placed in the top 7 positions of movies that passed the MPRRS - making CROSSFIRE the second machinima creator to have two films in the top 7. It's a sequel to 'Havoc' (which came in third on that list), and it finishes up the story started there with a bleak look at the loss of hope. Gorgeous cinematography, great editing, great sound... this one's fantastic. It's quite long - almost 18 minutes - and weighs in at about 130 mb... but it's worth it. Grab it in WMP9 format (137 mb) or QuickTime format (126 mb). (Louis Wu 02:08:53 UTC)

August 22, 2006 Link to this post

Pinkuh created a new Halo art piece for Laird - this one started out as a simple sketch of an ODST... then it got inked... then it got colored. The final product is pretty slick! We've added it to her gallery here, too. (Louis Wu 21:26:02 UTC)

August 22, 2006 Link to this post

Crimson Halo Gift
Gone all day, starting to catch up... first up, a new movie. MaritalBlaze54 created 'Crimson Halo Gift', a tribute to Clan 0kinawa's Crimson Halo series. It portrays a modder being ganged up on by a bunch of non-modders. The MPRRS reviewers liked the camera angles, the video quality, the editing... they weren't thrilled with the soundtrack. Such is life, sometimes. You can grab this in WMP9 format (31.5 mb) or QuickTime format (34.1 mb). (Louis Wu 03:44:20 UTC)

August 21, 2006 Link to this post

Transmission Episode 0 - The Prologue
FireDragon04 wrote to point out a new movie series he's starting up - it's called 'Transmission', and the Prologue is now up on his site. A prison transport ship diverts from its path to help an ally, and runs into more than it bargained for. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:24:34 UTC)

August 19, 2006 Link to this post

Walshy's Montage - in QuickTime
For lots of people, WMP9 is a difficult-to-use movie type; for those people, we do our best to provide most movies we host (or that we think are worth hosting) in QuickTime format. This is now true with Walshy's montage, released last night (check this MLGPro.com forum thread for lots of download links to the WMP9 version) - we're now offering a QuickTime version of the archive. It's identical to the WMP9 version (it contains the main montage, the Xtra video, and the screenshots of the 3D process), but everything's in QuickTime format. It's also a lot smaller - 126 mb instead of 216 mb. (Movie quality is nearly identical.) Grab this one if you're on a Mac, or would rather use QuickTime for any other reason! (Louis Wu 18:05:55 UTC)

August 18, 2006 Link to this post

Pink to Black
Whoa, bizarre. Back in March, we listed links to ISBNdb.com and Amazon.com for the upcoming Nylund novel, Ghosts of Coral. Following those links today, you find that the info hasn't changed... but if you change the 'com' in the amazon link to 'co.uk', you get to a book listed as 'Ghosts of Onyx' (quick screenshot, in case it changes). A mistake on Amazon.uk's part? Or a slip of an unannounced title? Nice find by Tartarus! Update: looks like he posted it on our forum, as well (forum name of AT-GNaT). Chime in with your thoughts! (Louis Wu 23:39:51 UTC)

August 18, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Treasure Hunt
ManKitten has started up the Second Annual Mankitten's Halo 2 Treasure Hunt. (Last year's hunt can be followed at this link.) Clue one just got posted - there aren't any prizes, you're playing for fun! (Louis Wu 17:38:53 UTC)

August 17, 2006 Link to this post

Jamie Anderson wrote to us about a new website he's started up - it's called GetScrims, and it's designed to match up people looking for games on XBL with others of similar skill level, attitude, etc. Think of it as more in-depth MatchMaking. Interesting concept! (Louis Wu 12:42:57 UTC)

August 12, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Movie (animation)
Some interesting goings-on in our forum over the last day or so... let's start at the top and move down. Feenix noticed a cel-shaded pelican (and Pillar of Autumn) in a fan-made Halo animation on YouTube... fun! (Louis Wu 19:06:35 UTC)

August 9, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Director Announced
Wow... according to Xbox.com, a director has been chosen for the Halo movie... and it's a newcomer. Neill Blomkamp, who has a history of short films and commercial ads, will direct the Halo film as his first full-length big-screen project. Intriguing choice! Cornballer was first to our forum with the news. (Update: Whoops, looks like the Xbox.com page has been pulled. I guess that means that the unconfirmed nature of this bit is now even more firmly unconfirmed. Or something. - mnem) (Louis Wu 16:58:28 UTC)

August 8, 2006 Link to this post

Pink: it's the New Black
Briar's Armor has ANOTHER helmet for sale on eBay right now - starting bid is $200, you've got a week, and this one's bright pink. (And when I say bright, I mean it.) To folks offended by the sight of Halo paraphernalia for sale being mentioned here... apologies. No, we don't get a cut; we just believe there are a significant number of readers who appreciate being told about these. (Louis Wu 19:12:55 UTC)

August 7, 2006 Link to this post

Misc Art - and lots of it
It's been a month since the last Miscellaneous Art update - today's flood includes spectacular images from established community contributors like Edli, Darkneshasfallen, Marathon GTi, plus many, many other folks - both new and old. 30 entries, 36 images. Sketches, paintings, cartoons... I'm thinking it's time to start putting together more individual galleries again. Unfortunately, this does NOT clear out the Misc Art queue - there are still dozens of unposted pics. I'll do my best to put up another batch in the next little bit. (Louis Wu 15:56:19 UTC)

August 3, 2006 Link to this post

Carved Plasma Rifle for Sale
Very nice. AngelicLionheart found a solid oak carved plasma rifle on eBay - starting bid is $150, buy it now price is $25 higher, there are just about 2 days left. Pretty nicely done! Check it out. (Louis Wu 19:33:53 UTC)

August 3, 2006 Link to this post

Caption Contest
Dojorkan kicked off a 'caption contest', in the spirit of the old ones Bungie use to run, on our forum yesterday. Modded screenshot, you write the caption. (No, there's no prize.) Personally, I think this makes more sense on a flat-style forum... but who am I, anyway? (Louis Wu 11:58:39 UTC)

August 2, 2006 Link to this post

A Sales Juggernaut
Well, I think it's a dumb title for a list (the 21st century just started, it's silly to start ranking the top 100 ANYTHINGS in it yet), but it's still saying a lot about the games mentioned; Next Generation has published their 'Top 100 Games of the 21st Century', based on unit sales so far this decade... and Halo (the franchise) ranks at number 2, behind only Grand Theft Auto. Thanks, UberHax0r. (Louis Wu 14:23:28 UTC)

August 2, 2006 Link to this post

Beat me, big daddy - 8 to the bar
c0ld vengeance is back, with a new 3D screenshot (available, as usual, in both standard QuickTime format and QTVR format) - this time it's the Master Chief, laying the smack down on the Prophet of Regret. Awesome pic! Go grab a copy. (Louis Wu 03:36:08 UTC)

August 1, 2006 Link to this post

MediaGamers 2v2 Tourney Redux
High Hat 314 wrote to let us know that MediaGamers.com is back online with the start of the new month; this is relevant because we mentioned a 2v2 tourney they're setting up about a week ago - but they immediately ran out of bandwidth, and folks couldn't sign up. If you were interested, but couldn't get through, go back and sign up now. (Louis Wu 18:14:09 UTC)

August 1, 2006 Link to this post

Straight Up Gaming
Ian White stopped by to point out a new game blog he's started up; A couple of his recent articles discuss Xbox Live, and Halo. (He also mentions that an interview with a Bungie employee is coming soon...) Give it a look! (Louis Wu 14:10:08 UTC)

July 29, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Helmet for sale on eBay
It's been a while since we heard from Briar's Armor - but he's back, and he's got a Master Chief helmet (orange) for sale on eBay. Starting bid is $200, auction runs for another week - take a look! (Louis Wu 01:23:24 UTC)

July 28, 2006 Link to this post

WikiRiot Ep 9
Sigafoos writes to point out WikiRiot Episode 9 - 40 minutes, 16 mb. Lots of Halowiki-related info, an interview with CoB Relevance, and a call for speech submissions (they're looking to start an accent archive of Halo players). Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:29:48 UTC)

July 28, 2006 Link to this post

Development Boredom
Heh - today's Press Start to Play is pretty funny - though it could legitimately be said to contain Halo 2 spoilers. Thanks, Half left. (Louis Wu 13:11:32 UTC)

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