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Showing results 1351 - 1375 of 4250 matches

July 25, 2009 Link to this post

Peter Jackson might be done with Halo
Peter Jackson talked to Joystiq after a screening of District 9, the new Neill Blomkamp-directed movie that Jackson produced. The discussion was mostly about the Halo movie (and the Halo Chronicles project that Jackson was also involved with) - sounds like both projects are toast. (Frank O'Connor has said recently that "the Halo movie is pending development" - but if so, it no longer has Peter Jackson at the helm.) He DID say that District 9 would never have happened if not for Halo (and in fact also wouldn't have happened if the Halo movie had worked out with Blomkamp directing). Thanks to both maximumfear (via email) and RotaJota (on our forum). (Louis Wu 14:39:08 UTC)

July 24, 2009 Link to this post

ODST, through IGN UK's eyes
IGN, too, was present at the UK showing of Halo 3: ODST; they've even got some new screens. (Thanks, Kibbles.) If there are more of these, we'll compile a single-post list. (Louis Wu 18:23:06 UTC)

July 24, 2009 Link to this post

Screenshot Spotlight, from maximumfear
maximumfear has started a 'Screenshot Spotlight' - looks like it's another sort of 'Tag and Release' feature, much like Bungie's, but picked by him. He's got two up right now - Star Wars and Films/Movies 1. (Louis Wu 17:23:40 UTC)

July 24, 2009 Link to this post

Customizing a Legendary Helmet
PsH Bling decided to make his Legendary Helmet a little more personalized; first her removed the plastic liner (so that it fit on his head), and then started in on the paint job (pic 1 | pic 2). He's thinking about adding LEDs soon. (Louis Wu 14:52:26 UTC)

July 23, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Legends - Anime Shorts
The Los Angeles Times has a story this morning about the blending of the roles of Hollywood and the game industry - and it reveals some of the material to be announced at the San Diego Comic-Con later today:

Microsoft is producing seven short films titled "Halo Legends" in the anime style. Five production houses in Japan are handling the physical animation, but Microsoft's creative staff is approving major visual and storytelling decisions, O'Connor said.

You can swing by this LA Times blog post for more details on the project, and a couple of examples of the artwork involved. (The post also confirms that the rumored internal name of the studio, '343 Industries', is indeed accurate.) There's no word yet on when these videos will be shown... or where. Look for much more information to be released later today! (Looks like resplendentvole found this at Kotaku earlier this morning. Our forum seems to be cautiously optimistic, though there is definitely some hatred for anime.) Update: There's an official press release that contains quite a bit more info about the entire project - who's involved, how the distribution will happen, and more. There are also details about a new LIVE feature:

A preview of select "Halo Legends" episodes will first debut on Xbox LIVE, the largest gaming and entertainment network in the world, starting this fall through a new experience called Halo Waypoint. Launching in fall, Halo Waypoint will be a new destination for "Halo" fans on Xbox LIVE around the world. It will inform fans of the latest "Halo" news and activities, and grant access to content ranging from podcasts, trailers and screenshots, to exclusive video footage you won't find anywhere else. It also will provide a new challenge for "Halo" gamers with a career system and player rankings tied to both in-game and out-of-game accomplishments related to "Halo." In addition to the limited, early episode premieres, Halo Waypoint will debut several behind-the-scenes videos that chronicle the making of "Halo Legends."

Look for more info about Waypoint later today, as well! (Louis Wu 12:07:27 UTC)

July 22, 2009 Link to this post

Halo: Reach (a little early)
This is a couple of months old... but I'm just stumbling across it now. BlandKitten whipped up a staged version of the Halo: Reach poster in Halo 3 (his buddy thumbtac posted it on ForgeHub about three weeks ago). Really nice shot! (There are others - rolyaT13 did one, so did ViVo 444, and GearsCarnage M1... but BlandKitten's is my favorite.) (Louis Wu 11:54:43 UTC)

July 22, 2009 Link to this post

Wednesday Comic Update
A few comics for your viewing pleasure this morning:

Go read! (Louis Wu 11:44:30 UTC)

July 21, 2009 Link to this post

Blow out some candles tonight
As many have realized, today is the 10th anniversary of the revelation of Halo at MacWorld 1999 - what a long, strange trip it's been! Update: great retrospective from Bungie themselves - awesome old screenshots, exciting text, and a composite vid combining footage from boatloads of old sources. I've got chills. Thanks, urk! (Louis Wu 21:56:41 UTC)

July 20, 2009 Link to this post

Ur Doin' it Wrong
Most of the 'Tag and Release' features Bungie's released in the last nine months or so have been chock-full of epic screenshots - pictures to take your breath away. Today's iteration looks for pictures tagged 'Fail'... and it's pretty funny. Go look! (Louis Wu 18:25:35 UTC)

July 20, 2009 Link to this post

The Ghosts of Onyx Preview Comic - Page 1
Leviathan and UNSC_Trooper are back with another graphic treatment of a Halo story; this one is a preview of Ghosts of Onyx, and what a great start it is! Take a look. (Louis Wu 11:24:40 UTC)

July 17, 2009 Link to this post

Aesthetic Artist Interview: odmichael
jdars and Team Pepto are back with another Aesthetic Artist Interview - this one's a little different. It spotlights odmichael, Bungie Forum Ninja by day, screenshot maestro by night (remember, it's ALWAYS day or night SOMEWHERE) - but for the first time, it's video-based, rather than a text interview. It's sort of huge (nearly 200mb) - but there's an audio-only version if you'd rather. And screenshots. Cool screenshots. Go watch/listen/see! (Louis Wu 17:01:05 UTC)

July 17, 2009 Link to this post

Broken In - Ken Taya
The latest Broken In article on Bungie.net went live yesterday afternoon - Environment Artist Ken Taya discusses what he does, how he got started, and what you should know about salmon sperm sacs. (Louis Wu 12:59:52 UTC)

July 16, 2009 Link to this post

He certainly LOOKS crotchety...
Yesterday, a whole bunch of new accounts were approved at NeoGAF, and a flood of new people started posting in the Halo thread there. Flipyap immediately proved his worth by posting pics of a cool hunting trophy he got for his birthday. (I have no clue at all what that has to do with hunting... but I'd love to put it on my wall anyway. Seems like other HaloGAFers would like to do... something else with it.) (Louis Wu 21:18:29 UTC)

July 14, 2009 Link to this post

Summer Mythic Recon Challenge Help - Covenant Kamikaze
You might remember that last Friday, we mentioned that Tyrant's Summer Mythic Recon Challenge Episode V was active, and that v2.0 of his Covenant Walkthrough was available for your perusal, to help with this task. Well, now it's Tuesday, and you've only got a few more days - so if you're one of those procrastinators, you might find yourself without enough time to polish off the longest Halo 3 level in the game. Never fear - Tyrant's got your back, still. Covenant Kamikaze is yet ANOTHER walkthrough of the level, this time showing you some shortcuts that, while dangerous (usually something to avoid when death means starting from scratch), can save you quite a bit of time, and allow you to finish the entire level in under an hour, on Mythic difficulty. (Louis Wu 13:23:45 UTC)

July 11, 2009 Link to this post

HaloScreenshots - another look
Escapist Magazine put up a short review of the HaloScreenshots printing service (because of a blog post they found at Offworld, who in turn found it on another blog - I guess word is getting around) - if you haven't made up your mind about these pics, give this a read. (Louis Wu 13:48:41 UTC)

July 9, 2009 Link to this post

Hush, darling... they'll be gone soon.
Getting a late start... sometimes, you're just not near a computer. Hawty McBloggy sent word of a video that should make you giggle... as long as your boss isn't watching your shoulder. (Mildly inappropriate behavior - obviously fully clothed, since it IS a Halo vid, after all - is contained herein.) (Louis Wu 17:15:19 UTC)

July 7, 2009 Link to this post

The last three Mythic Maps - an early view
More goodies from Bungie - there are some screenshots from the three new multiplayer maps that will ship with Halo 3: ODST. Go check out Heretic, Citadel, and Longshore! (Louis Wu 16:50:03 UTC)

July 7, 2009 Link to this post

Play to Win
Bungie Day starts in less than 8 hours - at 1 am PST, the first batch of Bungie employees will be online to meet you in battle in the Bungie vs the World playlist - and for 24 hours, you'll have lots of chances to win Recon. Swing by Bungie.net for a full roster of the players that will be headed out to battle during each hour-long shift. (Louis Wu 00:29:07 UTC)

July 6, 2009 Link to this post

Aren't They ALL Art?
It's monday, so it's time for another Tag and Release feature on Bungie.net - this one looks for images with the tag 'Art'. MAN, Halo 3 lends itself nicely to gorgeous screens... (Louis Wu 17:42:55 UTC)

July 5, 2009 Link to this post

Celebrating Independence, the Halo Way
Hawty McBloggy pointed out a screenshot that was pretty appropriate yesterday, along with some fan art. Happy 4th! (Louis Wu 16:19:12 UTC)

July 3, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie Weekly Update - Up Early
Bungie's taken Friday off to enjoy the July 4 weekend - but they put up a Weekly Update all the same. Lots of screenshots of maps that will be part of the Bugnie Day playlist, plus important news for those of us who haven't actually PAID for Bungie Pro (if you got it free with the Mythic Maps, today is your last day). Go read! As always, a local copy can be found in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 19:14:51 UTC)

June 30, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie.net Stats Maintenance
Bungie.net stats are offline today, for a short time, starting soon. (If that sounds vague, blame urk.) Just maintenance, though - don't get all excited about new features or anything. Update: urk wanted to point out that it was actually Achronos who posted that vague note, not him. Way to man up, urk. (Louis Wu 16:21:34 UTC)

June 29, 2009 Link to this post

2v2 tourney starting in July at iGames
Servando Pena let us know about a multiweek Halo 3 2v2 slayer tournament being hosted by iGames (an organization of LAN gaming centers) being held on Thursdays around the US. The regular season starts on July 2, and the playoffs start 6 weeks later (August 13). More details can be found at the iGames website. Servando's center, Evolution Games, is participating - if you're in the San Antonio, TX area, stop by! (Louis Wu 19:35:28 UTC)

June 29, 2009 Link to this post

A Sangheili's War Is Never Over - the Conclusion
Leviathan seems to have gotten tired of the 'one page every few days' release schedule of his graphic novel-ish story called 'A Sangeili's War Is Never Over' - he released the last four episodes all at once today. (Episodes 8 and 9, with a recap from episode 7, are in this forum post... and episodes 10 and 11 are in this forum post.) This really was a fantastic story - great plot, amazing artwork. If you've missed it, start at the beginning (links are in the first post)... if you've been keeping up, read the end! (Louis Wu 17:20:32 UTC)

June 29, 2009 Link to this post

Tag and Release - HSSBOB
The Tag and Release feature released today uses 'HSSBOB' as the flagged term - it's screenshots submitted for HaloScreenshots.com's Best of the Best competition. Check out the images urk came up with - and then search the tag yourself, for even more goodies! (Louis Wu 17:17:22 UTC)

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