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April 11, 2011 Link to this post

Bungie All Stars - Week 14
Don't have a star for your Halo: Reach nameplate yet? Don't worry, Bungie's kicked off Week 14 of its All-Stars contest - it focuses on Hunters. Screenshot one, draw one, whatever - but get urk a Hunter by Thursday night and you're in the running. (Louis Wu 19:42:32 UTC)

April 9, 2011 Link to this post

Still more from the GAF upstart
...and... more from Hitmonchan. Halo: Evolutions is up for an Audie (the Audiobook industry's equivalent of the Oscars) in Science Fiction/Fantasy. BenStreeper is building a Reach armor suit out of Fedex boxes. justCrafted wants your clips for a community montage, and has a teaser to show you what he'd do with them. And My Gamer Connections is offering a chance to play Reach with MLG Pro Ghostayame. Go soak it in! (Louis Wu 21:00:48 UTC)

April 9, 2011 Link to this post

Now available in Gruntivision
Rockslider has decided to make his original videos (same screensize, but larger filesize, smoother animation) available from his site. Check his forum post for details! (Louis Wu 20:55:14 UTC)

April 9, 2011 Link to this post

BWU For Me and You
Bungie once again provides us with a lovingly crafted weekend-readying reward for making it through the Monday-Thursday grind. The Weekly Update contains some knowledge nuggets regarding chess, PS3 hiring, and world-changing wristbands. Top it off with some gorgeous Covenant-themed backdrops and a fun Blame Stosh, and you've got yourself a kickstart to Saturday, mojimbo. Also available in Inverted Contrast Edition. (GrimBrother One 04:18:18 UTC)

April 8, 2011 Link to this post

JointOps interview with Certain Affinity
Andrew Derksen let us know about an interview with Certain Affinity's Bill Fox and Adam Crist on a recent JointOps podcast. (The podcast is "Call of Duty" themed... but there's plenty of discussion about Halo products CA has built.) The interview starts at 20:43 in the 90-minute podcast. (Louis Wu 14:50:49 UTC)

April 7, 2011 Link to this post

Pano Pano on the Screen...
Unique Name posted a bunch of new panoramas - some real gems in there! Update: Unique Name pointed out that they're NOT panoramas, for the most part - they're enhanced screenshots. Doesn't change the fact that they're gorgeous. (Louis Wu 16:16:28 UTC)

April 5, 2011 Link to this post

The Mark V Brigade
Shotgunchief and her buddies started with similar helmets. They're something more, now... (Louis Wu 15:05:34 UTC)

April 4, 2011 Link to this post

Bungie All-Stars: Week 13
Annnnd... it's time for another shot at a Star nameplate. Bungie's All-Stars Contest is up to Week 13 - and this time around, they're looking for cool Campaign screenshots. Go read all the rules at B.net! (Louis Wu 17:51:31 UTC)

April 2, 2011 Link to this post

The Adventures of Koko Bear Chapter 1
kokobear (who used to upload here as Jamie98s) is back with 'The Adventures of Koko Bear Chapter 1', a very different sort of Halo machinima. In fact, Halo doesn't even make an appearance until three minutes into the video. (World of Warcraft's model viewer helps out at the start.) I'm pretty sure hallucinogens were involved in the writing of this machinima - but the end result is oddly compelling. Will Koko survive his meeting with the Watermelon King? You'll have to watch the next chapter to find out! (Louis Wu 16:01:26 UTC)

March 29, 2011 Link to this post

Halo SPD: Flash Part Two (Bonus)
Speaking of Halo SPD: Flash, Hedgemony released a bonus four pages this morning on this latest work - it's content that fits better at the end of yesterday's release than it does at the start of next week's offerings. Plus, it's some fantastic Falcon imagery. Go read! (Louis Wu 11:07:50 UTC)

March 28, 2011 Link to this post

Campaign Unfrigginbelievable Guide
So, if you want to earn a medal that's nearly unearnable - the 'Unfrigginbelievable' medal in Campaign - RC Master wants to help. He's put together a tutorial guide that can show you what you need to do to get to a place that ALLOWS that many kills in Campaign. (There are other locations - the start of LNoS, for example - where enemies are unlimited... but not many where ammo will hold out, and none that will bring that many kills to you in so little time.) Amazing! (Louis Wu 19:57:53 UTC)

March 28, 2011 Link to this post

Bungie All Stars: Week 12
Feeling sad because you still don't have a star next to your name in Matchmaking? Don't fret - you've got another shot; Week 12 of Bungie's All-Stars contest went live this morning. Snap a wallpaper-worthy screenshot (touchups are legal, apparently), and you could win that fabled nameplate. Check the B.net post for all the details! (Louis Wu 17:53:46 UTC)

March 28, 2011 Link to this post

RvB Season 9 Trailer Now Available
Just to remind you, the trailer for Season 9 of Red vs Blue is now up and available for viewing by anyone, in beautiful not-caught-off-screen glory. If you were looking to try and fit in a few more minutes of EPIC in your day, you might want to click that link. Just saying. Go. Watch. Now. (GrimBrother One 17:37:30 UTC)

March 28, 2011 Link to this post

Fleshing out the Halo guard change
Over the course of March, we've a few snippets from an interview with Frank O'Connor posted at CVG - this started almost a month ago, and continued last week (here and here). It looks like the full interview is out now. Am I reading this right? We'll probably get a Grunt plushie this year? Oh, my stars... (Louis Wu 13:24:11 UTC)

March 26, 2011 Link to this post

Red vs Blue Season 9 Trailer
If you were at PAX East on Saturday, you might have had a chance to see the trailer for Red vs Blue Season 9, at the Rooster Teeth panel. If you WEREN'T there, you could have seen lousy off-screen recordings of this shown on YouTube... but a far, far better choice would have been to wait until today. If you're a Rooster Teeth sponsor, the trailer is up now. If you're not, you'll need to wait until tomorrow (for registered RT site users) or Tuesday (everyone)... but trust me, it's worth it. Simply amazing, where they've come from, and where they're going! (Thanks to MoltenSlowa for starting a discussion thread on our forum.) (Louis Wu 18:22:48 UTC)

March 24, 2011 Link to this post

Documenting Future History
Stephen Loftus continues in his quest to eradicate all low-res understanding of Halo signs - there are almost two dozen new images up in his Signs collection here today. In case it wasn't clear, Stephen recreates these himself, using vector tools, starting with the low-res versions you can find in-game. "Fueder Construction"? I have NEVER seen this sign in-game. And I'm not sure I ever read all the instructions surrounding Optican MediGel - but I really want 5-minute healing on my current wounds... go see what else you can find. (Louis Wu 14:29:34 UTC)

March 24, 2011 Link to this post

Giant Mega Bloks MC at Toronto WWC
nam was at the Toronto Wizard World Convention, and saw some pretty cool stuff from Halo Mega Bloks. The embedded images he included don't show up (the site doesn't allow deeplinking), but you can follow the link he provided to a lightbox slideshow, or browse more conventionally by starting here, and just navigating forward using the page numbers at the top. (Halo shots are on Page 28, and then 30-36.) (Louis Wu 14:27:03 UTC)

March 24, 2011 Link to this post

Halo SPD: Flash Part One: HOME
Hedgemony posted a teaser for his next comic series, Halo: SPD last night around 12:30 am Eastern... and then posted the first part of the series itself 8 hours later. I guess Hedge doesn't believe in long teases! There are already 21 pages online (start at the linked post above and just keep going forward), with Part 2 coming next week. A really interesting story so far, and the artwork is fantastic! (Louis Wu 14:26:07 UTC)

March 23, 2011 Link to this post

Waypoint Wednesday Will-Call
If you're lax about visiting Halo Waypoint, never fear, bs angel has your back. Stuff you might have missed this week so far:

Go explore; there's tons more. (Louis Wu 21:35:03 UTC)

March 22, 2011 Link to this post

CruelLEGACEY sez: help me make my montage!
CruelLEGACEY is running a new contest - take a cool screenshot, and if he likes it, it'll get used in the next Fails of Reach Fan Fails vid. More details on his site. (Louis Wu 15:21:49 UTC)

March 21, 2011 Link to this post

TSD Sunday Night Fights Vol 1: Double Troubles
Last night, Team Schooly D held the first iteration of Sunday Night Fights (promotional poster visible here) - Foregunners took on Team NartFOpc in an epic best-of-5 competition. If you missed it live, Schooly D announced that the stream replay is available for viewing now. If you just want to watch the action, start about 10 minutes in. Definitely entertaining commentary! (Louis Wu 14:59:15 UTC)

March 20, 2011 Link to this post

RT Goodness at Waypoint
Halo Waypoint's got a couple of great videos from PAX East 2011 - first up is the Grifball panel. (Four segments long, almost a full hour of Grifball goodness - nobody will believe it, but it's me that bs angel is waving at at the very start...) Video 2: The Rooster Teeth panel, in five parts - an extremely well-attended discussion of what's been, and what's coming. There's tons more at Waypoint - I can't even keep up any more. The Weekly Wrapup will help... but really, you just need to explore. (Louis Wu 23:00:49 UTC)

March 20, 2011 Link to this post

Elders.TV Tourneys - starting soon
Elders.TV is kicking off a new Tournament series on March 25 - that's next Friday. Swing by their website for full details! (Louis Wu 14:51:10 UTC)

March 16, 2011 Link to this post

Halo Marathon for Child's Play
We heard from Joshua Stark, the manager of Frags Out Of Love - this group is currently running a Halo marathon for charity. They started this morning, 8 am MST, with Halo - and they're going to continue through Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and Reach. They're expecting to be playing for 40+ hours, and money collected by watchers will be donated to Child's Play. Swing by their website to follow the live stream - and toss 'em a few bucks! (Louis Wu 21:39:45 UTC)

March 15, 2011 Link to this post

Goin' Mobile
Bungie.net stats are now available on your mobile phone - check out the new screens in this preview article, and then log in with your smartphone! (Louis Wu 14:13:23 UTC)

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