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May 11, 2004 Link to this post

There was a ninth. You couldn't have known. I haven't forgotten.
Once again, webmasters have neglected to account for nosy viewers. If you look through the new Halo 2 screenshots at Halo2.com, you'll find that they BEGIN at image02.jpg. Like any good Bungie fan, Mr. Zarquon substituted image01.jpg into the URL... and found a ninth, unlinked Screenshot. (We've archived a copy here, in case it gets yanked.) It's even a nice shot - not sure why it wasn't released. Update: Wow, interesting - terd monkey found ANOTHER new one there; they've left out the ODST pic, and included this one, instead. Odd! (Again, a local copy in case it's pulled is here. (Louis Wu 09:29:37 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Videos to fill your hard drive
The saturation coverage continues; Gamespot has a 235 mb version of the Halo 2 demo from the Press Conference available for Gamespot Complete members. (They've also put up their own 'Impressions' article.) IGN has put up a 340 mb WMV raw feed of the entire conference itself (minus a 5 minute parody show that MS wouldn't let them film) for Insiders. IGN's Halo 2 media page contains 5 new short movies - low-res WMV versions for the masses, hi-res QuickTime for Insiders. I'm sure there'll be more - but this is a reasonable start. (Remember, ALL of this stuff is shakeycam footage. Some of it is very GOOD shakeycam footage - but it's not direct feed. That won't come until later.) (Louis Wu 09:02:46 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

No silly title necessary
At the conclusion of Microsoft's press conference, a ton of new Halo 2 content hit the net. Firstly, Bungie.net has 8 new screenshots from the Zanzibar level being shown off at E3. Secondly, there's some info on the Halo 2 Limited Edition, which was only just revealed at the event. Thirdly, TeamXBox was the first site to post a shakycam video of the Halo 2 portion of the event, which is available in 4 parts here. That ought to keep you all busy for a while :P (Count Zero 06:19:39 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

November 9th
IGN is first out of the gate with a hefty preview of Halo 2. They start off the article with, surprisingly enough, a "firm" release date of November 9th. The rest of the article is so much info, I think my head exploded... and I only made it to page 2.

I don't even know where to begin to tell you about the massive wealth of information provided in this article... so I won't. All I can say is go read this article! (3of9 03:33:16 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Lots of goodies, coming soon!
The Microsoft Press Briefing from E3 kicks off in about 5 minutes; all the really good stuff will be shown here, first. No, we weren't invited. However, SketchFactor posted a note at B.net a few hours ago, promising lots of goodies as soon as it's over:

As soon as the briefing concludes we'll have our finger on the 'submit' button ready to unleash a barrage of screenshots and new information. Stay tuned!

There's also some juicy info about what's coming over the course of the week - go read the whole thing! (Louis Wu 01:54:03 UTC)

May 7, 2004 Link to this post

BGH The Comic
Eep - Battleground: Halo started its own comic a few days ago, and I missed it. Check out the lives of the BGH staffers... or something. (Louis Wu 17:47:35 UTC)

May 6, 2004 Link to this post

The Bungie Community - yeah, it rocks
Ever wonder where Bungie came up with the idea for the 7th Column community site? Well, Frankie sat down with the primary stooge- erm, mastermind, Max Hoberman, and got the lowdown, which he then wrote up into a story for Bungie.net. Then he attached a great interview with Miguel Chavez, Bungie's Number One Fan and the Master of BS... and the combination makes a great read. Just in time for next week's Fanfest IX (dang, they're starting to look like Superbowls or something), get nostalgic and see where the Bungie fanfest got its roots! Thanks to Zig-Zag for noticing. (Louis Wu 21:14:38 UTC)

May 6, 2004 Link to this post

Getting new data into HCE - a summary
One of the big 'gotcha's so far with the HEK is the lack of ability, out of the box, to export new data from 3ds max into a format that the HEK tools can read. The HEK comes with a version of the Blitzkrieg exporter (the file that does the translation work) that works with 3ds max v5.x. Yesterday, Gearbox released exporters for 3ds max 3 and 4; you can find these at Cortana.org on either the Quick Downloads page or the Tool File Downloads page. However, there are still two groups left out; those using the newest 3ds max 6 (Gearbox has said they're willing to consider creating a plugin if the demand is high enough, and a thread has been started on the Gearbox forums to provide evidence of this demand), and those without the cash to buy a copy of 3ds max at all. Last year, Gearbox said they'd do their best to create an exporter for gmax, discreet's free 3ds max-derived creation tool, but there's been no word of that recently. However, all is not lost; Xzzy, a longtime Bungie fan and a prominent creator of HaloPC tools, posted a note last night that suggested that he's not too far from creating the plugin himself. (He's out of town for the next week, so it won't happen right away, but he sounds pretty optimistic about the possibilities.) In the meantime, baldactor, a mod on the Gearbox forums, has posted a thread with info on how to get hold of a 30 day trial of 3ds max 5, for those who WANT Max, don't already have it, and can't find anything but 6 right now. Whew! Does that sum up the mess at this point? Update: I missed this thread; Scott Velasquez of Gearbox says he'll be 'looking into adding 3DSMax 6 support in the near future...' Good news! (Louis Wu 09:53:43 UTC)

May 5, 2004 Link to this post

So I'm lookin' through the uploads folder, and there's this huge movie, and the name rings a bell. Someone named Mike just sent an email about it. Half the guys I know are named Mike... could be anyone. So I grab it and I start watching it, right? And it's a little slow... another black-and-white legendary thing... I'm thinkin' I've seen too many of these... oh, good, there's some color. Okay, so he's playing through pieces of the game, big deal, why am I was—hey, he's pretty good with that plasma pistol! So my son wanders into the room, and we watch him take down a few elites with nice snipershots. And then there's this balls-to-the-wall jump-out-of-the-banshee attack on a Wraith. Cool. Something's tingling, though - I've seen this style before. About the time we watch The Best Gold Elite Kill Ever, I'm scrabbling back through my email, trying to place this guy. Hmm... random AOL address, nothing's jumping to mind. The Steel Trap is definitely rusted. A quick search... Mike Miller sent in two of the best vids we've seen (In Too Deep and Winning Isn't Everything), and now he's taken the hat trick with Legend. 30 mb, QuickTime format, 8:32 long. There's a copy at Mythica, too, just because I haven't stressed Brian enough recently. You gotta watch this, just for the outtakes at the end. And that elite kill. (And the pair following it.) And Mike - I'm really sorry I didn't recognize the address. Though I must say, having the movie unfold like that was worth not knowing. Update: We've got 4 mirrors to tell you about for this film - Coerce.net has mirrored it, as has clarksbrother, in three places (here, here, and here). If our main sites begin to lag, grab a mirror! (Thanks, guys!) (Louis Wu 00:19:50 UTC)

May 4, 2004 Link to this post

Best Shot - Taken!
The Gimme Your Best Shot contest for best HUDless screenshot, over at Halo Zone, has been won - check their front page for the top dog and the runner-up. Thanks to XLNC for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:06:43 UTC)

May 4, 2004 Link to this post

Dos and Don'ts
Yesterday, Red Loser did a great job of summarizing the Enkidu saga to that point. Today, he updated to account for the newest terminal (first noticed, it seems, by anoncreativeguy). There's plenty of Enkidu speculation spread throughout our forum, and other forums... but if you're confused, this is a pretty good place to start. (Louis Wu 19:11:59 UTC)

May 4, 2004 Link to this post

HEK Tutorial - in readable HTML
Gearbox will be releasing Halo Custom Edition and the Halo Editing Kit very soon. In preparation for that event, Gearbox and Bungie released the HEK tutorial to a couple of websites so that fans could get a look at what they were up against, and maybe get started on external stuff. Unfortunately, the HTML of the original release was... well, shakey. Depending on which browser you decided to use to view it, you got somewhat random views of some sections. I've put in a solid chunk of work to make this package clean - I haven't removed the frameset (which is, I suppose, the next step), but these docs will look pretty similar on any browser now, and (maybe more importantly) will look mostly like what their authors intended them to look like. It's coded to be a standalone document; that is, I could zip up the directory and make it available for download, and folks would be able to use it nicely offline. I'm not sure we have the bandwidth for this right now (It's a 40 mb package), but we'll think about it. In the meantime, peruse what's there, and get ready for the release of HCE! (Louis Wu 18:44:03 UTC)

May 3, 2004 Link to this post

Update Archive up to date
We've added last Friday's Bungie Weekly Update to our Archive; you can use it to learn that Frankie's only mentioned Dave Candland twice since these started. Is this because Dave's work is secret, or because Frankie doesn't find User Interface progress very interesting, or because Dave spends most of his time surfing the net for Soffish porn? You decide! (Louis Wu 18:49:52 UTC)

April 30, 2004 Link to this post

Halo + PGR2 = Fun
WhiteRaBbit pointed out a fun Halo/PGR 2 composite he found. Adam Daniel pointed to a different thread on Bungie.net - started by the image's creator himself. Nice work! (Special mention goes to blinkmetoys, in the Bungie thread, who noticed it might be photoshopped.) (Louis Wu 18:50:05 UTC)

April 29, 2004 Link to this post

Motor Gulch
Dominator has whipped up a Motorcycle mod for Halo PC; there are currently screenshots and a movie on the Halomods forums. (The actual model hasn't been released yet.) The movie is large (33.5 mb, .rar-compressed), and duplicates footage... but overall it looks pretty nice. First notice of this goes to The Guardians, 3 days ago. (Louis Wu 12:38:09 UTC)

April 28, 2004 Link to this post

Late Update
Eep - forgot to archive the Weekly Update this week; it's now in our database. Remember... when you're looking for Paul Russel's contribution to Halo 2, this ain't a bad place to start... (Louis Wu 16:10:16 UTC)

April 27, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot contest
Halo Zone is having a Screenshot contest - win a headset if you're good enough! Check out the details on their main page. (Louis Wu 19:37:09 UTC)

April 26, 2004 Link to this post

Monday Morning Reading
Starting today, individual stories will not be listed in Fan Fiction updates; we don't do it for other sections, so it seems unreasonable to continue taking up such huge swaths of front-page real estate. That doesn't mean you should stop reading, though - there are 17 new pieces for you today. Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 14:02:30 UTC)

April 24, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Tech Discussion
Two and a half years ago, a thread started up on the gdalgorithms mailing list about some technical aspects of Halo. The original post looks at some of the achievements of Halo, and speculates how they came about - it's really well-written, at least from this layman's perspective. Some of the responses are just as interesting. I've no idea how on-the-mark any of these people are... but it's a great discussion. Thanks to Doggone for digging this out for those of us who missed it the first time around to see! (Louis Wu 13:08:26 UTC)

April 21, 2004 Link to this post

Why Doesn't This Happen?
One One Se7en asks a question that's puzzled me since I first started playing Halo... (Louis Wu 16:24:31 UTC)

April 20, 2004 Link to this post

Artwork - finally
I'd like to preface this post with a huge thank-you to the folks who have submitted content to us and have waited patiently for it to appear; the past couple of months have been pretty rough in that respect. Today marks the beginning of a turning point, I hope... I'm hoping to have the Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper queues cleared by this time next week. (I can't release all the backlog at once; there's simply too much of it, we couldn't handle the load.) I was going through the Misc Art queue this morning, and I noticed that while there were dozens of pieces, a few stood out; they were more than modifications of existing screenshots or hastily drawn sketches, they were pieces that showed the care taken to create them, and the love of the game that inspired them. (This is NOT to say that the remaining pieces are a waste of time, or are shoddily done - it's just that with this big of a pool, I didn't want the outstanding pieces to be buried.) I'm therefore breaking with tradition and posting what I consider to be the 10 most impressive Miscellaneous Art pieces in the queue, rather than going in chronological order (as we usually do). From this point forward, we'll revert to our normal pattern... but right now, I wanted to show off these 10 pieces. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 17:29:35 UTC)

April 19, 2004 Link to this post

Homefront and Gearbox Gathering, all at BGH
Couple of interesting, totally unrelated newsbits over at Battleground: Halo this weekend; I'm finally catching up. They've started a Weekly Update for Homefront, the Battlefield: Vietnam mod, and the first one is a doozy (lots of cool pictures). They also link to a couple of threads on the Gearbox Forums (this one and this one) containing writeups and pictures from this weekend's 5th Anniversary Gearbox party. (No real Halo content there, but interesting to put some faces to names...) (Louis Wu 16:29:26 UTC)

April 19, 2004 Link to this post

And To All A Good Knee
Blackstar has written up a nice thank-you to KP and his family, and put a couple of image galleries online, of yesterday's Knee For All lanfest. I'm sure there'll be other writeups and pics coming - but this is a good start! (Louis Wu 00:18:08 UTC)

April 17, 2004 Link to this post

Vultures with an attitude
Very nice find by Ben Swinbanks... there's a new screenshot over at Bungie.net. MC... vs a pair of brand-new jackals. I'm guessing that in motion, that plastic-seeming look will just seem... mean. (And mean they look. Not friendly in the slightest.) (Louis Wu 01:51:55 UTC)

April 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Orbit looks at that screenie
DOH! Halo Orbit, A German Halo fansite, published their own analysis of the third multiplayer Halo 2 shot yesterday... and I never got back to it. :( Sorry about that! If you read German, check it out! (Louis Wu 13:35:07 UTC)

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