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August 21, 2004 Link to this post

More German Shakeycam Stuff
Demden, from Halo Orbit, sends word of another shakeycam vid from the Leipzig gaming event, this time filmed (and hosted) by Game7. Again, screen glare is a major problem, but they did a decent job of showing many of the options available in this build (as well as showing off some spectacularly bad gameplay in the second half). WMP9 format, almost 5 minutes long, 27 mb large. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 22:41:57 UTC)

August 21, 2004 Link to this post

Now all we need is a wolf.
Ducain continues his 'I'm-gonna-get-hogs-EVERYWHERE-on-SC' campaign, with a movie showing how he managed to get three (THREE!) warthogs across the Shaft in Silent Cartographer - along with himself and a marine. WOW. (He started, nicely, with a teaser, letting people guess how he took the pic - but I wasn't around until the entire shebang was finished.) For those who don't like WMP9 (linked in the forum post above), I've made a QuickTime version as well. (Louis Wu 15:53:00 UTC)

August 20, 2004 Link to this post

And all with one figure. Wow.
Plasmanator continues the Action Figure Megabattle series started yesterday by Mintz08 - there was a funny one last night, and a pretty dang impressive one today. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:30:44 UTC)

August 20, 2004 Link to this post

Shakeycam vid from the Leipzig show floor
Marc, at Halo Universe, points out a movie they're hosting - 10.6 mb, AVI format) recorded via shakeycam at the Games Convention in Leipzig (where Halo 2 is available to be played by the masses). Screen glare is a bit of a problem... but Halo 2 is Halo 2, right? Check it out! Update: full-bore points out a BitTorrent link for the same footage. (Louis Wu 14:09:28 UTC)

August 19, 2004 Link to this post

Big-Screen Halo
Wow - a movie theater in Logan, Utah has set up a permanent weekly Halo tourney, making good use of their giant screens for some sweet gameplay. Not a bad way to bring in a little extra money! Thanks to Team Overkill (w00t! Halo 2 is coming, they're visible again!) for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:07:30 UTC)

August 19, 2004 Link to this post

The PR onslaught begins... with a whimper
Hmm... Alex Cross got his hands on the long-awaited OXM Holiday Preview Guide... and he was disappointed. Yes, there's a large spread on Halo 2 - but to him, it seemed like a rehash of existing info, and there weren't any new screenshots. (The leaked shots currently making the rounds will likely show up in the October issue, due on newsstands on September 7.) It's got plenty of information, and if you're looking for a mag that compares the various games due out for Christmas, this would be a great buy (it is, after all the Holiday Preview Guide) - but if you're specifically looking for Halo 2 info, it looks like you won't find it here. Go read Alex's post for more details. (Louis Wu 12:13:46 UTC)

August 18, 2004 Link to this post

Yet again - Leak Policy at HBO
To the folks sending us links to the Halo 2 screenshots currently making their way around the net: these are leaked shots, not meant to be shown to the public yet. We understand that it's really, really hard to put the genie back in the bottle... but (as has always been the case here) we're going to respect the wishes of the property owners on this one; we will show no picture before its time. (Those of you who remember Orson Welles, raise your hands.) We will not be posting the pictures, or links to the pictures, until they're SUPPOSED to be out, and we will be removing links we find in our forum. We're not trying to make your life miserable, or kill your buzz - Bungie didn't want these images out in the public yet, so we're respecting that. If you really MUST see them, they're out there - just don't ask us where. Thanks! (Louis Wu 11:54:23 UTC)

August 17, 2004 Link to this post

What to do when you're bored
scottisonfire pointed out a thread at halomods containing a useless but entertaining trick - a couple of guys lined up 50 hogs in a row, and fired a rocket through the window gaps of all 50. The rocket was slowed down enough that an obvserver, riding along on a ghost, could follow it. The biggest problem? It's huge. It's a 33.5 mb MPEG-encoded vid - even compressed in .rar format, it's over 20 mb. I re-encoded it as a QuickTime vid; it's only 10 mb now, and at that size, we're willing to host it. So you can grab the smaller (filesize-wise, not screensize-wise) version at mythica.org, or the original (as long as its bandwidth holds out) from the Chaos Legion server (link is in the Halomods thread). (Louis Wu 15:09:46 UTC)

August 17, 2004 Link to this post

Zoe Says Goodbye
There's a spectacular new wallpaper creation by Zoe, Bungie's Contract Artist whose time is wrapping up, over in the Bungie.net Wallpaper section. The story of how it came to be (and how it's NOT a Halo 2 screenshot, but a concept art piece created by Zoe's masterful hand) can be found on the B.net front page. It's gorgeous, and it's available in everything from 800x600 up to a doublewide 3200x1200. Check it out! We're gonna miss you, Zoe. Thanks to all who pointed it out - looks like Shaun Goo was first. (Louis Wu 12:58:51 UTC)

August 15, 2004 Link to this post

Dead Babies on Film
(GT)Juggler put together a nice reminiscence of the Dead Babies lanfest held in Connecticut recently; it's 4:15 long, 32 mb big, in QT format. You can grab copies from either Mythica.org or files.bungie.org. For the record - though my name appears on a number of scoring screens, I wasn't present... though the video makes me wish I had been. LAN flavor, gameplay, modded levels... this one had it all. Check it out! (Louis Wu 04:29:12 UTC)

August 14, 2004 Link to this post

Don't try meleeing with that...
E.D.P. points out a thread he started on the HaloPlanet forums, showing off a LEGO Battle Rifle he built. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 10:22:36 UTC)

August 13, 2004 Link to this post

Comics, Comics, More Comics
Today's One One Se7en looks at those annoying British grunts (and a new Halo 2 feature). Halo Babies continues the storyline with Mister Chief and a wimpy MC (and while you're there, check out the Avatar contest launched today on their forum). And Sector 7 has a new episode of Marines - these guys need some help. Big time. It's like the Sunday paper, only on Friday, and on the web. (Louis Wu 12:46:00 UTC)

August 9, 2004 Link to this post

Adventures in Distaster launches
Boxer has started a new comic, called Aventures in Disaster. The first episode, 'Location, Location, Location' is hosted by akba. Boxer says there'll be new strips every Monday and Wednesday. (Louis Wu 17:10:50 UTC)

August 8, 2004 Link to this post

Sunday Funnies
Light, light news day - how about some comics? There's a new sprite-based strip up over at the newly-opened 7th Revolution, called Halo: On Vacation (be sure to look around a bit when you're there), and Sector 7 has put up its next episode of The Marines - or should I say, has been taken over by ANOTHER internet phenomenon? Enjoy this Sunday! (Louis Wu 16:04:56 UTC)

August 2, 2004 Link to this post

Spec Ops - The Tru7h.
Stuntmutt shows where the new Halo 2 Elite troops come from in today's One One Se7en. Personally, I'm starting to wonder about that boy - where DOES he get his inside info? (Louis Wu 13:44:19 UTC)

July 31, 2004 Link to this post

How Stupid ARE People, Anyway?
Some moron is selling the domain name 'ilovepees.com' on eBay, claiming it is guaranteed to generate 1 million hits in the first week, due to the popularity of the ilovebees.com site. Starting bid is $1,000 and the Buy It Now price is $50,000. Personally, I have to say... if this actually sells, I hold out little hope for the human race as a whole. Thanks to Starman343 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:52:01 UTC)

July 29, 2004 Link to this post

Short People Got No...
Bah. Looks like Warbow got one last Calvin and Halo into the queue before he left for the summer - and I missed it on Tuesday. It's posted now. When you play a game, you should always think the rules through before you start. (Louis Wu 12:27:46 UTC)

July 29, 2004 Link to this post

The Case for Switching
MasterGrief points out an 'Advertisement Campaign for Halo CE' over on the Halomods forum. In actuality, it's a video made by Aztec showing gameplay on Fissure Falls - but who am I to argue? Available in high and low resolutions (bizarrely, the screensize of the 'low-res' version is larger than that of the 'hi-res' version, though it DOES have a lower bitrate). DivX-encoded .avi, 11.2 or 14.7 mb, depending on the version you grab. (Louis Wu 12:17:48 UTC)

July 28, 2004 Link to this post

Hi-Res Screenies, collected
Halo Zone has posted a collection of ultra-hi-res screenshots; while most have been available from other sources (the 1920x1080 screen grabs from the Halo ad are new), they haven't all been in one place before. If you want multi-thousand-pixel Halo 2 goodness, and you couldn't be bothered to scour the web for these... visit Halo Zone, and grab them all in one place! Update: Eep - apparently this site attempts to install a suite of spyware when viewing, including Bargain Buddy and Internet Optimizer. If you're viewing it on a Windows box, beware. Sorry about this. Thanks to P78 for the heads-up. Update 2: Problem fixed - ads removed. There should be no more trouble, according to Funkmon. (Thanks, Funkmon!) (Louis Wu 09:55:07 UTC)

July 27, 2004 Link to this post

More 'cel-shading' stuff
Dang it - I just found the beginning of this news post; I started writing it yesterday morning, but must have gotten distracted. Stupid bees... Captain Spark continues his cel-shading-like manipulation of Halo screenshots; he posted a pair that are actually the same shot, with different coloring. Very cool, if you ask me. (Louis Wu 18:21:02 UTC)

July 26, 2004 Link to this post

Screen Grabs from Hi-Res Trailer at Kikizo
Kikizo.com has put up a bunch of very nice screengrabs from the Ad trailer - they're listed as 800x600, but most of them are 1280x720, with a few that are 800x450. Very nice quality. (Louis Wu 19:13:05 UTC)

July 25, 2004 Link to this post

Pretty Pictures
Because of the massive flood of bee-related speculation, our forum has become relatively useless for Halo discussion. (Can you tell that I'm not convinced of the long-term relevance to our community of this whole event|phenomenon|game?) There are interesting posts that are getting buried. Say, for example... this one, from Captain Spark. He took a few more HUDless screenshots of the Spec-Ops Elite skin that Xavier built, and then did some basic image manipulation to them. The end results are pretty cool; I'd put them in the Miscellaneous Art queue, except that 1) he didn't present them that way, 2) they violate the posting rules for that section, and 3) you wouldn't see 'em for a while if I did. So check out the forum post, and enjoy these 'cel-shaded' elites! (Louis Wu 15:13:39 UTC)

July 23, 2004 Link to this post

Do Covenant Get Tans?
Normally, I'd just tack this on to the other comic roundup... but there's been a lot of news since then, and folks might not look down there. Sector 7 has posted another episode of Marines. You gotta hope they're not really that dumb... (Louis Wu 20:15:35 UTC)

July 22, 2004 Link to this post

A Tribute to RvB
Wow - that's unique. ][-][awaiian pig has taken the Megabattle screenshot technique in a new direction - he's reproduced 'set pieces' from Red vs Blue episodes. Don't think I ever would have thought of that one... (Attention to detail is amazing.) (Louis Wu 13:48:46 UTC)

July 21, 2004 Link to this post

The Fusion of Art and Technology
WOW. Xavier, a newcomer to HBO, pointed out a new skin he created, based on some fantastic Tina Leyk artwork, posted at HaloMC.com. (There was some trouble earlier getting to that forum, so if you can't see his post, he started from this picture, and ended up with this guy (a second pic is here). A local copy of the ppf is available here (145k). To apply this, grab a copy of Extion's HHHT application (a local copy is here, 532k) and apply this ppf to your copy of bitmaps.map (in the MAPS folder). From here on out, any instance of a Spec-Ops Elite (they occur naturally on Two Betrayals, Keyes, and the Maw, and can be injected into any OTHER level) will now have this skin. I took a couple of pics (one | two) after the cafeteria on the Maw - they're not great, but it was a way to see how easy it was to get this skin into the game. I gotta say... this rocks. All around. (Louis Wu 22:04:10 UTC)

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