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October 13, 2005 Link to this post

Statistics tracker updated to 2.31
Darkphibre dropped by our forum to announce that Halo Statistics v2.31 has been released. The newest version has the ability to delete players, set up batch downloads for multiple players, and set a start date for downloads. If you've got a PC, give it a look! (Louis Wu 14:08:25 UTC)

October 11, 2005 Link to this post

corpseguy's MC helmet - finished and lit
We heard from corpseguy again this weekend - he's finished the helmet he started a few months ago. You can see all the pics he's sent us on this page. Pretty slick piece of work! (Louis Wu 17:48:40 UTC)

October 6, 2005 Link to this post

Jackson Fever
There's news all over the net about the Peter Jackson/Halo situation. Tempus Fugit found a small video clip (WMP9, 12 mb) where Jackson, at X05, made a statement about how excited he is, over at Jeuxfrance.com. Spitvalve scanned the front page of the Dominion Post, Wellington's biggest newspaper, where the Master Chief takes up a HUGE chunk. (There's an online version as well, at Stuff.co.nz - thanks, Paradice.) And News.com.au has an article that has some quotes Donna Langley, Universal's production president, discussing how the Halo movie might be easier to bring to the big screen than the Doom movie was. (Thanks, DunnyPanMan.) I always get nervous when ANYTHING gets this much hype - it's hard to live up to unreasonable hype - but my guess is, things will settle down eventually, and then we'll see what we see. (Louis Wu 13:21:40 UTC)

October 5, 2005 Link to this post

Of Lords, and Pawns
The Register has a slightly different spin on the 'Peter Jackson as Exec Producer' news than other sites have shown so far - they're wondering if Jackson isn't just window dressing, 'more for the poster than the creative input'. While it's possible that this might have been on Microsoft's mind, there are a few things to remember: Jackson's a fan, so it's unlikely he'll sit by if a totally crap movie is being made on his watch; with Jackson (and wife Fran Walsh) comes their special effects studios - WETA Workshop and WETA Digital - meaning that the environment, at the very least, will be spectacular; and Bungie themselves are quite excited about Jackson's involvement - if it were only a publicity stunt, I've no doubt that we'd hear grumblings about it from the dev team. The other tidbit of note about this article is that it was written by Tony Smith, a name that longtime Bungie fans might recognize - he's the man behind the Origin of Species series of maps for Bungie's earlier game, Marathon, a project that won almost universal acclaim... this is a guy who loved Bungie deeply back in the day. He doesn't want to see this go wrong, any more than the rest of us do. Thanks to Matt Warner for the heads-up. Update: Reuters has an article on the situation, as well - and it actually includes quotes from Jackson (something most other articles are missing). Jackson says that his excitement let him and his wife to become "creative godfathers" on the film - this would suggest a non-hands-off approach.

"As a gaming fan, I'm excited to bring 'Halo's' premise, action and settings to the screen with all the specificity and reality today's technology can provide," Jackson said. "Fran and I are intrigued by the unique challenges this project offers, and we're delighted to be working again with our friends at Universal, and with our new ones at Fox and Microsoft. I'm a huge fan of the game and look forward to helping it come alive on the cinema screen."

This doesn't sound like a guy who's on board for the poster... thanks, mnemesis. (Louis Wu 18:48:57 UTC)

October 5, 2005 Link to this post

New Halo maps for FarCry: Instincts
Halo Underground has posted notes about a couple of FarCry: Instincts maps - Beaver Creek, and now Backwash. There aren't any screenshots, but there is info in the Backwash post about how to connect and download the map. If you're playing FarCry - give it a look! Thanks, Rapter Payne. (Louis Wu 17:51:20 UTC)

October 5, 2005 Link to this post

Theo Prins - our newest featured artist
We've added yet another Gallery Page - this time for a newcomer to the Halo art scene by the name of Theo Prins. His first piece made it into our last Misc Art update... but since then, he's been sending quite a bit, and I'm really taken with it. I decided there were enough featured artists that it was time to create an 'HBO Gallery' page, and remove the individual links from the 'Hot Pages' list on the right. Hopefully, the fact that the art links are one level down won't stop people from exploring them! Start, right now, with Theo's page. There's some mind-blowing stuff there. (Louis Wu 03:21:14 UTC)

October 2, 2005 Link to this post

Metal Gear Solid (Halo Style)
Wow. Jamie98s has put up a bunch of movies over the last four months - but this one might be my favorite. It's called Metal Gear Solid, and it's (as might be expected) a story starring Solid Snake, from the MGS series. Jamie's plot description: "Solid Snake is deployed to a secret miltary base to disarm a nuclear warhead and destroy a top secret project known as Metal Gear." Audio is from MGS, video is all Halo (with a few special effects thrown in). Fantastic job - simply fantastic. It's rather large (107 mb in WMP9 format, 100 mb in QuickTime format), because it's rather long (32 and a half minutes), so we're starting it off as a BitTorrent download. You can grab the WMP9 torrent or the QT one - your choice. We're also providing quite a bit of seed bandwidth (2000 kB/sec per torrent), so downloads should be speedy, and should STAY speedy if early downloaders leave BitTorrent open after they've gotten a copy. In a day or two, we'll provide direct download links, as well, for folks who can't handle BT. Enjoy it - I sure did. (Louis Wu 22:17:16 UTC)

September 30, 2005 Link to this post

Zombie Flood
Gamespot has put up a new preview, new screenshots, and new videos for Stubbs the Zombie (the 'Do the Zombie' vid featured at the top of the preview is hilarious) - go check this stuff out. I can't wait to drive around in the sod-o-mobile! Thanks, Wort Wort. (Louis Wu 12:39:01 UTC)

September 30, 2005 Link to this post

This Gaming Life
3Suns ran across This Gaming Life, a collection of gaming screenshots with added captions. There are lots and lots of Halo ones - and some are quite funny. (Louis Wu 12:30:12 UTC)

September 28, 2005 Link to this post

I Love Bees, Reordered - Parts 7 and 8
Two more episodes have gone up in Webshift's reordered I Love Bees audio files. Things are starting to get crazy - go listen! (Louis Wu 15:19:03 UTC)

September 25, 2005 Link to this post

The Cult of Red Vs. Blue
Tom's Hardware Guide posted a nice article about Red vs Blue yesterday - it talks about how they got started, and where they might be going. Thanks to Spideroptics for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:55:32 UTC)

September 25, 2005 Link to this post

Stubbs coop gameplay - watch it now
Coolness. IGN has posted a split-screen coop gameplay vid for Stubbs the Zombie; I see a rocket launcher, I see a jeep. The interface is wonderfully campy - this puppy looks to be FUN! Thanks, Rampancy.net. (Louis Wu 15:14:18 UTC)

September 23, 2005 Link to this post

Stubbs the Zombie - double the fun!
mejp44 noticed an article at TeamXbox about Wideload's upcoming Halo-engined game, Stubbs the Zombie - they've added split-screen 2-player Coop. Now you can zombify Punchbowl... with a buddy! (Louis Wu 16:47:56 UTC)

September 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 3 - from a fan
Chris Bryan finished a short (12 second) hallway scene of wholly original work; the render took 37 hours to complete. ('Wholly original' means he built the Master Chief model himself; he has no tools for extracting the in-game model.) There's no sound, but the video is simply gorgeous - amazing lighting... watch it for yourself. QuickTime format (2.3 mb) | WMP9 format (2.8 mb). (Comments can go in this thread he started last night.) (Louis Wu 13:08:02 UTC)

September 19, 2005 Link to this post

Strategy Guide Blog
lAbsolutel has started up a Halo 2 Strategy blog - you can find his suggestions on a variety of weapons in the first few posts. Comments can go here. (Louis Wu 20:22:00 UTC)

September 18, 2005 Link to this post

Briar's Armor For Sale - Green This Time
Eep - I missed this a couple of days ago! After the success of the sale of a blue version, Briar's Armor is selling a green Master Chief outfit. There are only 4 and a half days left in the auction - starting bid, again, is $1500. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 14:27:56 UTC)

September 16, 2005 Link to this post

Outpost Coagulation Ep 9
After a pretty long down period, Outpost: Coagulation has another episode up for download. Episode 9, 'Two Betrayals', is a long (10:09, 83.9 mb, in WMP9 format) piece, following ostracism of the Juggernaut Elite, and his subsequent capture by the Humans. There's one more episode left in season 1, and then they'll start filming Season 2; they've got the scripts done already, they just need voice actors. (If you're interested, drop them some email.) Thanks, trigger119. (Louis Wu 13:18:13 UTC)

September 14, 2005 Link to this post

I should print that... for my nephew
Wow. ManKitten posted a bunch of scans from a coloring book he made in one of his illustration classes last year. They're just from screenshots - but they're beautifully clean. I'm lovin' em. (I'd love to see the hi-res versions he mentions...) Update: ManKitten sent along those higher-res scans, and I've posted the whole lot in a single post; swing by to see what's worth grabbing! (Louis Wu 02:56:20 UTC)

September 12, 2005 Link to this post

Goatacular Map Pack
mothergoat's been around for quite some time, and has garnered community respect both for his mapmaking skills in HaloCE, and for his musical abilities (do a search in our news database for some of his Halo-related works) - he's back, with more of both. The Goatacular Map Pack includes 3 new maps, created with the help of some of the bigger names in the HaloCE community - he's posted descriptions, screenshots, walkthrough movies, and the new musical piece that accompanies them. Go grab the lot! (Louis Wu 15:00:16 UTC)

September 11, 2005 Link to this post

Securing the Perimeter
It seems that my news catch-up is going to need to wait until this afternoon; there's too much family stuff to handle this morning. Before starting the carpentry and gardening, though, there are a couple of video bits you should watch. If you're a Red vs Blue Sponsor (signups are available again - $10/6 months will get you all the goodness), you can grab Episode 60, 'Fight or Fright', is available for download. (That link will work for the public soon - probably tonight or tomorrow - but we won't be posting another link for it, just keep an eye on it.) The writing just continues to get better - I'm loving this season. Go watch - you know you want to. (Louis Wu 14:03:43 UTC)

September 9, 2005 Link to this post

Bootstrap Boon is an HBO Helljumper who put together a long (21:39 long) story called 'Oddball' - it uses footage from a couple of multiplayer maps coupled with dialogue from the Dialogue Databank, all wrapped up with nice background music, to tell the story of a Spartan/Covenant conflict. It passed the MPRRS recently, so you can grab copies from our server. Warning: the original WMP9s are a bit off, aspect-wise. I asked BootStrap's brother about fixing this, and got no response - so you'll have to live with the problem. Also, the low-res WMP9 has screwed-up audio at the start - again, this is unfixable by me. The QuickTime versions (both low and medium res) do not have either of these problems. Grab the one that makes the most sense to you (please be gentle, these are huge, and we don't want to be poor next month):

Pretty ambitious work! (Louis Wu 07:56:33 UTC)

September 9, 2005 Link to this post

Video Games Live - Redux
The Video Games Live tour, originally set up for this summer but delayed because interest was too great for some of the venues, is getting ready to kick off again; it starts in Seattle on October 29, with 27 additional tour dates to be announced soon around the US. There's an official trailer, in both WMP9 and QuickTime formats - go watch! (Louis Wu 07:17:33 UTC)

September 8, 2005 Link to this post

Briar's Armor - now for sale
Looks like Briar's Armor is finished - you can find it for sale on eBay. Starting bid is $1500 (reserve is not yet met), auction has a week to run. Remember - you can get closeup views of this armor at briarsarmor.com! (Louis Wu 00:10:18 UTC)

September 6, 2005 Link to this post

Astounding Cool Flash Maps
Duke87 writes to point out some really slick maps over at MatchBox360 - they're Flash-based, and can be used to plot strategies, learn placement for weapons or important features, and more. The more you play with 'em, the more goodies you'll find. (There are a few maps missing - because they don't have any way to get overhead images of them; if you can help, drop 'em a line.) While you're there, stop by the main page - these guys run a UK-only Halo league, and they've just started recruiting for their second season. (Louis Wu 13:33:25 UTC)

September 4, 2005 Link to this post

Lego Halo
Apparently, someone's making a Halo movie... using Lego bricks. You can find details (including pictures and a teaser poster) in this thread on Brickfilms.com - a trailer is coming soon. Thanks, Steve Davies. (Louis Wu 13:14:55 UTC)

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