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January 5, 2006 Link to this post

VV says Halo 2 tops in 2005
Yesterday, the Village Voice posted their picks for 'Best Video Games of the Year'... and Halo 2 is on it. (I tried to find their 2004 list, but I wasn't successful - I was curious to see if Halo 2 would have been on that one, too.) (Louis Wu 17:32:18 UTC)

January 3, 2006 Link to this post

Abnormality 2
DigitalPh33r has put together a machinima called 'Abnormality 2', which tells the story of some unofficial Spartan augmentations, and what can happen when things go wrong. It's really well-filmed, has a solid storyline, and decent acting - the only downside is that the video quality isn't fantastic. Unfortunately, the raw video files have been lost, so we have what we have. This video passed the MPRRS last night, so we're hosting both the original WMP9 version (720x480, 49.6 mb), and a smaller (500x333, 56.4 mb) QuickTime version (screensize was shrunk a bit because I just couldn't get decent quality for a conversion at the larger size). Regardless of image quality, this one is DEFINITELY worth watching. Go grab it! (Louis Wu 20:10:11 UTC)

January 3, 2006 Link to this post

Press Start To Play.
Ross Mills found a couple of Halo-related strips at the Press Start to Play webcomic - you can find links in his forum thread. (Louis Wu 15:43:38 UTC)

January 3, 2006 Link to this post

It's a Nicole Morning.
Dead or Alive 4's unlockable Spartan has been the subject of quite a bit of scrutiny recently... Major Nelson posted 22 new screenshots (thanks, Capt 0bvious), though they look better if you stretch them back to 4:3 aspect ratio, instead of the 16:9 he posted them at, and Jeux France has a 75 mb MPEG-encoded video of gameplay (thanks, Tempus Fugit)... but for me, the highlight was Dan Chosich's romp through Nicole-land. Once again, he shows some pretty amazing talent as he puts Nicole through her paces, in a truly stylish way. You gotta watch this one. He created a couple of H.264-encoded QuickTimes, and one Sorenson 3-encoded QuickTime - I added a mirror for the larger QT7, as well as a decent Sorenson-3 version, and a watchable WMP9. Grab the version that works best on your computer - and check out Nicole's moves against a variety of opponents. (Louis Wu 15:38:44 UTC)

January 2, 2006 Link to this post

Nicole In Action.
Hellion points out a video at Youtube showing Nicole, Spartan 458, in action in Dead or Alive 4. 7 minutes long, 17 mb big, Flash format (it's Youtube, after all). Quality is a little shakey (filmed off a TV screen, looks like, but you can get a decent sense for how the level looks, and how Nicole fights. (I'd have loved to see how she fares against OTHER characters, as well...) (Louis Wu 17:45:59 UTC)

January 2, 2006 Link to this post

Matt is L337.
An inauspicious beginning for 2006... down for a day with stomach flu. Seems like it's over, though, so here we go again! To start with, Eegs002 posted a note on Saturday about a comic his friend does, called 'Unfortunately Sober'. The December 28 episode was Halo 2-related. Go read! (Louis Wu 17:13:58 UTC)

January 1, 2006 Link to this post

Happy New Year - Step away from the computer!

I had meant to post this a few minutes before midnight, but festivities here at home prevented me from doing so.

All of us here at HBO wish all of our friends and family the very best for a bright and fruitful new year.

In what I would like to consider a tradition started back at the end of 2003, we will shut down the forum for a few hours. Those of you forum monkies will have no choice but to interact with your loved ones and think of the coming 12 months and all the goodies that might swing our way.

Clink a glass of champagne for me, willya? :) (Ding 05:31:16 UTC)

December 31, 2005 Link to this post

Old images, revisited
Interesting. Slith points out a 'Covenant Mystery Ship' from the bridge screens on the Pillar of Autumn; there are representations of two types of Covenant vessel, and one looks similar to the CCS-class cruiser (the Truth and Reconciliation is of this class). The other is... squatter. The T&R-style ship can be seen in this in-game screenshot (I couldn't actually find it on a cutscene), and the 'mystery' ship is nicely represented on this high-res screen released by Bungie several years ago. Looks sort of like a Halo 2 boarding craft to me... what do you think? (Louis Wu 14:18:52 UTC)

December 31, 2005 Link to this post

One Hundred Percent Unexpected
Pinkuh has updated her Lost the Lead comic - and this one is Halo-related! YAY! (There's no way to link directly to the comic page... this link will get you there, until she posts another one, and then it won't any more. But if you're visiting after this post went live, you're looking for the 12-30-05 strip.) Great artwork - but hey, that's to be expected. (Louis Wu 13:38:30 UTC)

December 30, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Stats on your Google Homepage
oil has created a module for Google's personal homepage - you can read about it, see screenshots, and find install links in this forum post. Nice! (Louis Wu 15:21:29 UTC)

December 30, 2005 Link to this post

4v4 tourney in Ohio
You know the holiday stuff is getting to you when you start missing stuff. Scooter, from Game Junkie, posted a note on our forum yesterday about an upcoming tourney at his store in West Chester, OH, on January 21. $100/team to get in (this goes up a couple of days before the event), minimum of $800 in cash and prizes. There's a web page with more info. (Louis Wu 14:51:39 UTC)

December 29, 2005 Link to this post

Halogen Update
It's been about five months since we mentioned the Halogen project - a Halo total conversion for C&C Generals. Patrick Dalire sent us a note to go look - and I gotta say, it's looking pretty impressive these days! You have to go through the news posts one at a time to see new renders and screenshots - but it's worth it, there are some amazing ones. Here's hoping they turn on the sections of the site that would let you browse through all the units in one place! (Louis Wu 13:46:30 UTC)

December 27, 2005 Link to this post

The Biggest Halo FFA... Ever.
Dyslexia wrote up a powerful 2-page narrative covering the 550-person FFA that started off MLG Chicago - it makes me wish I had a computer that could access VoD, so that I could WATCH these matches. Give it a read... and if you're on a Windows PC, sign up for VoD and see how they do it. Awesome stuff! Thanks once again to 3Suns. (Louis Wu 15:43:58 UTC)

December 24, 2005 Link to this post

The FireDragular Christmas Map Pack
FireDragon04 points out a thread over at the Gearbox forums, announcing a map pack he's released for HaloCE. Swing by, check out the screenshots,a nd download The FireDragular Christmas Map Pack! (Louis Wu 14:31:00 UTC)

December 22, 2005 Link to this post

Easiest way to make a new logo...
Heh. In Surfers Paradise, in southern Queensland (east coast of Australia), there's an attraction called 'Spacewalker' - their website, as noticed by lightinfantry, uses an image that is rather familiar to most of us here. (I've taken a screenshot, on the off chance that any legal interest generated by this news post actually makes them alter the site.) You gotta wonder... do people just think that something as big as Halo is simply public domain at this point? (Louis Wu 14:23:39 UTC)

December 21, 2005 Link to this post

This is what VoD is for.
Several members of 2old2play showed up at MLG Chicago last week - and Joel "doodirock" Albert wrote up their experience for the website. It was a pretty doomed attempt right from the start... but they made the best of it. Thanks to doodi and DSmooth for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:53:57 UTC)

December 21, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Zero, Revisited
I was gonna let this one go... but everyone and their brother is writing about it, so I guess I need to say something. A couple of days ago we mentioned that Halo Zero, a fan-made sidescroller, was #10 on Gamespot's most popular game list. Yesterday, it shot to number 1 - and it's still there today. The reason I didn't want to say anything is because you're seeing synergistic feedback in action - the game is very high on the list of most popular games (and it's the only non-commercial game there), so people visit the page to see what it's about... which raises its popularity, which makes MORE people go look at it, and so on. It's a fine game - a pretty impressive effort for a fan-made product - but it's not the best game on the planet, and the expectations that are being built because of its position on Gamespot's list are unfair. (There are lots of forum threads over there about how crappy this game is - which it's not... until you start comparing it to Metal Gear Solid or GTA3 or WoW.) So: it's really fun that it's gotten to the top of the Most Popular list... but at this point, folks need to let it fall off again, or nobody will EVER enjoy it. (Louis Wu 18:46:11 UTC)

December 20, 2005 Link to this post

Hang 'em High... FEAR it.
spookie1337 has begun importing Hang 'em High into the F.E.A.R. engine - you can see a bunch of screenshots in this thread on the fearmaps.com forum. He pointed the project out on our forum here. (Louis Wu 14:18:22 UTC)

December 20, 2005 Link to this post

The Omen
Merecatfish pointed out that he's got a new HaloCE map available for download - screenshots can be seen in this Gearbox forum thread, and the map itself can be snagged from HaloMaps. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 13:54:28 UTC)

December 19, 2005 Link to this post

MLG Chicago Results
Team3D dominated as a team again at MLG Chicago - they won the 4v4 finals, though only one of their members placed in the top 4 in the 1v1 event. Threads were started on our forum by 3Suns (1v1 and 4v4), and there's a bit more info at Team3D.net, as well. (Louis Wu 14:13:40 UTC)

December 15, 2005 Link to this post

PMS Pro Interviewed
Clan PMS, one of the larger (maybe the largest?) all-girl gaming clan, has been interviewed over at MLGPro.com. (Well, not the WHOLE clan - just four of them that showed up at MLG Atlanta recently to play as Team PMS Pro.) They talk about how hard it's been to get respect, how the whole sponsor thing works for women, how guys feel when they get beat. A good read - it should be mandatory for anyone who automatically starts talking smack on XBL when they find out they're playing with a woman. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 17:18:31 UTC)

December 14, 2005 Link to this post

Briar's Armor - for sale, again
We've mentioned Briar's Armor in the past - they're back, with another suit for sale on eBay. This one has a starting bid of $1500 (as the last two did), and is red, with a weathered look. We even got a couple of pics of this suit, being worn to pick up an Xbox360 on launch day. (at the counter | with the goods) If you visit the site, you'll also find a few pics from DragonCon 2005, which took place in September. It looks like they got most of them from Star Wars Chick - there are a couple of girls wearing RvB shirts, too. Check it all out! (Louis Wu 12:03:16 UTC)

December 12, 2005 Link to this post

Mothergoat's at it again - a new map, coupled with great Halo-inspired music... check it out! Download, movies, screenshots and the music file are all available from his forum post. (Louis Wu 21:43:42 UTC)

December 12, 2005 Link to this post

Palm Springs Halo Tourney
Looks like a 3-day Halo tourney will be happening in Palm Springs, CA starting tonight, in the Mary Pickford Theatre. Check out this article for more details. $5 to get in, no word on prizes. (Louis Wu 16:33:02 UTC)

December 7, 2005 Link to this post

Davidgojr submitted his montage, Click-Boom, to the MPRRS yesterday - they loved it. (The music, some felt, was overused... but sometimes you just have to go with a classic.) Great organization, some very fun techniques. A seven minute montage - and no black screens anywhere! Grab it in WMP9 format (87.7 mb) or QuickTime format (89.6 mb). Boom! (Louis Wu 14:11:54 UTC)

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