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Search results for nasty

Showing results 26 - 50 of 63 matches

October 23, 2006 Link to this post

No Res For The Wicked.
Last week, KP taunted us with pixellated views of some new Halo 3 map in his Humpday writeup. In today's One One Se7en, Stuntmutt finds the silver lining in that mean nasty KP-sized cloud. (Louis Wu 16:12:37 UTC)

July 20, 2006 Link to this post

Killed. To Dust.
The Halowiki.net crew played Bungie last night in this week's Halo Humpday Challenge - and no matter what you thought of last week's somewhat sleazy manner of 'not losing', there's no denying that this week the Bungie crew lost. Lost hard, even. Go read LegendaryMark's writeup at HaloWiki.net - KP's still nursing his wounds, it seems, so the Bungie writeup isn't online yet. (I've never heard of the 'cycling' respawn modifier - but it sounds nasty...) (Louis Wu 20:56:28 UTC)

May 6, 2006 Link to this post

The snarkiness of critics
Wow, what a nasty shot. Some guy writes a daily blog on MS stuff - and in a paragraph making fun of MSN as a portal (and some of the silly things they tried in an attempt to gain market share), he made this snide comment:

Those days are largely laughed about today, in the same way that we might make fun of such other ill-advised products as Microsoft Bob or the Halo 2 Soundtrack (the latter of which, inexplicably, includes little actual music from the game).

He must have been talking about Volume 1, since Volume 2 is ALL game music (and since its Amazon Sales Rank was #154 in Music - out of three quarters of a million titles)... but still. Geez. (Louis Wu 00:39:24 UTC)

April 13, 2006 Link to this post

Nasty, Nasty Brutes
Continuing with the monstrous dialogue updates, we've got almost 100 Brute snippets from Hellhawk added today to our Dialogue Databank; go listen to these creatures! (Louis Wu 15:50:41 UTC)

January 9, 2006 Link to this post

When Subtlety Backfires
A number of people wrote to tell me I was really confused (some in words not quite so polite) because of the news post yesterday where I said that Ron Perlman had 'apparently never heard of Halo'. Um... yeah, I know Ron Perlman voiced the part of Lord Hood in Halo 2. It was supposed to be funny. (He said it, not me - I was just amused by it.) I guess I should be more direct when I'm pointing out funny stuff. Sorry about that. (You guys can stop writing nasty notes now, though. Thanks.) (Louis Wu 13:30:59 UTC)

December 10, 2005 Link to this post

Baldness: It's a Way of Life.
Bungie's Weekly Update went up an hour or so ago, and Frankie, predictably, was first with the news. Minor comments on recent Halo movie news, welcome news that SketchFactor is a DADDY, reactions to the playlist updates, mention of a nasty little bug in the recent emulator update on Xbox Live (more info can be found at Gamespot, Gamasutra, and Voodoo Extreme, among other places), some staff shifts (we'll miss you, Ninja on Fire! and welcome back, Shishka!), and the silliest Mister Chief in quite some time. Go read. (Louis Wu 02:45:04 UTC)

October 24, 2005 Link to this post

Those Pelicans are NASTY.
c0ld Vengeance found a mod for Halo 2 that changes all enemy resources to UNSC resources - so that you're fighting marines, Pelicans, hogs and tanks. He put up a short vid showing a fun encounter - check it out! (The forum post contains a link to the mod as well, if you want to try it yourself - but remember that you have to have a modded Xbox to make this work. That link also contains a couple of movies - one showing this global war mod, the other showing a 'Betrayal' version where you're teamed up with Hunters against the rest of the Covenant.) (Louis Wu 10:42:38 UTC)

April 8, 2005 Link to this post

Stabbed in the spleen with a number 2 pencil.
Weekly What's Update is up really early today. Good stuff in there. Looks like the cheat fixes will be out in the next couple of weeks, barring nasty crashes... no fanfest at E3 this year (boo!)... the recently-released game save that lets you play online without reloading will get you BANNED, immediately (no second chances)... and a bunch more. And an Atari 2600 Mister Chief. What more could you want? Thanks, Mr Yun. (Louis Wu 20:58:15 UTC)

March 18, 2005 Link to this post

More like True Lies...
Today's Penny Arcade answers the nasty beatdown the PA boys took from Bungie's harsh Humpday challengers... sort of. The news writeup is pretty funny, too. Looks like Recoil was the first to find it. (Louis Wu 13:16:54 UTC)

March 17, 2005 Link to this post

The Return of Wonderboy
Well, just the song, actually. Back in July, 2003, Eric Vogt set Halo gameplay to Tenacious D's Wonderboy, a wonderfully overmelodramatic ballad about Wonderboy and Nastyman. (A working link to that movie can be found in our movies section.) Today, markhamx2 posted a note on our forum about a new vid, filmed in Halo 2 on Coagulation this time, set to the same song. They did a great job with it - we've put up local mirrors (19.6 mb, mythica.org | bungie.org) for the existing WMP9, so you don't have to use that Rapidshare link, and re-encoded it to QuickTime, as well (14.6 mb, bungie.org | mythica.org) for those who can't use Windows Media Player. Always enjoyable to see Halo action wedded to funny songs! (Louis Wu 16:31:50 UTC)

March 6, 2005 Link to this post

GameSpeak: Video Game Violence
William Vitka is a columnist with CBSNews.com - we mentioned his very first piece, a look at the power of Halo 2, back in November. Recently, he began publishing a series of interviews focused on the issue of violence in videogames; a series of questions was sent to a variety of people with opinions on the subject. The first installment was with Jack Thompson, an attorney who's been one of the most outspoken critics of video game violence; several of the claims he made were so outrageous, I chose to hold off on publicizing the series until some counterpoint material was online. (There's no faster way to incite a flamewar on our forum than the material produced by Mr. Thompson.) Last week, it was Tim Buckley, the artist behind the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del, in the spotlight... and I understand that this week's entry will be my own responses. I'm willing to allow discussion on our forum about this, under a few conditions: people stay civil, people refrain from ad hominem attacks (if you don't know what those are, look it up), and (maybe most important), people do NOT send nasty notes to those who've expressed opinions they don't agree with. There's no better way to vindicate a viewpoint than to show that those opposing that viewpoint need to resort to crude or vulgar language; if you disagree with an opinion, explain WHY in reasonable terms. I'll post again when my own series of answers gets posted. (Louis Wu 21:54:16 UTC)

November 17, 2004 Link to this post

HaloPC 1.06 Update (not automatic)
Bungie has released the 1.06 update for HaloPC, which fixes a rare but nasty bug; the auto-updater won't work for this, so visit the web page and follow the instructions. (There is also a download for the 1.06 Dedicated Server.) Ross Mills was first out of the gate with this. (Louis Wu 03:18:33 UTC)

November 16, 2004 Link to this post

Give him your wallet. Now.
BOLL has found (with the help of some new modding tools from TF6) a pretty cool unused character in Halo 2. Personally... I'm pretty darned happy this one never made it in... they seem NASTY. (Louis Wu 02:26:18 UTC)

October 31, 2004 Link to this post

Think before you write twice
To all the people who send mail to us: READ THIS. A week ago, Count Zero posted a note stating that he was going to stop reading and answering mail until after Halo 2's release, to avoid spoilers. The rest of the crew has pretty much decided the same thing. Since that point, HBO has been maintained, in its entirety, by ONE PERSON - me. I've been doing my best to answer all mail that needs answering, add all news that needs adding, update all sections that need updating... but I'm human. I miss things. Sometimes I decide that things aren't important enough to add, and I forget to send mail explaining that. PLEASE - do NOT send news to multiple addresses here if you don't get a response - they all go to me right now. Hopefully that will change again in a week or two, but for now... please, be patient, and understand that I'm pretty close to the limit of what I can realistically do when it comes to maintaining this website. Mail telling me you're angry about something not being updated will NOT be handled gracefully - for that I apologize now. You can avoid the nasty mail by NOT COMPLAINING. Thanks. (Louis Wu 13:58:58 UTC)

October 15, 2004 Link to this post

Yet another XBL headset option for you
dwchief pointed out a new cordless XBL headset from Logitech - it looks nice, but it ain't cheap. ($79.99, though that includes a communicator, which the $50 corded Plantronics does not. I don't count the 2 free months on XBL, since you can get that almost anywhere.) I was amused by the actual text - "the ability to play Xbox Live games over the Internet with complete cordless freedom -- from up to 30 feet away -- for the first time." I mean... how useful is that... if your controller is sitting over by the television set? Anyway, dwchief found the info in this Teamxbox article, and there are more details on Logitech's product page. 30 foot range aside, the ability to go cordless is actually quite nice, as you might find when you're juking in your chair, trying to get away from that nasty elite... (Louis Wu 02:20:39 UTC)

September 18, 2004 Link to this post

That's gonna leave a mark.
SEspider has updated Miniature Halo, sending along page 24 for your viewing pleasure. MC dose some nasty crashlanding... but Sarge is there for him. In a manner of speaking. (Louis Wu 10:26:05 UTC)

September 16, 2004 Link to this post

More pretties for your desktop
I do believe I can see the bottom of the art queues. (I'm not sure that's a great thing; I know from experience that when you empty a barrel that you've been using continually for a long time, you find all sorts of nasty growths you never really needed to see.) Anyway, today's batch has been placed in the Wallpaper Section - 10 images that range from a spectacular reworking of a Tina Leyk piece to some peaceful views of an earthlike part of the Halo... and lots of stuff in between. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:20:01 UTC)

July 3, 2004 Link to this post

Dynasty-style bitch fight
This week's update is over at the newly remodeled HaloPlanet - and there's more and more censored stuff. (Some weird formatting, too.) Lots of cool tidbits that we CAN read, though, like 15,107 FINISHED LINES of combat dialogue... and female marines! Go read. Update: Weird formatting is fixed - thanks, Frankie! (Louis Wu 00:48:36 UTC)

June 21, 2004 Link to this post

Date. Up. Week.
Last Friday's Weekly Bungie Update has now been added to our searchable archive; you can use it to discover interesting things. For example, I've always thought of Pete Parsons as a rather classy guy, someone who put a decent face on the rabble that is Bungie. The Sushi Fart comment this week threw me... until I did a quick search for Pete in the database, and discovered that he's a scatalogically inclined, rodent-based murder-obsessed lecher with a lousy car - amazing what you can miss when you're not looking. (Louis Wu 13:27:13 UTC)

June 16, 2004 Link to this post

That's one nasty dude.
We posted a magazine article with a tiny picture of a maskless grunt this afternoon - and people complained that they couldn't really see it. Over on the Halo Story Page, mnemesis has heard your cries, and while he deplores whining, he sometimes enjoys serving up surprises. (Louis Wu 00:03:58 UTC)

June 14, 2004 Link to this post

Behind the Mask
Well, nobody found the Chief and Sarge after that nasty explosion on Friday... but I guess they're like the cat, they just couldn't stay away. MC, at least, is back in today's One One Se7en, and he's met up with a new friend (the Xbox Gamer magazine scans that this guy came from will be posted in a couple of weeks, when that issue is off the shelves). And that wraps up our Comic trilogy for the day. I hope. (Louis Wu 09:23:12 UTC)

April 21, 2004 Link to this post

Sorry For The Down Time
Man... it's getting worse and worse. Halo: Resolution points out some nasty injuries I seem to have sustained a couple of weeks ago. Sounds painful... (Louis Wu 16:03:50 UTC)

October 14, 2003 Link to this post

There's A New Sheriff In Town...
Today's Guest One One Se7en is from b.org's own CYBRFRK, who looks at the newest weapon in the Halo arsenal. Yup... nasty toy. (Louis Wu 01:08:38 UTC)

October 2, 2003 Link to this post

Lots and lots of Halo sites
Another site roundup... looks like the release of Halo has also released some massive creative juices.

  • The Elite Operatives, a Halo PC clan, are currently recruiting.
  • When Hogs Fly is a clan that organized itself from regulars on the Gearbox forums. It's not clear if they're recruiting or not, and be careful about using the 'Home' link on their site (I got into a nasty auto-refresh loop that way).
  • Team sYn is NOT actively recruiting at the moment, but they are looking for some decent competition. Drop 'em a line if you're interested.
  • HaloMods, a site that's been in the news before (it's the home of SparkEdit, the Halo map viewer), has gotten a facelift/redesign. Take a look!

And that wraps up another new-halo-site update. (Louis Wu 09:03:25 UTC)

September 22, 2003 Link to this post

And Wait 'Til You Hear How Much He Charges.
One One Se7en looks at a tidbit that appeared due to modding not too long ago. I personally think it's a nasty shot - but that might be because I have an engineering degree (of sorts). (Louis Wu 04:50:42 UTC)

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