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Search results for DOH

Showing results 51 - 75 of 78 matches

April 10, 2004 Link to this post

I Was Kind Of Hoping Warbow Would Come Back And Do It
DOH! Yesterday was busy enough that the standard comics didn't get posted... they're up now. Halo: Resolution gets to a punchline it's been working towards for a week. (Louis Wu 10:38:29 UTC)

March 23, 2004 Link to this post

Lethal Rage 3
Pico has submitted Lethal Rage 3, a massive (10:11 long, 35.7 mb) tale of heroism and courage, of finding the strength within to carry on when all hope is lost... and, well, to act like an idiot when you win. Cinematography is awesome, storyline is great, and there are some very nice stunts. VERY nice. Watch this one. (And mirror it for us, if you've got the bandwidth - it's gonna be popular.) It's currently available in QuickTime format from Mythica.org and files.bungie.org, but if you want to put up a copy, send us a link, and we'll announce it. A DivX version will be coming at some point. Update: DOH! Pico had asked me to link to a thread he started last week about this, for discussion. I forgot. Luckily, he started a new one today; comments can go here. Update 2: Another couple of mirrors - enough to warrant a mirror page. We'll add more as they come in. Thanks, folks! (Louis Wu 17:54:20 UTC)

November 29, 2003 Link to this post

Carol of the Marines
Ross Mills has whipped up a short Christmas-themed film for you; only 26 shopping days left! Timing's nice, though it would have been more impressive had there been no need to manipulate pitch... it's 1:21 long, and available in both WMP9 and QT formats (4.8 mb each, you choose). Don't hate him for the suffering he's caused... think of the artistic value. Update: DOH! I thought this was a remake of 'Carol of the BOBs', an older Marathon-based piece... it wasn't. It actually USED Carol of the BOBs as the soundtrack. My bad. (Sorry, Jester!) (Louis Wu 12:05:50 UTC)

November 28, 2003 Link to this post

Roasted Turkey
DOH! mrsmiley stepped in and created a Thanksgiving-themed Halo Babies when Gruntsbane had family obligations... we missed it because we took yesterday off. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:41:26 UTC)

October 18, 2003 Link to this post

BGH talks to TCLN
DOH! This came in yesterday, I totally spaced. Battleground: Halo has interviewed the co-owners of the Cobra League Network, a group devoted to game ladders (one that recently added Halo to its lineup). The interview gives some insight into how the group was formed, and what they do... go check it out for info on game ladders and how they work! (Louis Wu 17:20:54 UTC)

October 9, 2003 Link to this post

What Comes Up Must Come Down
DOH! Almost forgot to post today's Guest One One Se7en, this one from Iceman1330 again. A little bit risque, I'd say... (Louis Wu 18:45:36 UTC)

October 2, 2003 Link to this post

Mythica is back!
DOH! I'm an idiot. Mythica.org went live again this morning... and I forgot to mention it! It's up and running, and serving movies like there's no tomorrow. Bandwidth isn't going to be a huge problem, because if/when Mythica hits its limit, we've got a backup in files.bungie.org (which mirrors all of Mythica's data). If there have been movies you've been holding off on grabbing... now's the time! (Direct links don't work; you'll need to go through our Movies page. Which is way behind... so you'll need to go through our news page. Ouch.) (Louis Wu 18:40:32 UTC)

September 22, 2003 Link to this post

A much better X03 transcript
Noctarus, of the Battleground: Halo forums, has written up a full transcript of the X03 video that's been the talk of the Halo community for a couple of days now. This is a much more complete and accurate transcript than the one IGN put up on Friday - absolutely worth a read, if you either couldn't download the movie, or couldn't hear things. Thanks to Fluffy for the heads-up. Update: DOH! Pasted the wrong link in there. Fixed now. Thanks, Ross. (Louis Wu 14:25:14 UTC)

September 17, 2003 Link to this post

What was I thinking?
Goodness. mnemesis updates the Halo Story page for the first time in over a month... and I manage to misinterpret his note informing me of this. (I thought it was just a 'here I go, I'm gonna start updating again' note. DOH.) Anyway, go visit the Story page. Forerunner origins, Covenant history, xenobiology, weapons theories... it's some deep stuff today. (Louis Wu 17:23:26 UTC)

July 15, 2003 Link to this post

WIE gets slashdotted, BitTorrent to the rescue
DOH! Probably pays to actually have your email client running - Slashdot posted a note about (among other things) Winning isn't Everything, but luckily, included a BitTorrent mirror for it, so Mythica didn't get hammered. if you haven't downloaded WIE yet, and you'd rather use BitTorrent, head on over to GameTab and grab a copy! (Louis Wu 00:53:59 UTC)

June 26, 2003 Link to this post

Ooh, that weasel... he's got movies!
DOH! We're short on bandwidth, and I STILL miss notes alleviating the problem. :( That Weasel (who'd love it if you visited his 5-year-old site ThatWeasel.com) wrote to say that two recent movies have been mirrored:

  • The Sidewinder Saga (400x300, QuickTime5, 5.9 MB)
  • Too Many Vehicles ( 17 mb, zipped, QuickTime)

If you've missed these, go over and join in the poundage of the HBO Mirror page of ThatWeasel.tv! (Louis Wu 22:37:26 UTC)

May 22, 2003 Link to this post

DOH! I've got to set up some sort of email notification system to remind me about this puppy... but the next episode of One One Se7en is online (it's yesterday's, actually). I gotta say... these bring a smile to my face. If they do the same to you, drop Stuntmutt some mail. (Louis Wu 13:23:58 UTC)

May 14, 2003 Link to this post

DOH! is right.
In a stunningly sudden series of events, another Halo egg has been found... all in a day, sort of. Read the story on the Eggs page. A weird symbol, noticed 17 months ago, brought up again and again over the past year and a half... and then BOOM - identified (well, almost) by a threesome of Bungie employees in the span of a couple of hours. A nice sideline while the madness of E3 swirls around us! (Louis Wu 02:03:51 UTC)

February 14, 2003 Link to this post

Everybody's a comic
In an attempt to show up Lorraine R. McLees, Stosh has put up a Valentines-themed comic of his own. (Give it up, Stosh.) Don't forget the site itself... I think he's just bitter cause he got beat by a girl. (Two, if you count Lorraine.) Update: DOH! Wrong comic. (No wonder I had troubles with it...) Try this one. (I still give the round to Lorraine, though. This one's pretty funny... but the Halo Babies can't be beat.) (Louis Wu 00:44:58 UTC)

September 1, 2002 Link to this post

Eep - overlooked art
DOH! More box art came in yesterday - and we almost missed it! Inspired by a comment by Jason Jones, created by Razorback. Nice piece of work. It's in our Miscellaneous Art section, too. (Louis Wu 19:29:06 UTC)

August 25, 2002 Link to this post

Old Pictures, Made New
DOH! A couple of days ago, Deimos™, of Subnova, mentioned a new desktop image he'd created - but we forgot to post it. It's now been added to our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 19:51:32 UTC)

August 19, 2002 Link to this post

Big-time correction - the PC Gamer article next month will be on Halo PC, not Halo 2. (Nijhazer's curiosity on why a PC gaming mag would be covering an Xbox-only title is well-founded.) Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for pointing out that I should read my email more closely... (Louis Wu 19:23:46 UTC)

July 30, 2002 Link to this post

Halo's all the (Biz) Buzz
Doh! Tarrsk sent word last night that Halo is back in the news on Gamespy - due to the Halo National Tournament. (Registration for said event, btw, is at 9552 at the moment - closer and closer to 10,000 contestants!) Gamespy sees the large number of contestants as a positive sign that online console gaming has a future. Oh, yeah... (Louis Wu 20:56:39 UTC)

June 25, 2002 Link to this post

Keep your hands on the wheel!
The movie deluge has begun - and we've been forced to change our policies. :( To the rather large number of people who submitted movies over the past few days - we've written up a set of guidelines for movie submission; they should help explain our position on this issue. For right now, though, we have a new file for you - and we need mirrors for it, because it's quite large. It's called High Speed Highway Halo, or H3 for short... and it chronicles the insane antics of Team H3 as they play the first (and only, we hope) game of multi-car Halo. (You may remember that we brought you some photos of their folly a couple of weeks ago - now watch as they setup, plan, and execute this risky stunt. It's available in both Windows Media Player and QuickTime 5 formats - both weigh in at a bit under 20 megs. If you can mirror this - please drop us a line. (There are more films in the pipe, and we're going to get swamped if we're not careful.) In the meantime, you can find the available mirrors listed on the H3 Mirrors page. Thanks to NsomniA for the creation of this film, and for all of his patience for massaging it into multiple formats! Update: DOH! Sorry, I'd put them in bad places... the Mythica.org urls should work now. Apologies! (Louis Wu 13:37:31 UTC)

June 22, 2002 Link to this post

Fan Fiction doings...
A new Fan Fiction story for you - KnightmareWolf's Fafnir Chapter 1. (This was actually submitted before the last update, but we managed to miss it.) Also, Kyo has submitted revised versions of both of his chapters (we don't encourage this - really) - you can read the new versions individually, or as a unit. Update: DOH! Didn't even notice the new chapter of Shadow's Rise to Honor series in our inbox as I was processing fiction. Check out Chapter 2: The Mission now. (Louis Wu 21:56:03 UTC)

June 6, 2002 Link to this post

Little Fanfic upload
Just a couple of entries for today's Fan Fiction offering:

The two poems were originally (accidentally) included at the end of the last Roughneck Two-Zero chapter... my fault. Update: DOH! Somehow, I missed the fact that three segments of 'Ascendant' came in recently, not just one. You can read Part II and Part III separately... or you can read all three as a series. (Louis Wu 18:42:10 UTC)

May 6, 2002 Link to this post

Music4Games.net reviews Halo audio
DOH! I hate busy weekends... I miss stuff. :( Music4Games.net has published a special Audio Review of Halo - they gave it a 10/10. Go read it, and see why Halo is head-and-shoulders above the competition, aurally speaking. (Louis Wu 16:41:41 UTC)

April 19, 2002 Link to this post

Fantastic new desktops at T&R
DOH! Almost forgot to mention - there are also a whole passel of irregularly-sized images for dual-monitor setups on the Desktops page of Tru7h and Reconciliation- go get 'em! (Watch the spoilers.) (Louis Wu 19:26:52 UTC)

April 14, 2002 Link to this post

Fan Fiction news
Interesting find by Vector40 - Apparently, a site called 'fanfiction.net' has a growing collection (28, as of right now) of Halo Fan Fiction pieces... with very little overlap (one article, at first glance) with our collection. I wonder if that means the submission rate will slow down here? Not anytime soon, I'd guess - here's the latest batch:

Read 'em through... don't worry, there'll be more! Nasty Notice: DOH! Careless me, I didn't even pay attention to the fact that one of the stories I uploaded this morning was, in fact, a complete plagiarization (is that a word? It was a total ripoff) of another story found right here - Tyler Sivertsen's 'Through the Eyes of a Marine' was a word-for-word transcription of Jaywhit10's 'The Hell of War Through the Eyes of a Marine'. I've pulled the offending story, and I apologize to Jaywhit10 for not catching this sooner. Plagiarism sucks. (Louis Wu 14:40:25 UTC)

March 25, 2002 Link to this post

Multiplayer highlight movies at Drunkgamers
Doh! I hate busy weekends, in terms of what they do to this site's timeliness. On Friday, we got word that Drunkgamers.com had put up the second part of their Multiplayer Pointers series, which contained a nice, short, insanely busy (for 2v2) 1-minute clip... and before we had time to post about it, Part 3 went up! This one shows a pretty incredible sniper shot - and also shows why playing 2v2 is good for snipers. :) (With 10 players and up, the sniper would have been dead 30 seconds before he ever got around to taking that shot...) Check 'em both out. (Louis Wu 02:05:03 UTC)

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