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December 2011 Archived News

News December 31 2011


Image of the Invisible
CyReN announced a huge (15 minute) Halo montage from Jeenyus - 3 years of original Halo LAN footage, boiled down to a quarter hour. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:02:26 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak Ep 67
hezekiah told us about Fails of the Weak Episode 67 (AH.com | YouTube) - last Fails of the year! (Louis Wu 16:57:35 UTC) (permalink)


Still Linkin Music With Halo
Check out AssaultGodzilla's newest Halo Music Video, this time set to Linkin Park's "My December". Some really nice editing as always, and a meaningful feel to the whole piece. Take a look! (GrimBrother One 16:54:47 UTC) (permalink)


SYNAW S2E5 - Civil Conflict
Ty_Coker stopped in yesterday to announce SYNAW Season 2 Episode 5 - plus a bonus teaser! (Louis Wu 16:54:17 UTC) (permalink)


New Year Over New Mombassa
Kermit wants to help you ring in the new year with two new panoramas. That frog knows beauty! Check them out! (GrimBrother One 16:51:47 UTC) (permalink)


A Solo Scarab Gun Recovery
Grumpy let us know about a new (yes, new) variant on the 'get the Scarab Gun from Metropolis, get down alive' Halo 2 trick - congrats to DrBizz. He got up to the top in single-player, grabbed the gun, then corner-rode all the way down to the bottom (with the help of a Rocket Launcher). No checkpoints! Killer. There's a B.net thread, or if you just want to see the action, a YouTube link. (Louis Wu 16:50:13 UTC) (permalink)


Lego My Halo
This past week, yours truly was teaching a winter break camp on video game design for a group of middle school students. Many of them were big Halo fans, and one of them decided to bring in a collection of Halo weapons he had created using Legos. In the images you'll also see a Mega Bloks Halo Covenant Energy Sword for reference. Pics can be found here, here, and here. Check out this young fan's very cool interpretation of some of our favorite tools of destruction! (GrimBrother One 16:21:13 UTC) (permalink)


Ball Dropped
On a site note, everyone here at HBO wants to wish the Halo Community and beyond a very happy and safe New Year. 2011 was an exciting year to be a Halo fan, and 2012 looks to be no different. We plan on being there every step of the way, just like always! (GrimBrother One 16:16:02 UTC) (permalink)


11 from '11
343 Industries posted a video today featuring 11 of their favorite user-submitted clips from 2011. It's a fun collection to look back on; some you may have seen, and others you may have missed. It's a quick view though, at 3 minutes and 43 seconds (an accident I'm sure), so go check it out! (GrimBrother One 16:13:28 UTC) (permalink)


News December 30 2011


Women of Xbox: Episode 5
The Tyrant let us know that 343's Verohime is featured in the latest Women of Xbox video - short, and in fact not gaming related at all... but Virohime is an important part of the Halo franchise team, and the information she imparts might save your life one day... so we're going to let this one go. Go watch - it's less than a minute! (Louis Wu 19:32:20 UTC) (permalink)


Forged Presents
We got word from a Halo fan who created some very cool Forge art for her dad - it was a birthday/Christmas present, but we were late finding it. (Sorry about that!) You can go see the original artwork, and the Forge recreations, on this page - and be sure to explore both Amy's FileShare at B.net and David's website for more cool stuff! (Louis Wu 17:09:18 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Z
MASSAIKUR stopped in with word of Halo Reach Z over 9000 - you can never have too many memes in your machinima. (Louis Wu 16:58:29 UTC) (permalink)


Waypoint Community Modcast Episode 8
CruelLEGACEY let us know that the end-of-the-year wrapup Waypoint Community Modcast Episode 8 is now online - 2 hours of Skyrim discussion, with a hint of Halo. (Louis Wu 16:52:12 UTC) (permalink)


There and Back Again
At PAX Prime, back in August, 343 Industries showed off a concept art trailer for Halo 4 that ended with a sequence that was hard to see - but fans immediately separated it out into its component frames and compiled it into a coherent image. And that's where things stood... until Leviathan pointed out a YouTube vid he just stumbled across that makes a pretty good case for where the teaser image might have come from. The only problem... the source seems to be some fan art HE (Leviathan) created! (And back in February, to boot!) I'm sure the teaser image will turn out to be something completely different - but it's pretty amusing, all the same. (Louis Wu 15:11:27 UTC) (permalink)


Decline, Part 2
Prime999r stopped in to let us know that Decline Part B is live. (We mentioned Part 1 back in November.) It's in French, and though it has English subtitles, the translation... leaves something to be desired. It's pretty hard to follow what's going on if you don't speak French. Cinematography's pretty nice, though! (Louis Wu 14:52:45 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
After two weeks of totally empty Fan Fiction submission queues, there is a single piece available for your reading pleasure - check it out! (Louis Wu 14:46:04 UTC) (permalink)


News December 29 2011


Respawndents Love
Be careful how much time you take to express your feelings, if you're playing Halo multiplayer! Paul Maestri is back with a new Halo Heads which made me laugh. (Louis Wu 21:24:57 UTC) (permalink)


Two... who?
Wait, what? Rockslider managed to find an extra Jun in Winter Contingency. Just in case, you know, you liked his cooking. (Louis Wu 20:56:29 UTC) (permalink)


Delivered by Rabbits
Achievement Hunter has put together their Top 10 Easter Eggs of 2011 - Halo: Anniversary made the list at #4. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 18:09:32 UTC) (permalink)


A Figure you can work towards
Feeling the need for new action figures on your shelf? McFarlane's got just the thing for you, coming out in February... and Halo Waypoint can show you what you're in for. Pretty hot stuff! (Louis Wu 18:00:59 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Bulletin Localized - Late
Eep - I completely missed the fact that yesterday's Primordium excerpt was actually this week's Halo Bulletin - it's now been added to our Halo Bulletin Archive. Sorry for the delay! (Louis Wu 16:15:17 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Top 10 Ep 35 - Epic Fails
It's been a little while, but Anoj is back with a new Halo Reach Top 10 vid - this time he looks at Epic Fails. I particularly enjoyed the Ninja on Uncaged. (Louis Wu 16:02:19 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement HORSE 55
hezekiah dropped in to let us know about the most recent Achievement PIG (AH.com | YouTube), a competition between Jack and Marshall. Who played who? You decide. (Louis Wu 16:00:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Mods: Portal
Over at NeoGAF, wwm0nkey pointed out a pretty cool looking Reach mod that adds the Portal gun to your Halo arsenal. Makes me wish modded boxes weren't so frowned-upon! (Louis Wu 15:57:38 UTC) (permalink)


News December 28 2011


Primordium excerpts online
Want to get a head-start on Primordium, the next novel from Greg Bear (due out in January)? Tor.com has the Prologue and Chapter 1 online, and Halo Waypoint has Chapter 2. Nice! (Thanks, Archilen.) Update: Looks like Chapters 3 and 4 are in that Waypoint article, as well. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:17:19 UTC) (permalink)


Forward Unto Dawn Podcast Episode Two
Forward Unto Dawn has released their second podcast - it's focused on Glasslands. (In fact, it could be subtitled 'The Bash Halsey Edition'.) There are also chances to win free goodies - read the newspost for full details! (Louis Wu 17:02:26 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles - Fearless Chapter 17
Dennis Powers sent word that Fearless Chapter Seventeen is now online - the rescue continues. Will they make it out? (Louis Wu 17:00:20 UTC) (permalink)


News December 27 2011


Halo: Reach Grenade Launcher Prop
DaFrontlineTrooper whipped out a Grenade Launcher prop recently - check out the video in robofin117's post. Looks nice! (Louis Wu 20:53:47 UTC) (permalink)


Happy Holidays from MEGA Bloks
Aww... this went live over the weekend on Halo Waypoint, but I missed it. Adorable! (Louis Wu 16:17:58 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox.com Daily Deal - Halo DLC
If you've been thinking about buying Halo DLC, today's the day - everything's half off. Map Packs are 400 MS Points, Themes are 120 MSP. Reach as a Game on Demand is $30. It's a one-day deal... go grab something now! (Louis Wu 16:00:10 UTC) (permalink)


Y u gotta be hatin?
Jillybean was mean to me. (Check the original link for the full pic - click on the artist's name.) (Louis Wu 15:52:39 UTC) (permalink)


Communitage 3 Teaser Video
Morpheus let us know that it's been almost a year since the last word of his Communitage, so it's time for another update. There's a new teaser online - mellow music, frenetic cuts. Release by... 2017? (Louis Wu 15:51:50 UTC) (permalink)


News December 26 2011


Lumoria Gameplay - Ep 2
Higuy, from the Lumoria Team, sent word that they've got new gameplay footage from Episode Two. Looks like fun! (Louis Wu 19:17:31 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief - Bounty Hunter
Dogiojoe pointed out a page devoted to easter eggs in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Scroll down to 'Master Chief in Star Wars!' for a Halo(ish) reference! (Louis Wu 19:13:41 UTC) (permalink)


Three Falcons in Winter Contingency
Rockslider has not yet found the end of the Fun Rainbow on Winter Contingency - he managed to get himself a THIRD Falcon after the Evac Zone battle. Amazing. (Louis Wu 19:03:43 UTC) (permalink)


Last Forger Standing - Deadline Looms
pete_the_duck reminded folks that today is the last day to send in an audition for his Last Forger Standing show - check his site for full details! (Louis Wu 19:01:49 UTC) (permalink)


The Unhuman Complex Preview
JIMBOTHY stopped in with word of a preview for his upcoming project, The Unhuman Complex. Loved the production values! Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:56:10 UTC) (permalink)


Rage Quit - Halo: Reach - LASO
We missed this a few days ago when it went live - but Dax01 pointed it out on GAF this weekend. Rage Quit took on Halo: Reach on LASO in the most recent episode - Michael definitely keeps this one NSFW with his language, but I was amused. Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:54:21 UTC) (permalink)


C 'Alvin and Hobbes117
Over at NeoGAF, Ken whipped up a fantastic Christmas-themed sketch that I'm still struggling to turn into cornershots. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 18:50:57 UTC) (permalink)


A Christmas Present
Slightly Live put together a page for fans - translation can be done with the same key that gets you through the Terminals. <3 to the community! (Louis Wu 18:47:02 UTC) (permalink)


CBA can Help
MASSAIKUR wants to warn you about Boosting Addiction. Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:34:11 UTC) (permalink)


News December 25 2011


God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen (and Ladies)

M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S !

Once again, we have a new Christmas Comic for you, from Stuntmutt... and a day of rest. See you all on Monday!


News December 24 2011


Rare Mylar Print Auctions
I totally missed this when it came in on Thursday - but luckily, there are still 4 days left. invisiblecatfish sent word that he'd found some Halo Mylar prints on eBay - these don't come up very often! There's a Halo 2 Chief, one of Eddie Smith's Halo 2 'Scarab Assault' prints, and a Halo 3 'Ark Storm' (I missed this one when it came out originally). Bids end Wednesday, around 7:30pm PST (see the auction pages for exact timing) - starting bids are $100 (for Scarab Assault) and $125 (for the Chief and Ark Storm, each). (Louis Wu 20:08:23 UTC) (permalink)


Arby 'n' the Chief - Christmas Special 2011
The first piece of the Arby 'n' the Chief 2011 Christmas Special is online now - I feel sorry for Arby. (Louis Wu 20:03:12 UTC) (permalink)


Primordium excerpt - coming soon!
Frankie stopped in to wish HBO a great upcoming week - and to remind us that an excerpt of Greg Bear's Primordium will be posted at Halo Waypoint on Wednesday. Nice! (Louis Wu 20:01:48 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Fading to Black
AssaultGodzilla is back with a new Halo music video - this one is set to Decyfer Down's Fading. Clip choice and timing are, as always, impeccable. (Louis Wu 19:59:47 UTC) (permalink)


Happy Happy
This thread makes me happy. (Louis Wu 19:57:44 UTC) (permalink)


IloveBTB Weekly Update Special - Crunch Cup 2011
Tepec stopped in with a holiday video from IloveBTB, a French site devoted to BTB fights - it's the end of a game on Timberland, and the cinematography is fantastic! Check it out. (Louis Wu 19:57:01 UTC) (permalink)


Lenticular Invasion
Humbaba pointed out a photo collection at BBC.com about lenticular cloud formations over West Yorkshire that look... awfully familiar. Puts the reddit sighting a couple of days ago into context! (Louis Wu 19:54:36 UTC) (permalink)


The Ghosts of Christmas Future
Two years ago, GrimBrother One wrote up The Ghosts of Christmas Future - and last night, he ran across it and reposted it. Oldie but a goodie! (Louis Wu 19:52:05 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak Volume 66
hezekiah let us know about the release of AchievementHunter's Fails of the Weak #66 - I thought the rocket through the Banshee was pretty cool. Watch it at AchievementHunter.com or YouTube, your choice. (Louis Wu 19:50:26 UTC) (permalink)


The Bungie Mail Sack 1.0
Yesterday, DeeJ posted The Bungie Mail Sack 1.0 - he's not nearly as rude as the Webmaster was, but some of his answers actually have value, so it's all good. Go read about everything from breaking into the industry to 'normal days at Bungie' (heh, as if) to DeeJ's favorite Halo campaign! Great read. (Louis Wu 19:42:18 UTC) (permalink)


News December 23 2011


Ditching Carter and Jorge
I keep thinking Rockslider's reached the end of the experimentation he can do with Jun's Falcon on Winter Contingency - but he keeps proving me wrong. Latest shenanigans include dumping your Noble buddies for the rest of the level. (Louis Wu 19:40:31 UTC) (permalink)


A Fronky Christmas
Hedgemony posted a Christmas card for everyone - well, everyone who isn't offended by offensive stuff. (We realize that qualification changes the numbers pretty drastically. We apologize in advance.) (Louis Wu 15:42:06 UTC) (permalink)


That's going in my fileshare!
pete_the_duck posted a comic on our forum yesterday that made me laugh out loud. Go see what it does for you. (Louis Wu 15:39:33 UTC) (permalink)


News December 22 2011


I can't see a cannon... but I'd be nervous anyway
We've mentioned lenticular clouds before - but Leviathan found one on reddit this morning that is just a little bit scary. (Louis Wu 19:11:59 UTC) (permalink)


Get ODST for just over $10
Looks like Amazon's having a video game sale today - Buy One, Get One for 40% Off. Halo 3: ODST is on the list, and is currently selling for $18.91, so if you buy any game (on the page) that costs more than that, the ODST price drops to $11.35. Hard to beat! (Louis Wu 18:39:19 UTC) (permalink)


Turkeys in 434
The pre-Christmas Halo Bulletin was posted last night - word of a new Dashboard theme, a tutorial showing you how to benefit from ATLAS, info about custom challenges (including some fun ones from community members), a brand-new Sparkast (w00t!), and info about the January Matchmaking Playlist update are all adorned by tons of fan-created artwork (hint: click on images). As always, you can read this in our Halo Bulletin Archive. (Louis Wu 15:22:57 UTC) (permalink)


Campfire Stories Season 2 Teaser Trailer
Phat M0nk3y stopped by with word of a Teaser Trailer for Campfire Stories Season 2 - they're looking for feedback! Go watch. (Louis Wu 15:17:43 UTC) (permalink)


We heard from Robowski that Episode 99 of the Post Game Carnage Report has hit the streets - lots of Reach talk. Episode 100 will be live in early January! (Louis Wu 15:12:32 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles - Fearless Chapter 16
Dennis Powers let us know that The Halo CE Chronicles, Fearless chapter sixteen has been posted. The rescue commences! (Louis Wu 15:10:43 UTC) (permalink)


Networking: How a Shooter Shoots
mattroe passed along a link to an article on Kotaku AU about Networking - Halo gets a few mentions. Interesting read! Update: RC Master points out that the article was originally posted at immersedcode.org. (Louis Wu 15:06:29 UTC) (permalink)


Last Campaign
ncsuDuncan has an amazing talent for writing parody songs; he visited our forum with new lyrics for George Michael's Last Christmas (and wouldn't it be great if someone actually recorded it?). He's been doing this for a little while on NeoGAF - some songs are funnier if you understand that community, but all are impressive:

I'm sure I missed some - but these should amuse you. (Louis Wu 14:49:53 UTC) (permalink)


The Last Sleeper - with ties to Halo and Bungie
So yesterday, GrimBrother One stopped in with a Kotaku link about Kendall Davis, who was working on Halo 4 until he quit to create a comic game. What started as a story with only passing relevance to HBO became more interesting when Hitmonchan did a little digging and learned that the game has ties to Bungie's Aerospace. Amazing how small a world it is! (Louis Wu 14:47:31 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement HORSE #54
Achievement HORSE has a special behind-the-scenes vid (also on YouTube) for you this week; it shows off the office staff, doing their best to play with one hand. (Last week you saw how that looked in-game; this week, you can watch them in real life.) Thanks, 7he grunt w/a plasma pistol. (Louis Wu 14:42:53 UTC) (permalink)


News December 21 2011


Halo Reach Mythic Fails
If you're in the mood for fails, Tyrant has your back - Mythic Fails is collection of fails and laughs from the Mythic community. Campaign shenanigans at their best! Editing was handled by CruelLEGACEY. (Louis Wu 21:49:27 UTC) (permalink)


Montage Mania
Are you feeling like you haven't seen enough Halo videos recently? (Did you remember to check our Halo Anniversary Terminals page?) In the last few days, there have been a veritable flood of montages posted on Halo Waypoint - if you're feeling like some video distraction, head on over!

There's plenty more - I just went back as far as Monday! (Louis Wu 21:42:35 UTC) (permalink)


Huntercaust - is it in you?
By:RC Master is unhappy with the lack of updates in Firefight matchmaking - so he's trying to jumpstart the process. He's created a bunch of new gametypes, and has highlighted one he calls 'Huntercaust' in an attempt to show why he's made the decisions he has. Looks like a lot of fun! (Louis Wu 20:41:41 UTC) (permalink)


G@M3R - An MLG Mini Documentary
The Real Napsta pointed out a 'Mini-Documentary' from Ke7cHuM showing off some MLG players talking about playing for money. Interesting watch! (Louis Wu 20:41:12 UTC) (permalink)


News December 20 2011


Next time, bid more
So on Sunday afternoon, we got an urgent email from Laird - a charity auction full of Halo goodies from 343 was in the last 2 hours of its 5 day run, and he wanted to get the word out. (I'm still sad we didn't hear about it sooner.) Severl new bidders came online after our newspost, but when all was said and done, the bundle was won by HBO (well, by me) - and today, it arrived. The box was so chock-full of goodies, it had to be supplemented with a poster tube! Go see what was inside. And the next time you hear about an auction from 343... jump in, 'cause the end result is awesome. (Louis Wu 21:08:04 UTC) (permalink)


Long tall drink of gorgeous
If you like Hedgemony pano creations, swing by this post - there are a couple of vertical beauties. (Louis Wu 18:15:37 UTC) (permalink)


The Deja Vu Invitational
Kermit wants you to Co-Op with him (or near him) - and he wants to give you a chance to win a prize, too. Check the post for details (and an awesome panorama from Hedgemony). (Louis Wu 18:08:47 UTC) (permalink)


Jada Toys will be releasing die-cast vehicles in autumn 2012, according to this piece at ToyNews. w00t! (Frankie says they make you feel like a kid again. Unless you ARE a kid, in which case they make you feel normal.) Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 17:57:31 UTC) (permalink)


Behind the Scenes - Master Grief
Last week, Grim mentioned a live-action video created by FreddieW and crew - today, Ogan Panavo let us know about a Making-Of vid showing how they put it together. I laughed, AND learned stuff! Go watch. (Louis Wu 17:53:24 UTC) (permalink)


Ensuring Continuity
thebruce0 pointed out an interview with Jeff Gomez, the CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainments, on the OXM website. Gomez discusses the document they put together to keep track of the Halo universe across all media - he calls it their Halo Bible, though it's different from the Halo Bible that Bungie began putting together a dozen years ago. Interesting read! (Louis Wu 17:50:56 UTC) (permalink)


News December 19 2011


Remembering group carnage
Two recaps of community playtimes recently - Kermit went all out with his look back at the recent Co-op night on ODST's Kikowani Station, and Hyokin shared some screens from last Friday's Customs Night. Go live vicariously! (Louis Wu 19:57:22 UTC) (permalink)


Sonic in Halo
So it looks like someone is combining Sonic the Hedgehog and Halo - odd combo! Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 19:42:16 UTC) (permalink)


News December 18 2011


Fun Movies, Round 3 (Anniversary Edition)
We posted copies of the Halo Anniversary cutscenes a week after the game was released (thanks, Dust Storm!), but thanks to some fancy-schmancy equipment that Cody Miller was able to get his hands on, we're RE-releasing them today - the newest versions are recorded in full surround sound. (The interlacing is gone, as well, for folks looking to grab cleaner screenshots.) And if that weren't enough, we've also posted the Halo Anniversary Terminals - all 11 of them. (These are not in Surround Sound, because they were presented in-game in standard stereo sound. But they're still big and beautiful and fascinating.) Go indulge! (Louis Wu 20:17:39 UTC) (permalink)


Fun Movies, Round 2
Halo Waypoint has posted a Behind the Scenes video showing how the site has evolved from its inception as a console portal for Halo content to a multiplatform all-inclusive Halo destination. If you're having trouble with Silverlight, it's available from Waypoint's YouTube channel, as well. (Louis Wu 20:12:58 UTC) (permalink)


Fun Movies, Round 1
Ogan Panavo sent us links to two new vids: Arby 'n' the Chief have a new episode of Hypermail (both characters take abuse from the fans, but respond differently), and a trailer for Dance Central: Halo has hit YouTube (it was originally an April Fools joke from 1UP). Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:09:16 UTC) (permalink)


A Final Look at a Fishful of Arrows
There are points throughout classic literature where a moment occurs that leaves an image burned into the psyche of our very existence, both as individuals and as a collective society. Moments like Hiro entering the Metaverse, the instantly-recognizable wax seal of The Scarlet Pimpernel, or that one unimaginably disturbing cover variant from The Two Towers. Well folks, prepare to make room for another collection of memory-forging moments for your mind to marinate on. HBO, BCKX-TV, and their sponsors, would like to present you with the Samurai Fronk Finale. If you don't like this series, you may be in danger of suddenly developing an allergy to water. Thanks a ton to Hedgemony, who keeps that fish-faced love train rolling. Go enjoy it yourself! (GrimBrother One 18:01:15 UTC) (permalink)


Amazing Charity Auction - VERY LIMITED TIME
Whoa. There's a very cool auction going on right now - it ends in less than two and a half hours from the writing of this post! 343 is auctioning off a pretty incredible collection of goodies, and 100% of the profits go to Northwest Harvest, a non-profit food bank distributor in Washington state. Current high bid is under $500, and the collection contains an Xbox 360 Halo 3 Special Edition, a Kinect sensor, a limited edition Halo Fest Tritton headset, and a TON of other stuff. Go get in on the action! Thanks, Laird. (Louis Wu 17:04:26 UTC) (permalink)


Tip of the Spear BOB Search
Lord Friendship got some information back from Bungie that has led him to call for help with a BOB quest. Check out his post for full details - and if you've been bitten by the curiosity bug as well, jump in and lend a hand! (Louis Wu 15:37:09 UTC) (permalink)


How To Build The Best Multiplayer FPS Maps: Part Two
We mentioned Part 1 of G4TV's "How To Build the Best Multiplayer FPS Maps" round table - we forgot to go back and read Part 2, which came out on Friday. This installment covers player tactics, game modes, and map experience. Great read! (Louis Wu 15:33:03 UTC) (permalink)


Left 4 Dead - Impulse 76
Barrow Roll, over at NeoGAF, and Revenant1988, on our own forum, both pointed out a Left 4 Dead fan film that might be interesting to Halo fans. (You'll definitely enjoy it more if you don't read the comments first.) Pretty high production values! (Louis Wu 15:20:59 UTC) (permalink)


News December 17 2011


RvB MIA Episode 6
Rooster Teeth's RvB MIA has its conclusion up at Halo Waypoint right now - will the crew find Grif? Will they find anyone else? When is a ransom note note a ransom note? These questions, and more, are answered in this week's episode! (Louis Wu 16:20:41 UTC) (permalink)


Explosions, vanishing Spartans, and Yoinks
Fails of the Weak volume 65 is live (AH.com or YouTube) - if you feel like you can't escape the Skyrim knee arrow meme, don't watch this. Thanks, Moorpheusl9. (Louis Wu 16:08:09 UTC) (permalink)


TheSparbiter made a new Halo music video set to Puddle of Mudd's 'Blurry' - it's from the heart. (Louis Wu 15:51:04 UTC) (permalink)


Anger Management
MASSAIKUR let us know about a short machinima showing the dangers of bad attitude. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:50:27 UTC) (permalink)


The Battle of the Speedruns
RC Master re-released his sub-13-minute SLASO run from earlier this week - now with commentary, and picture-in-picture, so you can see what weapons he's carrying and what his shields look like. Pretty cool! Again, chock-full of time-saving tricks for finishing this week's LASO Challenge. (Louis Wu 15:50:02 UTC) (permalink)


News December 16 2011


UCSD Winter Games Fest 2012
If you live near San Diego, you might be interested in Tex's post about a multi-game tournament coming up next month - Halo: Anniversary is one of the games, and there are lots of prizes to be won. Festivities take place on January 14 and 15, and registration opens soon! (Louis Wu 19:37:19 UTC) (permalink)


Crazy-Firing Grunts
Rockslider has documented some pretty odd Grunt behavior on Assault on the Control Room - go read the details, and watch the video! (Louis Wu 19:18:51 UTC) (permalink)


Building the best multiplayer FPS maps
G4TV has the first part of an article about building good multiplayer FPS maps - one of their panel was Adam Crist, Design lead at Certain Affinity and a 10 year Bungie veteran [edit: maybe not] who worked on both Reach and Anniversary. Interesting read - check it out! Thanks, ZaneZavin. (Louis Wu 18:23:27 UTC) (permalink)


Pelican Data Sheet - now printable
Stephen Loftus reworked the opening graphic in his 2005 article on the Pelican Dropship in response to a fan who wanted to print it out as a poster; it now scales very nicely. (It also contains some new info, and the silhouette is of the original Halo Pelican, rather than the Halo 2 version shown in the article.) The PDF is available from the original article, if you'd like to print your OWN poster! (Louis Wu 17:05:27 UTC) (permalink)


Yesterday, GrimBrother One mentioned the latest Halo Bulletin at Waypoint - I didn't get to it until this morning, but a local version is up in our Halo Bulletin Archive. No login required. (Also, thumbnails are actually thumbnails.) (Louis Wu 17:04:25 UTC) (permalink)


Do You Not Forge?
pete_the_duck is sad - there haven't been very many auditions yet for his Last Forger Standing competition. Remember - you don't need to be a master forger to participate! Go read his note, and add your own content! (Louis Wu 16:53:33 UTC) (permalink)


Ho Ho Ho
Leviathan stopped in with a printable HBO holiday card - that guy rocks. (Louis Wu 16:51:30 UTC) (permalink)


ONI Sword Base LASO in 10:04
Nak3d Eli re-ran RC Master's newest speedrun on ONI Sword Base (well, he turned the Blind skull off, because it's not actually needed for a LASO challenge), and shaved two minutes off RC Master's time. Even if you watched the earlier run, this one is worth a look; Eli's commentary contains little tidbits that will make certain parts easier. (Louis Wu 16:49:07 UTC) (permalink)


Get Ready - Ten Seconds!
Laird pointed out a video posted on the Child's Play website; it was fan-made, and references no games DIRECTLY... but it tips a hat to a whole bunch of games - including Halo. Really nicely done! (Louis Wu 16:42:28 UTC) (permalink)


Waypoint Modcasts 6 and 7
CruelLEGACEY sent word that two new episodes of the Waypoint Modcast were released this week - Episode 6 discusses ATLAS, online ranking, and multiplayer achievements, while Episode 7 focuses on Mythic campaign runs. Go listen! (Louis Wu 16:42:07 UTC) (permalink)


News December 15 2011


Wu Called Shotgun
Meanwhile, back at the homeland, DeeJ dropped another bombshell of happiness with the latest edition of Bungie's awesome "Community Ride-Along" feature. This time not only features some prominent members of the Community Carnage group from BNET, but our very own lady-killing, documentary-inspiring, living-legend leader, Louis Wu. Some great questions both asked and answered; check it out! Thanks to padraig08 for noticing, and for being on the Front Page two days in a row! (GrimBrother One 22:48:22 UTC) (permalink)


Horse Pun
As always, hezekiah is on the ball with word that Episode 53 of Achievement Hunter's ever-awesome HORSE series is now live. Happy First Anniversary, guys! You check out the mane event on both their site or on their YouTube Channel. Go look! (GrimBrother One 22:12:09 UTC) (permalink)


Fus Ooh-rah!
For those of you who seem to be lost in the magic of a different faraway place lately, may hap be you prithee to gaze upon this parody video but for a moment. Our everlasting gratitude to Elzar of Bam for being the herald of this experience. (GrimBrother One 21:48:33 UTC) (permalink)


No 'HO!'s Were Harmed In The Making of This Bulletin
This week's Halo Bulletin went up late last night, and contains a delightful array of festive vernacular from Mrs. Santa Claws herself. The true highlight is the recounting of the recent Charity Dinner held to benefit Child's Play. Some amazing items were up for auction, and some amazing generosity was displayed. In all, just over $350,000 was raised. Peace and goodwill indeed! Well done game industry, well done. So go check out bs angel's telling of the evening! (GrimBrother One 21:33:25 UTC) (permalink)


Even More of Less of Fear
The folks over at HaloMaps.org wanted to let you know that the next addition to their "Fearless" series is now up for viewing. Check out Chapter 15: Part Two. If You've got catching up to do, you can start fresh right here. Give it a look! (GrimBrother One 21:27:32 UTC) (permalink)


If Only I Had A Really Big Belt...
Despite my waisting of a good headline, Mr. Sci-Fi was kind enough to let everyone know via his Twitter feed about a really awesome fan-made metal Halo sign he saw at a local game store. Pretty slick! (GrimBrother One 21:16:27 UTC) (permalink)


BOB for Apple
Thanks to UnrealCh13f for letting us know (not reminding us, urk) that Marathon 2: Durandal is now available in the iTunes Store. Don't miss one of Bungie's greats! For FREE! (GrimBrother One 21:13:10 UTC) (permalink)


More Kills You Can't IGNore
ElzarTheBam let us know that the latest IGN Top 10 Kills feature for Halo: Reach is now ready for your viewing pleasure. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 21:10:24 UTC) (permalink)


News December 14 2011


I'd Say the Article was Incrediblinterestasticing.
SonofMacPhisto wanted to share a rather great article by the incomparable "Yahtzee" from TheEscapistMagazine. His article focuses on what he considers the key cornerstones of an enjoyable gaming experience, something re refers to as Context, Challenge, & Gratification. He uses the ending sequence in Halo: Reach as a moment that felt got it quite right. It's really a nice read, especially for fans of the video game industry in as a whole, and definitely worth your time. Go and check it out, then stop back by to discuss! (GrimBrother One 22:53:00 UTC) (permalink)


So THAT'S What Happened to the Rooster
RC Master did his due diligence today by making sure we didn't miss a very special video from Bungie to Rooster Teeth thanking them for some honey-glazed holiday cheer. You can spell "Happy Holidays" without "Bungie!". Well, I mean you could, but then they wouldn't be very happy would they? Just check out the vid... (GrimBrother One 22:41:12 UTC) (permalink)


In other news, Padraig08 impressed a girl. See mom, Halo DOES come in handy! (GrimBrother One 22:39:03 UTC) (permalink)


Master Grief IS Kind of a...
Sqorck stopped by to let us know about a really funny video produced by freddiew. I guess this is what a Halo movie would look like if patterned after the way lots of people actually play through the campaign. Scary, but hilarious. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 22:35:53 UTC) (permalink)


'Anniversary' Soundtrack -- Now Presented in Glorious CrackleSound
It's almost time to dust off that RCA Victor in the basement. Halo Waypoint has new details about the limited edition "Halo: Anniversary" vinyl. The sexy green record contains 16 songs from the remastered soundtrack. A digital download code for the entire soundtrack is included with the purchase. Only 2,000 units are being produced, so you better be quick! It's available for purchase on Dec. 20. Head on over to the Sumthing Else Music Works site to get one! (Hitmonchan 01:18:41 UTC) (permalink)


News December 13 2011


343 Guilty Shirt
The Halo Waypoint folks let us know that the new December Avatar Collection is out starting today, December 13th. New additions include the previously pre-order-only Master Chief Mk V Avatar armor, a new Guilty Spark T shirt, and a pretty cool Booster Frame Avatar Prop. Neat stuff, go check it out! (GrimBrother One 14:29:32 UTC) (permalink)


Needle Rifle Prop
DaFrontlineTrooper put together a new video - it shows a Halo Reach Needle Rifle he's built from styrofoam. Pretty cool! Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 13:15:22 UTC) (permalink)


Primordium Wallpaper
TOR Books is offering some pretty snazzy Primordium-themed wallpaper, with artwork by Sparth - go grab some! Thanks, Slightly Live. (Louis Wu 13:13:00 UTC) (permalink)


ONI Speedrun - under 13 minutes
RC Master has a new speedrun for you to watch - it shows you tricks to get through ONI: Sword Base in under 13 minutes. (Well, it shows HIM getting through it in under 13 minutes. You'll probably need a little longer.) This can help you beat the current Weekly Challenge and net yourself some 22 thousand cR. Some pretty sneaky stuff - go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:12:26 UTC) (permalink)


News December 12 2011


Halo Auctions for Child's Play
Laird announced that Halo Auctions benefitting Child's Play are all live now - everything from signed helmets to a printed version of A Fistful of Arrows to signed artwork is up for grabs. Go see what you can get! (Louis Wu 17:31:15 UTC) (permalink)


Double the Fails
Two new fails videos from Stewie2552 - Halo Reach Fails 15, and Reach Fails and Laughs 15. Twice as many fails - plus some laughs. (Louis Wu 17:30:11 UTC) (permalink)


Wait... around LUNCHTIME?
Did some Halo 4 footage leak over the weekend? Hypertrooper thinks you should check it out. (Louis Wu 17:29:09 UTC) (permalink)


A close look at Anniversary's Terminals
Cody Miller stopped in this weekend with word of a new article, written by Rampancy.net's Narcogen, on a site dedicated to pointing out some story issues with Halo Anniversary. Narc's pretty unhappy with the way the new Terminals fit into the game, and while he overstates the problem (the 'added details' he laments on the Anniversary viewscreens were, in fact, in the original game), his arguments about how this new information meshes (or doesn't mesh) with existing information are compelling. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 17:25:38 UTC) (permalink)


Infection Fails - needs your clips!
Hey You wrote to ask the Halo community for submissions to an upcoming "infection Fails" series - these can be from Halo 3 or Reach, Matchmaking or customs. Swing by their website for info on how to submit. (Louis Wu 17:18:38 UTC) (permalink)


Arby 'n' the Chief: Behind the Scenes - Part 1
This weekend's Arby 'n' the Chief was actually a Behind the Scenes video showing off how an episode is created. Nice watch! Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 17:16:58 UTC) (permalink)


Dazey Chain
Cobberweb set his band Mahoney's song 'Dazey Chain' against the video footage from Landfall, the live action Halo short from Neill Blomkamp - go see for yourself how well it works! (Louis Wu 17:15:02 UTC) (permalink)


News December 11 2011


Taking the 1st Match in STRIDE
Up on Halo Waypoint today, are highlights from the first round of the STRIDE Championship Series. This series features single-elimination Halo: Reach 2v2 competition, pitting some awesome pairings of popular Major League Gaming players against each other. Also, Leviathan also let us know that his ever-brilliant Fistful of Arrows comic was the Weekly Webcomic choice at Waypoint as well. Nice stuff! (GrimBrother One 23:17:59 UTC) (permalink)


News December 10 2011


Speedrun Cornucopia
RC Master pointed out a whole passel of new films available at High Speed Halo:

As he says - that's over 100 minutes of content to enjoy! Go watch some. (Louis Wu 21:23:17 UTC) (permalink)


The Gift of the Ancients
Postmortem pointed out a teaser for "Halo - The Gift of the Ancients", an upcoming independent film for fans from fans. Looks intriguing! (Louis Wu 21:01:06 UTC) (permalink)


ATLAS Now Live In The Palm of Your Hand
The folks at Halo Waypoint have let us know that their updated Halo Waypoint mobile app as well as their new ATLAS program have gone live on iOS, Windows Phone 7, and Android platforms. Also, there is a new video taking a closer look at ATLAS up now at Waypoint on all platforms. Cool stuff, go and check out the new features! (GrimBrother One 19:16:06 UTC) (permalink)


Dead End Thrilltacular
Kotaku recently ran a piece about Duncan Harris' beautiful screenshot website DeadEndThrills. Our own SonofMacPhisto brought this to our attention, as well as letting us know that Mr. Harris also has a few beautiful Halo shots in his collection as well. Gorgeous stuff! (GrimBrother One 19:07:08 UTC) (permalink)


Last Forger Standing
pete_the_duck has announced a new Halo machinima reality show - check out the details at his website, and watch the announcement trailer on YouTube... then get to submitting! Your creativity could net you 4000 MS Points. What are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 16:00:45 UTC) (permalink)


RvB MIA: Episode 5
Halo Waypoint has posted Part 5 of Rooster Teeth's RvB MIA - how long CAN Reds and Blues get along to solve a common problem? (I missed those little guys...) (Louis Wu 15:52:11 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction (on Saturday)
There were two new pieces in the Fan Fiction queue yesterday; I apologize that I forgot to post them. They're up now - go read! (Louis Wu 15:50:02 UTC) (permalink)


Nexus in the Distance
Over at NeoGAF, daedalius posted a piece of artwork he created recently - it's not Halo specifically, but it's Halo-influenced (and it shows!). Really nice! (Louis Wu 15:49:25 UTC) (permalink)


Skyrim... in... Spaaaaaace
BlueNinja dropped off another small collection of panoramas - nice work! (Louis Wu 15:46:52 UTC) (permalink)


The Perfect Trap
MASSAIKUR stopped in with word of The Perfect Trap - Will Covey E. Lite capture Sprinter Spartan? Years of Sunday morning cartoons should answer THAT question... (Louis Wu 15:45:44 UTC) (permalink)


IGN's Top 100 Video Game Moments
IGN has compiled their list of the Top 100 Video Game Moments - points that live on in your memory long after you experience them. Halo provides two of these - a point early in Halo 2, and an iconic experience from the first game. Pretty nice! Thanks, Avateur. (Louis Wu 15:39:05 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz: Episode 11 - Coned!
Timgie released another Reach Customz video - Episode 11 focuses on Coned! This is a Headhunter gametype with a moving capture point. It moves because it's focused on a cone - which means you can move it yourself. Pretty clever! (Louis Wu 15:34:01 UTC) (permalink)


MLG CEO on Halo's pro prospects
Sundance DiGiovanni participated in an interview recently, discussing the current state of Halo pro gaming. Things aren't sounding very upbeat! Thanks, RVideo. (Louis Wu 15:31:51 UTC) (permalink)


CEA Let's Play! Part 2
Time Glitch is back with Part 2 of his Halo: CEA Let's Play - campaign playthrough, with commentary. This one covers the level Halo. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:28:34 UTC) (permalink)


News December 9 2011


A 34,300 cR Custom Challenge
Very nice little bonus from 343 - set up (and complete) a custom challenge today, collect a free 34,300 cR next week! Full details at Halo Waypoint. Thanks, Mid7night. (Louis Wu 21:06:41 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak 64
Fails of the Weak 64 is live - go watch people screw up. Thanks, Moorpheusl9. (Louis Wu 21:05:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tweeting Your Way to Schwag
Halo Waypoint is celebrating the 343rd day of the year by giving away tons of codes on its Twitter page (what each one is can be discerned from the attached hashtags). No guarantees; there are a LOT of people trying for these... but if you're up for fast copy-paste, go try your luck! Thanks, Lord Friendship. (Louis Wu 18:37:30 UTC) (permalink)


Fronk Me, He's Good
The Wonder from Down Under is at it again, with a tantalizing addition to his tear-jerking, chill-inducing Samurai Fronk series. If you care about the goodwill of man, you'll read this comic. If you want the world to be a better place, you'll read this comic. If you love your toast slightly golden brown with a touch of butter and cinnamon, you'll - well, you get the idea. Go. Read it. (GrimBrother One 14:02:31 UTC) (permalink)


News December 8 2011


Waypoint Shrugged in the Newest Halo Bulletin
The newest Halo Bulletin is now available, and it shoulders the task of revealing the very cool new details of the upcoming ATLAS application for Halo Waypoint on major mobile platforms. Go and check out all the goodies that will soon be in the palm of your Spartan hands! [It's local, too - without having to load 15mb worth of images. -lwu] (GrimBrother One 17:11:26 UTC) (permalink)


Machinima Tutorial - Artificial Depth of Field
Timgie's back with a new machinima tutorial; this one will show you how to create an artificial depth of field with After Effects, for use in Halo machinima. (Louis Wu 13:34:33 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement HORSE 52
The fifty-second Achievement HORSE shows off the finals of the office HORSE tournament - Kerry faces off against Michael. Nicely done - watch on AchievementHunter.com or YouTube.com. Thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 13:33:28 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles P2C14
Dennis Powers sent word that Fearless Part Two Chapter Fourteen has been released. The rescue plan is in progress! (Louis Wu 13:32:39 UTC) (permalink)


News December 7 2011


Halo Soundtracks, half off
Hot diggity. Zeouterlimits posted a promotional code for Sumthing Digital - use it, and you can pick up any Halo soundtrack for half-off! A deal, it's really a deal. (Louis Wu 22:41:46 UTC) (permalink)


That's... amazing.
Whoa. 343's Alison Stroll tweeted that she'd been able to get a Sparth-created Halo 4 concept piece for donation to the Child's Play auction tomorrow. I'm sad sad sad I won't be there! (Thanks to Hypertrooper for noticing.) (Louis Wu 22:35:14 UTC) (permalink)


BlueNinja dropped a few gorgeous panos in our forum (one here, two more here) - check 'em! (Louis Wu 22:03:23 UTC) (permalink)


Structura 2 - coming soon
A new book from Nicolas "Sparth" Bouvier, who currently works for 343 Industries, will be coming out in late January - you can preorder now. (Thanks, Hypertrooper.) Looks to have some amazing Halo artwork (among other subjects) in it! (Louis Wu 15:24:23 UTC) (permalink)


Women of Xbox: Episode 3
Women of Xbox 3 has been released - Goosechecka provides a solution to the "HaloCharts is gone!" problem. Thanks, Tyrant! (Louis Wu 15:23:07 UTC) (permalink)


Reach 2v2 Tourney
CyReN let us know about a 2v2 Reach LAN tournament to be held near Detroit, Michigan on December 20th - there's money on the line! (Louis Wu 15:22:24 UTC) (permalink)


A subsidiary of Terrab
rukizzel stopped in with a small easter egg from Breakneck, the Headlong remake in Anniversary - nice to see the tradition of industries founded by environment artists continues! (Louis Wu 15:21:23 UTC) (permalink)


Waypoint Modcast: Episode 5, Now With Twice the Canadians!
The Waypoint moderators are back with Episode 5 of the Waypoint Community Modcast. In it, we discuss our thoughts on Halo: Anniversary, good, bad, and disturbing. Throw in a new addition to the crew and some oddly-amusing banter, and you've got yourself a worthy addition to the collection! Don't know if that's good or bad of course, but you should check it out anyway! (GrimBrother One 13:05:23 UTC) (permalink)


News December 6 2011


Charity Sketch Auction
1UP is hosting a charity sketch auction, with some killer artwork from some cool game developers. Amongst the gems is hidden a sketch of Mister Chief; if you're intrigued, you've got 6 more days to bid! Proceeds will support the American Red Cross. Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 20:31:21 UTC) (permalink)


Face Modeling in Red vs. Blue Season 9
Rooster Teeth has posted a Behind the Scenes video showing how they did some of the face modeling in the recent Season 9 of Red vs Blue - pretty fun watch! (Louis Wu 19:08:24 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Anniversary Terms in French
Cox let us know that the Halo Anniversary Terminals are now available in French. (Louis Wu 16:43:52 UTC) (permalink)


Sweet Halo Blogs
Jimmy Jangles decided to put together his own list of "Halo blogs" - if you're looking for Halo content, check this out! (Louis Wu 16:42:47 UTC) (permalink)


Utterly Tank-Like
Den of Geek has built their list of the Top 10 Most Iconic War Machines in Videogame History - and Halo's Scorpion Tank made the list. Thanks, mc_leprechaun. (Louis Wu 16:39:50 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Homefront
Halo: Homefront is a Total Conversion mod in development for Homeworld 2 - they've now had their first official Beta release, so swing by and check it out! Thanks, 880ZERO. (Louis Wu 16:38:00 UTC) (permalink)


Machinima Tutorial: Creating an Epic Battle Scene
Timgie stopped in to announce a new video release - it's a tutorial showing how to build a Reach machinima-based battle using Theater mode, a couple of characters, and After Effects. Pretty useful! (Louis Wu 16:35:46 UTC) (permalink)


December Matchmaking Playlist Update drops
The December Matchmaking Playlist Update went live last night - if you haven't been following the changes as described in the Halo Bulletins, the Waypoint page will give you a nice summary of the changes. (Louis Wu 15:08:39 UTC) (permalink)


News December 5 2011


We're like Ragu.
Yuri Walkiw let us know about a Halo site roundup he put together for his blog, Hex19 - he calls it 'Five Halo Community Sites You Should Know About'. No, we're not just telling you about this because we're on the list (though we are ;) ). Go see who else is. (Louis Wu 22:33:36 UTC) (permalink)


Outpost: Isil S2E03
shiruken sent word that Episode 3 of Outpost: Isil Season 2 has been posted on YouTube. (It'll be available on their website later this week.) (Louis Wu 20:35:00 UTC) (permalink)


Femme Fatale
The latest Arby 'n' the Chief - "Femme Fatale" - went live this weekend; thanks to Ogan Panavo for the heads-up. 20 minutes long, will the second hacker go down to Arby and the Chief... or some other way? (And will Chief screw up EVERYTHING?) (Louis Wu 19:35:01 UTC) (permalink)


Domino's HBO Grab Bag Giveaways, Round 20
Congrats to STEEZYnairb - he's the latest recipient of Domino Theory's largesse; he'll be receiving a new copy of Halo Anniversary this week! Thanks to everyone who participated. (Louis Wu 19:30:49 UTC) (permalink)


A look back at a fun year
CruelLEGACEY is celebrating the first anniversary of his site - swing by for a retrospective! (Louis Wu 15:16:59 UTC) (permalink)


The Lost 15th Skull
kornman00 discovered evidence that there WAS a 15th skull in Halo Anniversary - it was related to the sound code's logic. (kornman thinks it might have been an attempt at an IWHBYD skull.) It wasn't actually included in the final product - but it's interesting to see that it HAD been planned for, once! (Louis Wu 15:14:25 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Out With a Whimper Update
KWDzero stopped in last night to let us know about an update to Halo: Out With a Whimper, the fan-created 2D sidescroller. Swing by for the latest details - it's looking great! (Louis Wu 15:13:51 UTC) (permalink)


News December 4 2011


Now THAT'S a heckuva statue.
Congratulations to mikimarquez - he won a Spanish contest by showing off his Halo collection (pics below, plus a video showing off his Halo DLC, and a blog devoted to Halo. The grand prize - a life-sized sculpture of the ODST Rookie (here it is, wrapped, next to its winner), might cause some strife - apparently, miki's girlfriend doesn't want the statue in the house because it's too big! Oh, the problems some fans have... :)





(Louis Wu 18:55:16 UTC) (permalink)


Good Soldiers, and Bad
There are other great videos available this weekend at Halo Waypoint: RvB MIA Episode 4 is live - the Blues and the Reds form an uneasy alliance... and a hilarious moment from a very early RvB season is evoked. When you're through with that, Impact's Adrenaline wants to give you tips on scoring flags fast while playing CTF Countdown. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:53:09 UTC) (permalink)


Mission: Leave No Man Behind REDUX
Firestorm12 sent word that Halopen has remade 'Mission: Leave No Man Behind', one of its first machinima pieces, to celebrate its 6th birthday. (You can see the original here, for comparison.) (Louis Wu 18:51:05 UTC) (permalink)


Aftermath (and Flushing Toilet)
Timgie stopped in to let people know about Aftermath, a new Halo 3 machinima he's put together. Poignant. (He's also got a new episode of Reach Customz up, focusing on a pretty fun-looking gametype - but this one was only announced at Halo Waypoint.) (Louis Wu 18:44:35 UTC) (permalink)


For the Alliance
Ty Coker stopped by to let us know that SYNAW Season 2 Episode 4 is now up - heavy use of invis. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:38:52 UTC) (permalink)


HCEA Let's Play! Part 1
Time Glitch has a series called 'Let's Play' - he's now applying it to Halo Anniversary. You can go watch him play through The Pillar of Autumn - with commentary. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:35:47 UTC) (permalink)


News December 3 2011


CMT SPv3: Truth and Reconciliation
The Custom Map Team released a video recently showing off their newest reworking of Truth and Reconciliation - it looks amazing in the Halo Custom Edition engine! Thanks, wwm0nkey. (Louis Wu 13:54:42 UTC) (permalink)


Hammer and Pickle? Hmm.
Fails of the Weak Episode 63 is now live (AH.com | YouTube) - the New Alexandria fail was my favorite. Thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 13:53:00 UTC) (permalink)


A Sucker Cannon
MASSAIKUR figured out the REAL reason CruelLEGACEY built his 'Grif Cannon' for the Playtime machinima series... go watch. (Louis Wu 13:51:17 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Community Ride Along
DeeJ has instituted a new feature at Bungie.net - the Community Ride Along is sort of like the older Halo Humpday Challenges - except instead of playing AGAINST Bungie, community members are playing WITH them. Looks like fun! Go check out the writeup of the first such event, involving the B.net Forum Ninjas. (Louis Wu 13:48:09 UTC) (permalink)


Sackboy Master Chief
Beckx stopped by with a pic he took in Little Big Planet 2 - what a wonderful costume he found! (Louis Wu 13:41:16 UTC) (permalink)


News December 2 2011


Achievement Guide - Leave It Where It Lay
RC Master put together a new Achievement guide for the Anniversary achievement "Leave It Where It Lay" - complete Two Betrayals on Legendary without picking up a new weapon. He uses the Bandanna skull, so if you're looking for a guide that shows you how to do this while conserving ammo and grenades, you'll have to look elsewhere - but it's a non-trivial challenge even WITH infinite ammo. Watching this guide can help you plan out where the baddies are waiting for you, and what techniques work on specific areas. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:30:55 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Just a pair of new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read! (Louis Wu 13:17:30 UTC) (permalink)


A look ahead
Computer and Video Games has put together a summary of what we know so far about Halo 4 - and compares it to the beginning of Star Wars' second trilogy. Here's hoping that particular comparison is offbase. (Louis Wu 12:13:03 UTC) (permalink)


Yes, he just entered his own brain.
Hedgemony is back, posting Samurai Fronk Episode 3, pages 1-10. Bad puns and insane mind techniques - what's not to love? (Louis Wu 12:11:21 UTC) (permalink)


Looking from the outside in
General Vagueness got himself out of several of the Anniversary maps, and took some really cool pics. Go read his post! (Louis Wu 12:10:40 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Pop Fiction
SIX min WHISTLE stopped in with word of a recent episode of GameTrailers' Pop Fiction (a show that looks at myths and urban legends about games) - Episode 17 looks at two legends from Halo 2, the Golden Warthog and the Scarab Gun. Very nice presentation of the evidence in both cases! Go watch. (The forum post contains both SD and HD links, so choose your poison.) (Louis Wu 12:10:17 UTC) (permalink)


News December 1 2011


That Old Familiar Pfheeling...
Bungie's Twitter feed reminds you that you can play the Marathon Trilogy on Windows, Mac, or Linux platforms, for FREE. If you need to get your Bob on, check it out! What are you waiting Pfhor? (GrimBrother One 19:43:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halo CE Chronicles - Fearless Chapter Thirteen
Dennis Powers sent word of the next chapter of Fearless - go read! (Louis Wu 18:19:32 UTC) (permalink)


Can you feel the lag tonight? (remix)
A few weeks ago, we pointed out a song written by ncsuDuncan and sung by Tomasooie - sound quality was the biggest lack. This bothered Photolysis, so he did something about it. And I hate Mediafire, so I've rehosted the final product (3.6 mb). It even comes with cover art! (Louis Wu 18:10:33 UTC) (permalink)


Robowski sent word that the Post Game Carnage Report team just released a special HCEA-focused podcast - with a guest from Drunken Halo. Go listen! (Louis Wu 18:09:51 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Fanon News
That Halo Fanon contest we mentioned a few days ago has gotten easier to enter. (Plus, you can vote for their Fourth Annual Halo Fanon awards while you're over there.) Read Grizzlei's post for details. (Louis Wu 18:08:53 UTC) (permalink)


Mongrel Conception to Killer Assets
OXM UK posted an article that tries to nail down why Halo is more important than other Xbox shooters. Not sure I buy it all - but it's an interesting read. Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 18:07:32 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Bulletin - November 30
Last night, very late, the Halo Bulletin hit the web (thanks, ZaneZavin). Amidst tips to improve your Halo gaming experience and a photo montage of 343 employees participating in Movember, you'll find details of the changes set to come to Halo matchmaking next week. Warning: the overwhelming sentiment on our OWN forum is disappointment - you might find some of the changes surprising. This is, as always, available in our own Halo Bulletin Archive (with added features like real lists and such). (Louis Wu 15:40:06 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement HORSE 51
The second match of the Rooster Teeth Office HORSE Semifinals was posted recently (AchievementHunter.com | YouTube) - Michael faced off against Marshall, who apparently has some Halo skillz he never admitted to. The competition goes all the way to round 9 - who's moving on to take on Kerry in the Finals? Watch and see! Thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 15:34:19 UTC) (permalink)


A hint of things that might come
So Metalingus627 stopped in with a request for 343 - he wants to see the Battle of Earth given its due in fiction form. One of the responses to his thread came from Leviathan... who already had this idea, and may or may not actually follow through on it! (Even if he doesn't, the splash art is fantastic.) (Louis Wu 15:31:23 UTC) (permalink)


Get Hammered
HC Redemption has a new challenge for you - this one is a part of the HC Community Challenge Series, and it features GrifballHub. The lower difficulties seem reasonable... but things get pretty tough near the top of the scale! Do you have what it takes? Go see! (Crux Fidelis 15:28:59 UTC) (permalink)


Newest Marvel Covers Revealed
New comics are coming from Marvel - Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion debuts early next year, and IGN has some cover art to whet your appetite. Thanks, Leviathan. (Louis Wu 15:25:20 UTC) (permalink)


Game Engine Development, from a Halo Vet
kornman00 let us know that Game Developer magazine's December issue has an interview with Bungie's Hao Chen - which led Hedgemony to point out a short but intriguing preview for that interview at Gamasutra. What have they learned about game engines from Halo - and how will that translate to their next (multiplatform) product? Check this out! (Louis Wu 15:23:23 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Campaign Commander
Evil Otto stopped in with word of a Halo mod for Empire at War - it's a total conversion, including new models, effects, sounds, music, gameplay mechanics, and more. If you like what you see, voting for Mod of the Year is active! (Louis Wu 15:16:03 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Love Beans
SEspider put together a few Halo characters in a new style. Adorable! (Louis Wu 15:13:14 UTC) (permalink)


Missing MC's Shoes
Frank O'Connor spoke to OXM UK recently - he was surprised by the love for Master Chief (to the point where folks were unhappy he wasn't in Reach). Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 15:07:52 UTC) (permalink)

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