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Search results for going nowhere fast
Showing results 26 - 40 of 40 matches July 10, 2004 Link to this post GNF - the start of Direct Downloads In accordance with our plan, we've begun to make the first Going Nowhere Fast speedrun available via direct download. Over 1500 people have already grabbed the file via BitTorrent, so the load shouldn't be too heavy on our download mirrors... but there's still a LOT of bandwidth available, if it comes to that. The biggest surprise (for me, anyway) is the inclusion of archive.org, the folks who are basically attempting to archive the internet. They have an entire media section devoted to speedruns in video games, and have agreed to include the top 10 runs from this contest in their collection. On top of that, we have our normal mirrors (mythica.org, files.bungie.org, that weasel television) as well as ninjasonfire.com... and psyjnir.org is offering the speedruns via Hotline, for folks who don't like BitTorrent OR the web. All download links are being kept track of on the Status page we put up recently. The second level, Halo, will be made available via direct download on Monday. If you haven't gotten this yet, grab it now! (Louis Wu 19:02:12 UTC)
July 9, 2004 Link to this post GNF - Phase Two As promised, the second Going Nowhere Fast video is now available for download, via BitTorrent. (Once again, if you don't have BitTorrent, the client can be downloaded here.) gwdpto runs through the second level of the game in 15:29 - and while his technique for zipping through the 3 Marine rescue missions at the end might be... a bit unfriendly, there's no denying that it's really, really fast. You got to know when to fight... and when to walk away. RUN away. We'll be updating the Going Nowhere Fast pages with more info in the near future. (Louis Wu 08:31:47 UTC)
July 7, 2004 Link to this post GNF - Phase One As promised, we've put the first winning run from the Going Nowhere Fast contest online. Condorman dashed his way through the Pillar of Autumn in 6 minutes and 8 seconds in Legendary... it's amazing to watch. It's a 480x360 QuickTime movie that weighs in at a bit over 47 mb, and we're serving it via BitTorrent for the time being. Please - once you've grabbed it, leave your BT client open for a while, and share the love! (The ten runs, taken together, will weigh in at a bit over a gigabyte; we can use all the help you can give us, bandwidth-wise.) If you don't have a BitTorrent client, you can find one here. (Louis Wu 08:27:58 UTC)
July 5, 2004 Link to this post Going Somewhere... Finally! Took us a while... but the first stage of the Going Nowhere Fast contest has been completed. We have a list of winners of each level run, and we'll be contacting them invidivually about prizes. You can read a full status report on where we stand if you're curious about what's coming next. The first actual video release won't be until Wednesday. Once again, we'd like to thank all who participated in this contest - it's been a blast watching the runs. And I'd like to take a moment to thank Brian 'amaroq' Towne, Ross 'c0ld vengeance' Hurrell, and John 'gnawf' Farrell for their help in making this contest a reality. (Louis Wu 21:11:06 UTC)
July 1, 2004 Link to this post GNF Clarification It seems that some folks took our 'Midnight July 1 2004' deadline on the Going Nowhere Fast contest to mean LAST night at midnight. Sorry for any confusion this caused. As long as the entry reaches us before the END of July 1, we'll accept it. (Two large videotapes came in yesterday, and haven't been digitized yet - if you don't see your times up on the leaderboard, realize we're getting a FLOOD of last-minute content, and might be a bit behind posting stuff.) (Louis Wu 11:56:51 UTC)
June 30, 2004 Link to this post One Entry That Won't Be Winning GNF... Today's One One Se7en looks at our Going Nowhere Fast competition, and how Stuntmutt's run stacked up. (In truth, he's in third place, and had some pretty l337 moves near the start... as far as I can tell, he's still in the running for the grand prize.) That said, visual manipulation of photos of me automatically disqualify you from any meaningful compensation, so he's probably right. (Louis Wu 13:04:07 UTC)
June 29, 2004 Link to this post Going... Going... This is just a reminder - midnight, EST, on July 1 is just under 64 hours from now. That's the final deadline for all entries to the Going Nowhere Fast contest - if you plan on mailing a tape, now would be a VERY good time to do so. (And you should send it Second Day Air at the very slowest - anything slower, and you're not guaranteed a delivery by the due date.) The more glitchable levels (Silent Cartographer, AotCR) and the foolable levels (PoA, 343GS) are honed down to a razor's edge... but there is plenty of room for improvement on some of the less-attempted levels. For example, in the past 12 hours, we've received not one, but TWO entries for Keyes - both of which beat the existing fast time by many, many minutes. (Times will be posted once we've gotten the films into the hands of the judges.) Show us what you got! Remember, there's lots of little schwag (books, action figures) and some pretty good BIG schwag (a special-edition Xbox) on the line... (Louis Wu 10:28:54 UTC)
June 22, 2004 Link to this post Racing Times A couple of new times have been added to the Going Nowhere Fast leaderboard - Truth and Reconciliation is now down below 25 minutes, and AotCR is less than 7 minutes. A reminder: The contest ends in a little over a week! That means if you're mailing a tape, it needs to get mailed SOON. (Rule 77 states specifically that the entry 'must be in the hands of a judge' - we're not talking postmarked, we're talking here.) At the moment, the cumulative time for the entire game, start to finish, is 2:46:11... can we get that down to 2:30? Come on, people! (Louis Wu 21:47:41 UTC)
June 10, 2004 Link to this post GNF Update The leaderboard for Going Nowhere Fast has been updated with a couple of new Pillar of Autumn times; that level is now down to 6:08. The contest ends 3 weeks from today - there's still plenty of time to submit runs, but folks should consider some of the less-exploited levels. Pillar of Autumn, Silent Cartographer, AotCR, 343GS, and the Maw are all pretty well-done (the Maw only has a single entry, but it was rather impressive). Truth and Reconciliation, the Library, Two Betrayals, and Keyes are all wide open for folks who want a shot at some of our cool prizes. You're not eligible if you don't participate, though! (Louis Wu 12:13:23 UTC)
May 31, 2004 Link to this post Going Nowhere VERY Fast A few days ago, I digitized a bunch of videotape submitted by Michael Coffing, and posted a whole passel of new scores on the Going Nowhere Fast leaderboard. Some he submitted just because there was no entry for that level, others because he had really nice runs. One run he posted, Silent Cartographer in 5:46, I was pretty sure wasn't going to be beaten any time soon. I was wrong. We received a new entry from Ducain this afternoon - and it shaves more than 20 seconds off that very impressive run from Michael. The time to beat for Silent Cartographer is now 5:24. Wow! (We'd show you the vid, but that would give away Ducain's secrets - and would probably result in some faster entries. You'll have to find the tricks for yourself!) (Louis Wu 01:39:39 UTC)
May 18, 2004 Link to this post Going Nowhere More Clearly In response to a little confusion, we've rewritten the submission rules to be clearer for the Going Nowhere Fast competition. In addition, we've added a few new times to the Leaderboard. Just keeping everyone informed! (Louis Wu 00:56:41 UTC)
May 8, 2004 Link to this post Keyes Speedrun example This was released last week - but we didn't have the bandwidth for it. Spotcheck did another speedrun on an as-yet-unshown level, Keyes. It's still on Halo PC and the difficulty isn't Legendary - but if you're looking to run Keyes in our Going Nowhere Fast contest, this vid might show you some useful shortcuts. It's 19.2 mb, in QuickTime format, and you can grab it here. (The run took him 6 minutes, 40 seconds.) It's still available on That Weasel's site in WMP9 format (19.6 mb). Update: Uriel has kindly mirrored both the QuickTime version and the 19.6 mb WMP9 version at WWWP.de. (Louis Wu 09:49:01 UTC)
May 5, 2004 Link to this post Going Nowhere Clarification A quick note - in answer to the deluge of mail we've been getting about the Going Nowhere Fast contest; the reason there are no times listed is because nobody's submitted any movies yet. However, that obviously wasn't as clear to the world as it was to us... so I've added a Leaderboard to the contest page. It's empty right now, and will stay that way until we receive entries... but it's there, so that you KNOW it's empty. (Louis Wu 00:17:13 UTC)
April 28, 2004 Link to this post If you're looking for inspiration... Spotcheck continues to post speedruns of various levels, in preparation for Going Nowhere Fast - latest pair have been PoA (on Heroic), and the Maw (on Easy). These are run on HaloPC, and obviously the difficulty levels aren't up to snuff - but he's pointing out routes to take and tricks for shaving time off. I haven't been able to watch the PoA run yet (there is still more than half an hour remaining in the download), but the Maw run was quite impressive, and I've put a pair of copies (the original WMP9, 23 mb, and a re-encoded Quicktime, 26.9 mb) up on files.bungie.org. Grab one and watch this, because the Maw in 9:15 is astounding at ANY difficulty level. Update: Uriel has mirrored both of these on a server in Germany; if you're in Europe, these might be better for you. (Thanks, Uriel!) (Louis Wu 00:01:22 UTC)
April 26, 2004 Link to this post Going Nowhere Fast Recently, there's been a bunch of interest in speed runs through Halo - it's been the subject of two movies and a host of forum threads in the past week. Well, now you can actually GAIN something from your interest - Bungie.org and Mythica.org (along with the nonexistent Ninjas On Fire site) have teamed up to bring you 'Going Nowhere Fast', a contest to see who can get through Halo the fastest. Rules, prizes, history of the genre... it's all there on the info page. Go read it... and get planning! (We'd like to apologize in advance to all the people who will feel left out and abandoned by two of the rules; specifically, the 'No Co-op' rule and the 'Legendary only' rule. We realize this bars some of the most interested competitors... but we had to find a way to keep this from turning into 100 minicontests; this was the best we could do.) (Louis Wu 01:58:47 UTC)
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