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Halo Movies

This is a legacy section.

The information included on these pages has not been updated since Halo 2 came out in 2004. It is here because it's an easy way to find movies from the early days of Halo moviemaking - but it's no longer updated. The movies approved by our Movie Peer-Reviewed Rating System can be found in our Miscellaneous section: 2005 vids are on this page, and 2006 vids are on this page. All movie-related newsposts can be found in our news database with this link.

Here you'll find all the Halo video footage released since Halo was announced, with the exception of the footage created to illustrate a gameplay trick. (For that, head over to the Gameplay Tricks section.) We've endeavored to ensure that film links are up-to-date, but we may have missed some bad links, or neglected a movie (or a movie mirror) - feel free to let us know if you find errors. More advanced sorting features will come, in time - but we decided you'd probably be okay with the default stuff for the time being, rather than having NO list at all...

Submitters: Please read our Movie Hosting Guidelines. Thanks!

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  Movie Upload Date (rev) Size (rev) Formats
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 15 7-Aug-03 12.1 - 41.3 mb qtavi
4:34 long. Episode 15 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink FTC9 23-Nov-03 37.4 - 41.1 mb qtwmp
Episode 9 of the Fire Team Charlie series. 5:04 long.
screensize: 640x416

Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO.
permalink Renegade 27-Jan-02 40.6 MB mpg
3:48 long, Halo footage from released sources (nvidia commercial, e3 2000 vid, gamestock 2001 vids, release info), set to Soil's Halo.
screensize: 320x202

Source: Spike Bebop - bandwidth provided by The Psyjnir Complex.
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 2 10-Apr-03 21.2 - 40.5 mb qtavi
Episode 2 of a must-not-miss series, 4:04 long.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: RedvsBlue.com. Mirrored at Halo-Game, in France. Also available in HiRes versions (720x480) for paying sponsors.
permalink Red Vs Blue Episode 12 10-Jul-03 11.3 - 40.4 mb qtavi
4:15 long. Episode 12 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 18 11-Sep-03 11.5 - 40.2 qtavi
4:21 long. Episode 18 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Halo Ice Fields trailer 5-Nov-03 40.2 mb mpg
The trailer for Halo Ice Fields, an upcoming Red vs Blue-esq movie, 4:02 long. No longer available.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Halo: Ice Fields.   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink Computer Gaming World's Movie 3-Oct-99 29 - 40MB qt
Computer Gaming World's Halo movie. Similar to the 'unofficial' Halo movie from Macworld Expo New York '99 but with the humans shooting.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Movie courtesy of Computer Gaming World, uploaded by Noctavis, thanks to Ferrex of the Core.
permalink We Grew Up Fast 27-Aug-03 40 mb qt
A hacking movie full of footage not seen before. 5:06 long.
screensize: 480x360

Source: The Juggler. Mirrored on his own site.  | CONTAINS SPOILERS
permalink Holiday 18-Dec-02 11.8 - 39.9 mb qtwmp
A celebration of Christmas, Halo style. Features the fantastic timing that made the creator's earlier Asshole movie such a success. 3:03 long.
screensize: 640x480/320x240

Source: Hickadam.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink GameSpot Gameplay Movies 16-Oct-01 5.3 - 39.7 MB wmpmpgreal
9 films, total, showing cutscenes and both solo and co-op gameplay. MASSIVE SPOILERS.
screensize: 320x240

permalink Red Vs Blue Episode 11 10-Jul-03 13.1 - 39.6 mb qtavi
4:11 long. Episode 11 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 28 26-Mar-04 15.9 - 39.5 mb qtwmpavi
4:01 long. Episode 28 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs Blue
permalink Haliens 7-Nov-02 39.4 mb wmp
8:04 faithful reproduction of large parts of the movie Aliens. A must-see.
screensize: 320x240

Source: c0ld vengeance and demonelite.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink [T]rickety Trickety Trick 3-Mar-04 31.8 - 39.3 mb qtavi
Tricks-filled movie showing how to get out of various multiplayer levels. 3:32 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Team [T]. QuickTime version available here.
permalink Ice Fields Episode 1, Part 1 Special Edition 30-Apr-04 21.4 - 39.3 mb qtavi
The first part of story being told by using Halo SP footage combined with voice-overs and custom music. It's got some truly awesome camera angles; they've done an incredible job of taking advantage of the HUDless interface. 6:17 long.
screensize: 320x240/640x432

Source: MarkHawk.
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 24 19-Feb-04 11.4 - 38 mb qtavi
3:55 long. Episode 24 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink AotCR speedrun by Juggertrout 21-Apr-04 30.6 - 37.6 mb qtwmp
It took him 7:19 from the time he got out of the pelican to the time he entered the final room.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Juggertrout. Above link is WMP9 format; also available in QuickTime from Mythica.
permalink FTC8 17-Sep-03 16.9 - 37.4 mb qt
The eighth installment in the FTC series. This one is the sequel to FTC5. 4:59 long.
screensize: 352x224/640x416

Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO.
permalink Red vs. Blue 7 22-May-03 8.4 - 36.8 mb qtavi
3:28 long. Episode 7 of a must-not-miss series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink What Goes Up 13-Feb-02 36.5 MB qt
6:10 long, almost entirely warthog jumping set to appropriate music. While this follows Warthog Jump by a week, the concept was described by its creators almost two weeks before Warthog Jump hit the streets.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Aikidoka and Halorigin.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Homefront mod video 7-Dec-03 35.9 mb avi
A video showing the Battlefield 1942 mod Homefront, a Halo total conversion for BF1942.
screensize: 400x300

Source: Homefront.
permalink GT7 4-Mar-04 35.8 mb qt
A modding vid, showing off a huge variety of mods.4:49 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: (GT)Juggler.
permalink St. RvB on TechTV's Unscrewed 21-Mar-04 35.8 mb qt
5:50 long, an interview with Burnie Burns and Geoff Fink of Red vs Blue on TechTV's Unscrewed, which aired on February 10, 2004. Sponsors-only on release.
screensize: 360x240

Source: Red vs Blue
permalink Lethal Rage 3 22-Mar-04 35.7 mb qt
A massive (10:11 long) tale of heroism and courage, of finding the strength within to carry on when all hope is lost... and, well, to act like an idiot when you win. Cinematography is awesome, storyline is great, and there are some very nice stunts.
screensize: 320x240


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