Movie |
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Formats |
Fear and Wonder |
26-Oct-02 |
13.8 mb |
3:21 long gameplay footage. High point is the in-air dismount at 40 seconds. screensize: 320x240
Source: Jiberish Halo Productions. Also available from their movies page. |
IGN Halo PC beta footage |
27-Aug-03 |
0.5 - 13.8 mb |
Seven clips from the Halo PC beta 1.5. Available to IGN Insiders only. screensize: 256x192/320x240
Source: IGN Insider |
More IGN Halo PC beta footage |
28-Aug-03 |
0.5 - 13.8 mb |
Eight clips, available for free streaming or paid download, showing Halo PC multiplay. screensize: 256x192/320x240
Source: IGN |
Self-Righteous |
9-Feb-03 |
13.7 mb |
3:30 worth of vehicle dancing and coordinated gunplay, set to System of a Down's Chop Suey. Great timing. screensize: 320x240
Source: Mobius. LINK IS A MIRROR LIST |
Hackin Halo! |
28-Feb-03 |
11 - 13.7 mb |
A 3:41 film showing more Hacking options. screensize: 352x240
Source: HNN Productions. The link above points to the QuickTime version at Mythica - there's also a WMP9 version there. Both versions are mirrored at the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server. | CONTAINS SPOILERS |
Parking Attendant |
16-Dec-02 |
3.8 - 13.6 mb |
A very funny 1:00 long movie using a Budweiser commercial as the soundtrack. (Incredibly, the voice acting is done by Pete Stacker, so the footage of Captain Keyes is particularly appropriate.) screensize: 720x480/360x240
Source: Addam Weirich. LINK IS A MIRROR LIST |
The Ultimate Newbie Warrior |
14-Apr-03 |
13.5 mb |
Dumb stuff newbies do (and what you look like when you get better). 3:22 long. screensize: 320x240
Source: Maverick J. Mirrored at the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server. |
I Hung My Head |
6-Jan-04 |
13.3 mb |
A very moving video set to Johnny Cash's 'I Hung My Head'. screensize: 360x240
Source: Team Hogan. Mirrored at files.bungie.org. |
Tactics 101 |
23-Sep-03 |
11.8 - 13.2 mb |
The Shadow Clan show some sneaky tricks that can be used in multiplay. 3:09 long. WMV version is here. screensize: 320x240
Source: Shadow Clan. |
Red vs Blue Spike TV VGA awards promo |
4-Dec-03 |
13.2 mb |
Red vs Blue's promo for the SpikeTV Video Game Awards. 2:10 long. screensize: 360x240
Source: Red vs. Blue |
BryceHalo |
14-Jul-02 |
13.0 mb |
3:02 long, completely rendered in Bryce. An abstract piece... screensize: 450x338
Killing Spree |
8-Apr-04 |
13 mb |
3:36 of MP gaming on Xbox. Bad-ass flag killing with. screensize: 320x240
Source: WaLKa. |
Scottish Hunter |
5-Jun-02 |
12.9 mb |
2:33 long. A tale of love and woe, set to 'The Spicy McHaggis Jig', from The Dropkick Murphys. Potentially offensive. screensize: 320x238
Gamespot Halo PC campaign play |
26-Aug-03 |
10.8 - 12.9 mb |
Gamespot subscribers-only Halo PC campaign footage. screensize: 480x360
Source: Gamespot. |
GameSpot's First 'Unofficial' Halo Movie |
25-Jul-99 |
12.8 MB |
GameSpot's first 'unofficial' Halo movie from Macworld Expo New York '99. screensize: 240x180
Source: Movie courtesy of GameSpot. |
Oh Shit! |
8-Sep-02 |
12.5 mb |
3:18 long, gameplay footage showing a lot of... well, unpleasant situations, interspersed with cutscene footage. screensize: 320x240
Source: Adam Russin/Brian Rosenberg. Mirrored at Mythica.org and HostedScripts. | CONTAINS SPOILERS |
Halo - Session |
22-Oct-02 |
12.5 mb |
2:31 worth of Blood Gulch-based, explosive-assisted travel. screensize: 320x240
Source: Jiberish Halo Productions. Also available from their movies page. |
CTF Flag Getting 101 |
10-Jul-03 |
9.3 - 12.4 mb |
Creative ways to capture the flag. 3:02 long. screensize: 320x240
Source: MaverickJ. Also available in WMP format. |
FTC3: When in doubt, take a ghost and jump out |
10-Jul-03 |
11.7 - 12.4 mb |
The third video in the Fire Team Charlie series. 3:32 long. screensize: 720x240
Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO. |
FTC7 |
4-Sep-03 |
7.6 -12.4 mb |
The seventh installment in the Fire Team Charlie Series. screensize: 352x224/640x416
Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO. |
Salmon vs. Teal |
1-Jun-03 |
5.4 - 12.3 mb |
1:15 long. A spoof on the Red vs Blue series. We should make it clear that these guys have nothing but the highest respect for the RvB crew... they just want to show it with a parody series. screensize: 720x480/400x300
Source: Salmon vs. Teal. Upper link is Hi-res - also available in medium res. |
MC Is Wonderboy |
30-Jul-03 |
12.3 mb |
A pretty fun turn-a-song-into-a-story video. 4:33 long. screensize: 240x180
Source: Eric Vogt |
Starship Troopers |
15-Jun-02 |
12.2 mb |
3:50 long, a look at what Halo might be if it were Starship Troopers. screensize: 240x180
Source: Djoey154. |
Red vs Blue Public Service Announcement |
7-Apr-03 |
3.9 - 12 mb |
A hilarious offshoot of the Red vs. Blue series, 1:10 long. screensize: 360x240/720x480
Source: RedvsBlue.com. Mirrored at Halo-Game, in France. Also available in HiRes versions (720x480) for paying sponsors. |
CTF Flag Getting 101 Part 1 |
10-Apr-03 |
7.2 - 11.8 mb |
CTF Strategies for Battle Creek, Hang 'em High, and Sidewinder. Worth watching. 3:01 long. screensize: 320x240
Source: Maverick J. Above link points to the WMP9 version at Mythica - you can also grab a QuickTime version there. (Both are mirrored at the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server.) |