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Halo Movies

This is a legacy section.

The information included on these pages has not been updated since Halo 2 came out in 2004. It is here because it's an easy way to find movies from the early days of Halo moviemaking - but it's no longer updated. The movies approved by our Movie Peer-Reviewed Rating System can be found in our Miscellaneous section: 2005 vids are on this page, and 2006 vids are on this page. All movie-related newsposts can be found in our news database with this link.

Here you'll find all the Halo video footage released since Halo was announced, with the exception of the footage created to illustrate a gameplay trick. (For that, head over to the Gameplay Tricks section.) We've endeavored to ensure that film links are up-to-date, but we may have missed some bad links, or neglected a movie (or a movie mirror) - feel free to let us know if you find errors. More advanced sorting features will come, in time - but we decided you'd probably be okay with the default stuff for the time being, rather than having NO list at all...

Submitters: Please read our Movie Hosting Guidelines. Thanks!

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  Movie Upload Date (rev) Size (rev) Formats
permalink Four Hi-Res Red vs Blue Episodes 26-Oct-03 487.9 mb qt
Fileplanet posted a huge, four-episode compilation of the Blood Gulch Chronicles after the Machinima Awards 2003.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gamespy (via FilePlanet)
permalink Halo 2: Are You Ready? 1-May-03 292 kb qt
1:13 long. So if you watched Halo War, and say to yourself, "self, where can I get more of that MC-rockin' insanity?" - well, look no further than the 'Halo 2: are u ready?' trailer, also from Paul - 292K worth of mind-bending Halo 2 action.
screensize: 550x400

Source: Paul
permalink Halo War 1-May-03 215 kb qt
0:41 long. Sometimes, we get movie submissions that don't meet our guidelines... because they're so far out there they can't even be HELD UP to the guidelines. Halo War is one of those. 215K of MC-rockin' insanity.
screensize: 550x400

Source: Paul
permalink Gamestock footage - Bungie (Hi-res) 20-Mar-01 182 MB wmpmpg
A film of the Halo demonstration at the Gamestock event - Joe Staten plays the game for several minutes. Quality is very high. 10:20 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Bungie.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Halo Metal 15-Dec-03 159.5 mb wmp
A 25-minute-long ode to Halo, consisting mostly of warthog jumps and the like with some interesting stuff mixed in. No longer available.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Tobias Ivarsson.   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink FilePlanet Exclusive Halo PC Single-Player Footage 19-Aug-03 158 mb qt
Single-player Halo PC gameplay on the level Halo.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gamespy (via FilePlanet)
permalink E3 2000 Trailer 30-Jun-00 84 - 158 MB qtmpg
9 minute 42 second film showing the full E3 Trailer.
screensize: 320x240/480x360

Source: PC Gamer Magazine, August 2000 Cover CD. Larger version created from DVD source material supplied by Bungie.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Gamespy FilePlanet exclusive Halo PC multiplayer video 25-Aug-03 141 mb qt
Video of Halo PC multiplayer action. 4:00 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gamespy
permalink IGN Insider Halo vs. Halo 2 comparison 19-Dec-03 72 - 133 mb qt
IGN's video comparison between Halo and Halo 2. All of the footage can be found elsewhere on the net; this is just a comparison. Available to IGN Insiders only. 5:38 long.
screensize: 400x300

Source: IGN Insider
permalink The Matrix (Halo Remix) 31-Jul-02 20.3 mb mpg
5:46 long, this movie shows what you can do with enough patience. The entire first scene of the movie 'The Matrix' has been recreated in the Halo engine. And without a dev kit! If you have the bandwidth, grab the large version... but most people will probably need to settle for the smaller one.
screensize: 720x480/360x240

Source: Bill Paetzke.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Halo 2 E32k3 Demo 12-Jun-03 19.6 - 112 mb qtwmpmpgavi
9:04 long. Halo 2, as it existed at E3 2003. 'Nuff said.
screensize: 640x432/480x324/320x216/480x352/240x162/436x320/35

permalink The Making of Halo 2 1-Dec-03 37.8 - 100.7 mb qtwmp
A film shown at the X03 event in France in September of 2003. It's a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Halo 2, and has been made available on the 'net thanks to Jim McQuillan at Film Oasis and the legal eagles at Bungie. Both WMV and Quicktime versions are available; the link goes to a mirror list. 7:40 long.
screensize: 640x480/320x240

permalink FTC10 18-Jan-04 31.5 - 95 mb qtwmp
Episode ten of the Fire Team Charlie series. 11:30 long.
screensize: 352x224/640x416

Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO.
permalink IGN HALO PC review footage 26-Sep-03 62 - 95 mb qtwmp
Video review of Halo PC by IGN. Insiders only.
screensize: 320x240/400x300

permalink Evolution of Halo (Hi-Res) 10-Mar-04 91.7 - 94.8 mb qtavi
A 13:38- long look at older versions of Halo, narrated by Bungie employees. A must-see.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Bungie Studios.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 27 18-Mar-04 15.3 - 93.4 mb qtwmpavi
5:23 long. Episode 27 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Offensive Tetraboxing 21-Feb-04 93.4 mb qt
9:09 long monster vid commemorating the Offensive Tetraboxing lanfest in late January at HBO HQ.
screensize: 400x300

Source: Blackstar. Also available at Rampancy.net, Boomerica Enterprises, and files.bungie.org.
permalink The Bungie Factor 23-Dec-03 27.3 - 92 mb qt
Halo footage from a Discovery Channel special called 'The X Factor' which aired in June. 6:05 long. Link is a mirror list.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Film Oasis.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Additional Gamespot Movies 31-Oct-01 various wmpmpgreal
A number of movies, of various sizes and in various formats, put up between November 1 and November 9. These include gameplay footage and a video review. All movies BELOW Halo Movie 19 are listed elsewhere on this page.
screensize: various

Source: GameSpot
permalink [WSD] Movie 3-Jun-03 88 mb wmp
18:00 long. Preedominately 4-player gameplay - 2v2 or 4-player FFA - except for the last 5 minutes, which is an unedited 6 player game of Rockets on Prisoner. Editing overall is pretty well done.
screensize: 320x240

Source: [WSD]
permalink Reminisance 31-Jul-02 86.2 mb wmp
8:02 long, this movie sort of tells a story... but mostly it shows some cool gameplay, lots and lots of video effects, and a great soundtrack. Huge.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Dan Chosich.
permalink FTC11 3-Mar-04 30.6 - 84.3 mb qtwmp
Episode eleven of the Fire Team Charlie series. 6:55 long.
screensize: 312x200/624x400

Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO.
permalink IGN Halo PC preview 14-Jul-03 55 - 84 mb qt
Halo PC preview footage from IGN. Half solo play, half multiplayer footage. 5:29 long.
screensize: 320x240/400x300

permalink WTF LAG 12-Jan-04 82.0 mb qt
Synide has put together a rambling, 6+ minute long film showing lots of stuff. Some pretty neat stuff in there. 6:25 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Synide.
permalink Halo 50k Framework 2-Jun-03 80 mb qt
5:20 long. One of the more impressive gameplay vids in recent memory is Dan Chosich's Halo50K Framework. It sets all sorts of bars that other Halo filmmakers strive to reach... and now it's even better. Audio's been re-encoded, aspect ratio and bitrate's are both higher, for clarity... this movie captures the chaos, the adrenaline-induced exhilaration, the beauty of Halo multiplay, and now it does so in a 720x405 format, in just under 80 mb.
screensize: 720x405

Source: Dan Chosich.

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