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halo movies

Halo Movies

This is a legacy section.

The information included on these pages has not been updated since Halo 2 came out in 2004. It is here because it's an easy way to find movies from the early days of Halo moviemaking - but it's no longer updated. The movies approved by our Movie Peer-Reviewed Rating System can be found in our Miscellaneous section: 2005 vids are on this page, and 2006 vids are on this page. All movie-related newsposts can be found in our news database with this link.

Here you'll find all the Halo video footage released since Halo was announced, with the exception of the footage created to illustrate a gameplay trick. (For that, head over to the Gameplay Tricks section.) We've endeavored to ensure that film links are up-to-date, but we may have missed some bad links, or neglected a movie (or a movie mirror) - feel free to let us know if you find errors. More advanced sorting features will come, in time - but we decided you'd probably be okay with the default stuff for the time being, rather than having NO list at all...

Submitters: Please read our Movie Hosting Guidelines. Thanks!

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  Movie Upload Date (rev) Size (rev) Formats
permalink Red vs Blue Microsoft PDC extra 13-Sep-03 14.3 - 52.1 mb qtavi
5:30 long. Red vs Blue's video for the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2003. Developers, developers, developersä
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Halo PC Developer Interview 2 12-Sep-03 42.3 - 50.9 mb qtwmp
Gamespot intervies Randy Pitchford and Pete Parsons about Halo PC. Available to Gamespot subscribers only.
screensize: 480x360

Source: Gamespot.
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 18 11-Sep-03 11.5 - 40.2 qtavi
4:21 long. Episode 18 of the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink Blinded Witness videos 8-Sep-03 9.2 - 71 mb wmpmpg
Several videos from Blinded Witness, showing multiplayer gameplay.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Blinded Witness Productions.
permalink Video footage capture howto 7-Sep-03 31 mb avi
How to get video footage from your PC onto a DV camera. No longer available.
screensize: 720x540

permalink Our December Final 4-Sep-03 24 mb qt
AotCR gameplay with music. 4:17 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: essex, dyme, .mirage
permalink Halo50K final round footage 4-Sep-03 31 - 33.5 mb qtwmp
Footage of the final round of Halo50K, the match between TDT and DM, CTF on Battle Creek. 5:16 long.
screensize: 400x300

Source: Video CD Productions; more download options available here.
permalink FTC7 4-Sep-03 7.6 -12.4 mb qt
The seventh installment in the Fire Team Charlie Series.
screensize: 352x224/640x416

Source: Xbox Ottawa. Mirrored at HBO.
permalink The Beginning of the End 1-Sep-03 8.8 - 11.7 mb wmp
Second installment of UNSC.net's exclusive video.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Team X.
permalink HBO Summer Slaying 31-Aug-03 47.1 mb qt
Footage of a lanfest held at HBO HQ the previous weekend. 3:21 long. No longer available.
screensize: 720x480

Source: Blackstar   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink Red vs Blue Episode 17 28-Aug-03 11.3 - 42.5 mb qtavi
4:30 long. Episode 17 in the Red vs Blue series.
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink More IGN Halo PC beta footage 28-Aug-03 0.5 - 13.8 mb qtwmp
Eight clips, available for free streaming or paid download, showing Halo PC multiplay.
screensize: 256x192/320x240

Source: IGN
permalink We Grew Up Fast 27-Aug-03 40 mb qt
A hacking movie full of footage not seen before. 5:06 long.
screensize: 480x360

Source: The Juggler. Mirrored on his own site.  | CONTAINS SPOILERS
permalink IGN Halo PC beta footage 27-Aug-03 0.5 - 13.8 mb qtwmp
Seven clips from the Halo PC beta 1.5. Available to IGN Insiders only.
screensize: 256x192/320x240

Source: IGN Insider
permalink Halo PC beta footage 27-Aug-03 15.5 - 33.3 mb qtwmp
Dan Chosich released a movie showing some great Halo PC multiplayer action. 3:05 long.
screensize: 320x240/360x270

Source: Dan Chosich. Mirrored in a few places.
permalink Gamespot Halo PC campaign play 26-Aug-03 10.8 - 12.9 mb qt
Gamespot subscribers-only Halo PC campaign footage.
screensize: 480x360

Source: Gamespot.
permalink Master Chief Casting Call 25-Aug-03 18 - 35 mb wmpmpg
A couple of guys try to cast a new Master Chief, and don't have much luck. 7:30 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Team T&R.
permalink Gamespy FilePlanet exclusive Halo PC multiplayer video 25-Aug-03 141 mb qt
Video of Halo PC multiplayer action. 4:00 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gamespy
permalink Wheels on Fire 24-Aug-03 15.1 mb avi
More Halo hacks. Shows some weapons mods, as well as what happens when you drive your warthog too fast. 4:15 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: BOLL.
permalink Summer Slaying footage 24-Aug-03 4.5 mb qt
A short video clip showing some of the gameplay at the Summer Slaying lanfest. No longer available.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Blackstar.   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink Red vs Blue PSA 3 24-Aug-03 24 - 32 mb qtavi
3:27 long. The third Public Service Announcement from Red vs Blue. Tattoos are bad, m'kay?
screensize: 360x240/720x480

Source: Red vs. Blue
permalink MXB 21-Aug-03 10 mb wmp
Shows off some hacking stuff. Vehicle spawning, projectile switching, and the like. 6:26 long. No longer available.
screensize: 320x240

permalink FilePlanet Exclusive Halo PC Single-Player Footage 19-Aug-03 158 mb qt
Single-player Halo PC gameplay on the level Halo.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gamespy (via FilePlanet)
permalink Bah 18-Aug-03 14.6 - 21.6 mb qtavi
BOLL's accompaniment to dmauro's 'How to make a Warthog Fly' tutorial. Shows flying warthogs, a desert Blood Gulch, flying shadesä 3:15 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: BOLL. Also available from BOLL in QuickTime, or from HBO as a re-encoded QuickTime.
permalink Oddballs Episode 2 15-Aug-03 7.8 - 14.8 mb wmpmpg
Episode2 of Lion's Halo series, Oddballs.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Lion's Truth and Reconciliation site.

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