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Halo Movies

This is a legacy section.

The information included on these pages has not been updated since Halo 2 came out in 2004. It is here because it's an easy way to find movies from the early days of Halo moviemaking - but it's no longer updated. The movies approved by our Movie Peer-Reviewed Rating System can be found in our Miscellaneous section: 2005 vids are on this page, and 2006 vids are on this page. All movie-related newsposts can be found in our news database with this link.

Here you'll find all the Halo video footage released since Halo was announced, with the exception of the footage created to illustrate a gameplay trick. (For that, head over to the Gameplay Tricks section.) We've endeavored to ensure that film links are up-to-date, but we may have missed some bad links, or neglected a movie (or a movie mirror) - feel free to let us know if you find errors. More advanced sorting features will come, in time - but we decided you'd probably be okay with the default stuff for the time being, rather than having NO list at all...

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Showing movies with content matching the phrase: warthog

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  Movie Upload Date (rev) Size (rev) Formats
permalink The EBP Warthog Tutorial 9-Apr-04 15.5 mb wmp
A Warthog Jumping Tutorial with voiceover. 1:41 long.
screensize: 640x480

Source: Gustav Larimore.
permalink Things to do with a Warthog 31-Mar-04 9.6 mb wmp
Ducain continues his pretty awesome experimentation with Warthog-assisted flying. 2:48 long.
screensize: 320x240

permalink On Top of the Light Bridge Tower 16-Mar-04 6.5 - 6.9 mb qtwmp
Ducain managed to put himself, and a Warthog, on top of the support tower at the edge of the Light Bridge on the level Halo. In single-player.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Ducain. Mirrored in its original WMP9 format at Rampancy.net and files.bungie.org, as well as in QuickTime format.
permalink Lego Warthog 18-Feb-04 2.7 mb wmp
A small video of a motorized warthog made out of Lego blocks. 1:01 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Dr@Home
permalink Warthog in final cutscene on Two Betrayals 21-Dec-03 7.7 mb qt
Footage showing a warthog in the final cutscene on Two Betrayals. 2:16 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Edge_343.
permalink Halo Metal 15-Dec-03 159.5 mb wmp
A 25-minute-long ode to Halo, consisting mostly of warthog jumps and the like with some interesting stuff mixed in. No longer available.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Tobias Ivarsson.   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink Rocketopia 8-Dec-03 26.9 mb qt
Warthog jumping and weapons-crossing-glitching. 2:40 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: HaloGT
permalink Warthogs with Wings 3-Nov-03 2.2 mb qt
A video of a modded Xbox, showing warthogs with wings attached. 0:24 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: tjc2k4.
permalink Wheels on Fire 24-Aug-03 15.1 mb avi
More Halo hacks. Shows some weapons mods, as well as what happens when you drive your warthog too fast. 4:15 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: BOLL.
permalink Bah 18-Aug-03 14.6 - 21.6 mb qtavi
BOLL's accompaniment to dmauro's 'How to make a Warthog Fly' tutorial. Shows flying warthogs, a desert Blood Gulch, flying shadesä 3:15 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: BOLL. Also available from BOLL in QuickTime, or from HBO as a re-encoded QuickTime.
permalink Hogs on Hang 'em High 11-Aug-03 2.2 mb qt
Some footage from a modded Xbox showing warthogs on Hang 'em High.1:59 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Pfhorslayer.
permalink Magnetism 4-Jun-03 3 mb qt
1:01 long. Another mini-movie from HUNTR-KILLR. This one shows another setting you can toggle with a modded box - it's called 'magnetism', and it determines whether marines (and the MC) will automatically exit a warthog when it flips.
screensize: 320x240

permalink Rock Climber 3-Jun-03 8 mb qt
2:46 long. HUNTR-KILLR turned in a funny little short film; no sound, but the action is what counts. Anybody who's tried to put a jeep up on top of the level Halo knows how hard it is to drive up slopes... and walking is simply out of the question. Did you know, though, that Covenant characters have FAR less trouble? An elite can walk up a slope two or three times faster (maybe even more than that) than even a Warthog can! It shows three separate climbs, with awesome views each time, and some cool falls at the end. (Each one has the player bump an Elite; yes, this is a modded xbox. This works with Jackals and Grunts, as well.)
screensize: 320x240

permalink Warthog Trick 15-Apr-03 22.9 - 27.3 mb qtwmp
A very useful trick for multiplayer (with vehicles). Long for the content, but worth seeing. 6:40 long.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Maverick J. Above link points to the WMP9 version at Mythica - you can also grab a QuickTime version there. (Both are mirrored at the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server.)
permalink Warthog Jump Tutorial 17-Jan-03 21.2 mb qt
Just over 6 minutes long, this shows, in exhaustive detail, the steps needed to complete a successful warthog jump. If you're having trouble reproducing some of the cool stunts you see in other movies, check this out. (If you know how to do this, save yourself the 20 meg download - this one's a niche item.)
screensize: 352x240

Source: ArakniZ
permalink 16 Second Warthog Jump 4-Nov-02 9.3 mb mpg
Pm-flex and Shmizark fired off a warthog from the standard launch location, and kept it in the air for 16 seconds.
screensize: 352x240

Source: Pm-flex Productions, hosted by TeamNero.   NO LONGER AVAILABLE
permalink OXMUK's Ultimate Warthog Jumps 7-Oct-02 18.5 mb qt
18 Warthog Jumps, submitted by OXM UK readers and rated by OXM staff. No music, no fluff... just jumping and scores. The good ones are very, very good. The bad ones are funny.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Official UK Xbox Magazine - recorded from the cover DVD by Griffon.   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Fun With Vehicles 15-Sep-02 15.4 mb qt
2:53 long, a beautiful ode to Warthog Jousting. Timing is superb.
screensize: 320x240

Source: Loren Judah   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST
permalink Fonkee French Touche 16-Aug-02 4.5 mb real
2:50 of Warthog jumping and some pretty funny MC dancing. Narration is in French.
screensize: 350x150

Source: www.kungfou.com.
permalink Warthog TV Ad 2 23-Jul-02 7.4 mb qt
39 seconds long, this is Blackstar's vision of what Chevy might do if they were selling Warthogs. One of two variants.
screensize: 480x238

Source: Blackstar Productions. Mirrored at That Weasel Television.
permalink Warthog TV Ad 1 23-Jul-02 6.8 mb qt
36 seconds long, this is Blackstar's vision of what Chevy might do if they were selling Warthogs. One of two variants.
screensize: 480x238

Source: Blackstar Productions. Mirrored at That Weasel Television.
permalink HaloCable 14-Jul-02 10.3 mb wmp
5:40, a combination of Ian Haddock's Rocket Dance and original footage (primarily warthog jumping, but other stuff, too). The Oompa Loompa stuff is pretty funny...
screensize: 320x240

Source: XERO Productions. Mirrored at L'atelier Studio.
permalink Dreams of Master Chief 11-Jul-02 21.3 mb qt
5:50 long, a spoof of all the Warthog Jump videos. (Jump footage actually done by Randy Glass.)
screensize: 320x240

Source: Official Xbox Magazine - recorded from the cover DVD by Team Overkill. Mirrored at xbox4uweb and That Weasel Television.
permalink Blur of Halo 8-Jul-02 8.8 mb wmp
1:08 long, a Warthog Jump video.
screensize: 320x240

Source: NevaFuse and Spike Lee.
permalink Warthog Revisited 30-May-02 17.2 mb qtwmp
3:40 long. Randy Glass, creator of the original 'Warthog Jump', has spoofed himself... and in the process, made another tremendously funny vid. Long-time Bungie fans will really appreciate the added touches... but even newcomers should find it funny. When you're done watching it, think a bit about the level of editing that needed to go into this...
screensize: 320x240/240x180

Source: Randy Glass   LINK IS A MIRROR LIST

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