
They're Random, Baby!

ubald: Halo Renders


Spartan_Backup (originally posted at Renderosity, April 2, 2010)
Spartan Backup: Hi everyone! Ok so this is the first of the Spartans Ive been working on, Ive also made a few Pre-mutaions. The Reach helmets I had found on a site and will get the credits out soon sorry Im all over the map at the moment!, another coffee shop:) Also the Reach Ar by Medrop Very nice model! mapped by me:) and more help by Darkvibe. This Image was a fast and still very rough one, But I wanted to show Darkvibe and all of you the Reach stuff. All rigged posed Lighting 3DS Max/ Post CS2.. got to run! I hope you all have a Great Easter, and I hope you like:) CHEERs...

Large version (2965x2174, 490K)


Halo ©Bungie Studios and Microsoft.

All images contained herein are © Tony 'ubald' Marcotte and may NOT be used on any other site or for any other purpose without the consent of the artist. They are used here with permission.
