
They're Random, Baby!

Official HBO HaloPC Game Server

For Immediate Release: September 27, 2003

HBO is happy to announce that thanks to the generosity of Game Daemons, a company dedicated to providing high-performance servers to the gaming community, we will be maintaining an Official HBO HaloPC Public Server, set up for fulltime 16-player Halo PC carnage. "HBO has shown tremendous dedication over the years to Halo, and we wanted to reward that enthusiasm with a place to enjoy the newest Halo addition," said Mark Nelson, of Game Daemons. Low pings, high bandwidth, always-on connections should make for fantastic gaming... and HBO's 'not quite ordinary' view of Halo multiplay should keep things interesting.

We're old-school Bungie fans; we cut our teeth on Marathon multiplayer action, we came of age with Myth, and we grew to expect more than deathmatch. Sure, you'll find the occasional FFA Slayer match here, and of course there'll be classics like Blood Gulch CTF in the mix... but you'll also find Oddball games with out-there rules, honor-system melee-only matches on smaller maps, the ever-popular Rockets-only Iron CTF on Hang 'em High... HBO will be where you can come to try out the less-traveled path.

We'll provide an interface for gametype suggestions, and a couple of nights a week will be 'open-server nights' - fan-suggested variants will fill the rotation. (If they're really bad, we'll yank 'em, of course.) Games will be friendly - we play for fun, not humiliation. Folks who can't play nice will be asked to leave. (Thanks to Gearbox's server admin options, sandkickers who can't play nice and won't leave when asked will be MADE to leave.) More than anything, we want this to be a place where HBO regulars (and no-so-regulars) can come and frag each other for the pure joy of it.

And thanks to Game Daemons, we're going to be able to bring it to you.

This server will go live on September 30, 2003, and with any luck, will be open from that point on for your fragging pleasure.
