The second official HBO contest has drawn to a close - the Maw 700, Part Two, has been completed - and the winner is...
::longer drumroll than before::
Team 7HR33!
We received four entries this time around; part of the problem was the more stringent equipment requirements, and part was simply the time factor. However, all four entries we received were worthy of consideration. To that end, we've put all four up here, for your perusal. All movies are in QuickTime 5 format.
TEAM 7HR33 |
320x218 | 6:38 14.8 mb |
352x288 | 6:32 14.7 mb |
320x240 | 6:29 15.1 mb |
320x240 | 5:29 14.9 mb |
Download |
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The first movie we received came from Cybrfrk, and it definitely wins the production points. Done in the style of (and using sound clips from) DeathRace 2000, this movie plays like a video game. (The novelty might have benefitted from a shorter run, however.) Bonus points for the persistence shown in mop-up operations.
Patroclus turned in a film with a nicely-executed comedy routine at the start - and got extra credit for the nail-biting finish.
MoNkEyKiNg OKcrew submitted the only film run on Legendary, and managed to hit all the easter eggs on the level. The driving wasn't half bad, either. (Beautiful approach to the 'Rex room'...)
However, the entry by Team 7HR33, despite two minor errors, was executed with such style that after the third or fourth 'Holy shi...' it was time for a break. Highlights include the use of a Carrier flood to execute a perfect end-over-end 360 at 5:35, the gorgeous manouver at 5:02 that needs to be named, the death of the nipple grunt, the rocket-assisted bridge jump (which, unfortunately, ended badly - a triple lutz that was landed wrong), and the heroic efforts at the finale to get BOTH players across the finish line. Bungie calls this sort of display 'Sack'... and it's an apt name here.
Team 7HR33 will be receiving a pair of t-shirts, a Halo Soundtrack (as soon as they're available), and a hi-res printed version of this certificate:
Congratulations, and thanks to all who entered!
For Posterity:

To get yourself to the Longsword at the end of the Maw in a stylish manner. Provide a movie, beginning with the checkpoint after the chapter title "Warning: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Convicts" and running all the way through to the beginning of the final cutscene.
Be creative! Numerous players have now shown us that you can make it to the Longsword with over 2:30 left on the clock. Now put that extra time to use. Do something interesting and spectacular. Here are some things you might want to try:
- Visit the "Nipple Grunt"
- Take shortcuts
- Drive the Warthog onto the Longsword
- Visit the "Rex Room"
- Shoot down the Banshees pursing Foehammer
- Never take a spill or come to an accidentalstop
- Run over your enemies in a dramatic fashion
- Show us places we've never seen before
This list is by no means complete, but you get the idea: Do It With Style!
You may also want to consider making the run cooperatively; perhaps there are things two Master Chief's can do that could not be done by one alone.

- Halo
- Xbox
- TV (or computer monitor)
- Screen capture device (can be done by an external camcorder, but be sure the pictures are exceptionally clear)
- email or ftp access

- Play the final level of Halo ("The Maw") on whatever difficulty you choose. You can play single player, or cooperative - it's up to you.
- Capture a movie starting with the checkpoint after the chapter title "Warning: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Convicts" and running all the way through to the beginning of the final cutscene (the white-out). The move must be one continuous capture - no cutting and pasting of different attempts will be allowed.
- Optimize the movie so it is no larger than 15 Mb. We strongly suggest stripping out the sounds! (But make a backup, because if you win we will want to post the movie with sounds.)
- Email the movie (stuffed or zipped), along with your name, age, t-shirt size, and a valid email address to (If you win, the only way we have of contacting you with your prize is that email address... so make sure it's valid!) Alternatively, upload your file to our dropbox, stuffed or zipped with a text file containing the above information. Unlabeled entries will be tossed.
- Only one entry per contestant will be allowed, so make sure it's the best you can do!
- Movies will be accepted beginning at midnight UTC on March 15, 2002, and must be received no later than midnight UTC on March 22, 2002.

Our secret panel of crazed hard-core Halo judges will review all entries after the contest is over. The entry deemed to be the most stylishwill win a T-Shirt in the size of your choice, and an official Halo Soundtrack, and all the accolades due the winner of HBO's first real contest (part 2)!
Contest conceived of and illustrated by poena.dare #CP#g
All artwork © poena.dare #CP#g
All submissions become property of
Employees and lackeys of and Bungie Studios are not eligible to participate. reserves the right to discard suspicious or tampered entries. is not responsible for errors, problems, or delays in e-mail that may prevent entries from reaching
Winners may be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility, liability, and publicity release. assumes no responsibility or liability for damages, loss or injury resulting from acceptance or use of the prize.
Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification. Decision of the judges are final.