Final Winning Time: 2:43.90
The first official HBO contest has drawn to a close - the Maw 700, Part One, has been completed - and the winner is...
Team 7HR33 put up a valiant last-minute effort, but they just couldn't get that last .85 of a second. (For what it's worth, that particular image isn't valid by the rules of the contest... but it's close. It's good enough, in fact, for an Honorable Mention.)
Frogblast turned in an even more impressive entry... but it came in well after the contest deadline, and so is not valid. We'll give it another Honorable Mention, however.
Frogblast will be receiving a t-shirt, as well as a hi-res printed version of this certificate:
Congratulations, and thanks to all who entered!
Remember, Contest 2 (the second half of the Maw 700) closes in less than 7 days! Get going on that video production!
For Posterity:

To get yourself to the Longsword at the end of the Maw in the shortest time possible. Provide a picture, taken from a specific location (see below), showing the greatest possible remaining time on the countdown timer. This contest will begin at midnight UTC on March 1, 2002, and submissions will be accepted until midnight UTC on March 15, 2002. Notice: Due to unforseen outages in internet connectivity here at, the submissions deadline has been extended 12 hours, to 12 pm UTC on March 15. (This is 7 am EST, or 4 am PST.)

- Halo
- Xbox
- TV (or computer monitor)
- Screen capture device (can be a camera, but be sure the pictures are clear)
- email or ftp access

- Play the final level of Halo ("The Maw") on whatever difficulty you choose. You can play single player, or cooperative - it's up to you.
- As you head up the final ramp to the Longsword, turn around, and take a screenshot. If you're worried about triggering the cutscene before you get your shot, take it from the bottom of the ramp - but you must be headed back the way you came. The image should look like the one below (though it must be larger - minimum size is 640x480, larger is fine).
- Email the screenshot, along with your name, age, t-shirt size, and a valid email address to (If you win, the only way we have of contacting you with your prize is that email address... so make sure it's valid!) Save yourself the trouble of mailing the image if your time doesn't be the time posted at the top of the page - that number will be kept updated with the best time to come in.
- Alternatively, upload your file to our dropbox, stuffed or zipped with a text file containing the above information. Unlabeled entries will be tossed.
- If you send us a screenshot, and then beat that time later, you can send us a new shot. Your best time will be counted (assuming you've included all the relevant information with it).

The greatest amount of time on a valid entry will win a T-Shirt in the size of your choice, and all the accolades due the winner of HBO's first real contest!
Contest conceived of and illustrated by poena.dare #CP#g
All artwork © poena.dare #CP#g
All submissions become property of
Employees and lackeys of and Bungie Studios are not eligible to participate. reserves the right to discard suspicious or tampered entries. is not responsible for errors, problems, or delays in e-mail that may prevent entries from reaching
Winners may be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility, liability, and publicity release. assumes no responsibility or liability for damages, loss or injury resulting from acceptance or use of the prize.
Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification. Decision of the judges are final.