
They're Random, Baby!

The Halo Table

David "wlkng nghtmre" Antunes writes:

I had taken a welding shop class last year (senior year) and couldn't decide on what to make for a final project. After sitting around the shop and just demolishing everyone in Halo 2 instead of making something, it hit me. Why not make a display table for all of my miniature Halo figurines; the ultimate TV stand! So I made the table from scratch, installed some lighting, and used colored sand along with some model parts to make a landscape of a battlefield and put a mini war inside. It is now complete all except for a shelf that will go about a foot under the display case portion of the table that will be just a simple piece of diamond plate sheet metal. Of course I need that shelf to put my Xbox on! It has a total of three warthogs (one wrecked and battle damaged), one ghost, and twenty spartans duking it out.... not to mention a banshee flying just over the table itself. Aahh what the heck, here's some pictures to help you out with your mental image :)

IMG_0900 IMG_0904 IMG_0906 IMG_0910
IMG_0911 IMG_0912 IMG_0913 IMG_0915
IMG_0916 IMG_0917 IMG_0918 IMG_0919
IMG_0922 IMG_0923 IMG_0924 IMG_0925  

Halo ©Bungie Studios and Microsoft.

All pictures herein are © David Antunes and may NOT be used on any other site or for any other purpose without the consent of the artist. It is used here with permission.
