
They're Random, Baby!

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  • The final tool we used when implementing the design side of the AI was Playtesting
    For our playtests we bring in between 25 and 35 non-hardcore game players who have never played the game before
    we put them in a lab and let them play for an hour
    then we have them fill out a survey about their experience

    we've found this gives us the most objective results and lets us act on the feedback with the confidence that it is accurate

    As a brief aside:
    If you aren't doing playtests you should be
    if you are doing playtests you should be doing more playtests earlier in your development cycle
    you can't have enough playtesting

    We actually have the designers watch the playtests
    because nothing forces you to confront reality faster than watching 30 people bang their heads against a level
    until they hate the level, they hate the designers and they hate the game

    In fact, during an early playtest we had more than half of the people ask if they could stop playing and go home
    The desire to get people to stop wanting to quit was a major motivation for our early design process
  • The most useful data we got from our playtests was a list of things to avoid
    At the top of that list is Subtlety
    If it isn't totally obvious, it's too subtle
    Even if you make something as obvious as you can possibly make it, half the people will miss it the first three times they see it
    In Halo the Grunts run away when an Elite is killed
    Initially nobody noticed so we had to keep adding clues to make it more obvious
    By the time we shipped we had made it so not only does _every single_ Grunt run away _every single_ time an Elite is killed
    but they all have an outrageously exaggerated panic run where they wave their hands above their heads
    they scream in terror
    and half the time one of them will say "Leader Dead, Run Away!"
    I would still estimate that less than a third of our users made the connection
  • Another thing to avoid is letting your AI Look broken
    When it comes to AI most Players are looking for any excuse to break their suspension of disbelief
    they will see flaws even where there aren't any and jump all over them
    For Example: Early versions of Halo's AI had a short pause between seeing you and recognizing that you were an enemy
    this was to allow people to get the jump on the AI or retreat if they were getting in over their heads
    Playtest feedback showed that Player's assumed this Feature was a Bug and they all said it made the AI look dumb
    We ended up completely removing the perception time on all the characters
    because even though it was intentional people interpreted it as the AI being broken
  • Insufficient challenge
    I talked about this earlier but it's important enough to reiterate
    Easy enemies are assumed to be dumb
    Playtests are perfect for establishing how difficult the AI should be to make it look smart
  • The other useful feedback we got from our Playtests was a clear idea of what things we could refine
    We could make sure that the thought processes we were trying to communicate where in fact getting across
  • We also learned which of our animations were being interpreted correctly and which ones were confusing to the Player
  • One of the most important things we were able to refine because of our playtests was our engagement distance
    Nothing breaks our AI faster than engaging it from the wrong range
    Sniping makes the AI look oblivious to danger
    fighting too much from melee range makes the AI look robotic and awkward
    We were able to use playtests to tweak our weapon ranges and activation ranges
    to keep the Player at the optimal engagement range for our AI