
They're Random, Baby!

Collecting the Schwag: E3/Bungie T's from 2003

I was in LA for three days, total. By the end of Day 1, my luggage was 5 t-shirts heavier than it was when I left home. Here's what the loot is:

  • Super-Issy Shirt: created for the Brian Morden Foundation, to raise money in the name of *Ar-Isildur, a stalwart member of the HBO community until he succumbed to Ewings Sarcoma earlier this year
  • E3 2003 Fanfest Shirt: created for the fanfest itself
  • bungie.org staff Shirt: created by mnemesis expressly for the fest
  • HBO Webcam Shirt: created by Cybrfrk... because SOMEBODY has to watch the webcam
  • Halo PC shirt: given away by Bungie during the day to winners of the continual Halo PC matches being played during E3... and to pretty much anyone who wanted one at the fanfest

For a closer look at any of the shirts (front or back), simply click on them. If you've got javascript turned off, you're out of luck. (I don't usually do this... but hell, they're just shirts.)

E3 T-Shirts: Front

E3 T-Shirts: Back