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Matt's Halo Updates - Search results for hughes

Friday, August 03, 2001
Chris Hughes added a bunch of marine heads to the game (some of whom look familiar) and tweaked Cortana's face.

Friday, July 20, 2001
Chris Hughes built a bunch of little things, including runway signal batons to be used in one of the cutscenes. He also reworked some of the models to show how bullets modify chests.

Friday, July 13, 2001
Chris Hughes is working on a pilot model for one of the cutscenes. It began its life as the Marcus model, and kept his face even as Chris feminized the rest of her body, which was rather unnerving. Thankfully, as Chris put it, "hormone therapy for the post-op Marcus" was successful, and she has her own face now.

Friday, June 29, 2001
Chris Hughes did some nice modifications to Cortana, as well as a bunch of other stuff I can't tell you about. Let's just say it involves two of the major characters in Halo's story. He showed me a sheet of paper covered with the equations that explain how Bernie's shaders work. "The scary thing," he said, "is that I almost understand it."

Friday, March 16, 2001
Chris Hughes is adding some nice detail to the Marine head permutations.

Friday, December 08, 2000
We hired our tools programmer. His name is Mat. Yes, just one T. This makes three of us, so wee tied with the Pauls (Bertone, Russel, and Clift) and just one behind the Chris clan (Barrett, Butcher, Hughes and Lee).

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