Matt's Halo Updates - Search results for chain gun
Saturday, June 09, 2001
The Mighty Chris Butcher is giving Halo's AI the capacity know when it's in a battle it can't win (for example, when it's being fired upon by an enemy out of its range, or when you've mowed down thirty of its friends with a chain gun). As a result, encounters are more challenging, and much more fun.
Friday, May 11, 2001
You can hurt people by slamming vehicles into them. Now you no longer need a friendly Marine manning the chain gun to make the Warthog a dangerous weapon.
Friday, March 09, 2001
Chucky did some tweaking to the Jeep physics. In addition to the generally improved control, you can see the suspension working again. And if there's an AI manning the chain gun when you catch air in the jeep, he'll respond appropriately.
Friday, March 09, 2001
We've got melee attacks in for several weapons. It's quite fun to drive the jeep up to a building's front door and let Marcus distract the Covenant forces with the chain gun while you sneak in a side door, creep up behind them and slam the butt of your assault rifle into the back of their heads.
Friday, March 02, 2001
The Mighty Chris Butcher advanced in his quest to make the AI rock by getting the Bobs to operate the jeep's chain gun. There's nothing quite like driving the jeep through a building with an AI Marcus behind you tearing through anyone in your way with the chain gun...rushing out the door and jumping the jeep off a ledge while Marcus and the chain gun face the opposite direction, blasting away at your pursuers...I don't know what to say except it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Friday, March 02, 2001
Rob is redoing the casings for the chain gun.
Saturday, February 24, 2001
There's an acceleration mask on the chain gun now, so as you drive the jeep around the gun and the chain of bullets feeding into it bobble around realistically.
Friday, February 16, 2001
The chain gun for the Jeep is now fully textured. Rob is working on a new gun intended for "fodder-type" opponents; the geometry is almost done and texturing should be another couple of days.
Friday, January 26, 2001
The jeep revision is almost done. Marcus upped the res of the model itself - the wheels have more sides so they look rounder, the steering wheel "no longer looks like ass" and there's a lovely new chain gun (sketched out by Rob, modeled by Marcus) on top.
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