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Comments for 'Corporal Barnes and Corporal Smith; A Marine's tale part 2' |
343 Salty Beans
7:44 pm | June 14, 2004
Geez, is this impersonating jackass still around? You are really starting to bug me, twinks.
12:12 am | June 13, 2004
Oh,by the way other zak who dosnt know me,look out for my new story,"THE BLUE MONKEY"!!!!!
12:09 am | June 13, 2004
If u dont know me...Well,i was gonna say something cool,but i forgot it. Im zaks friend. not u the "REAL" Zak!
The NEW Zak
2:15 pm | June 12, 2004
What the crap is going on! Who's impersonating me, and who is twinkie!?!
The NEW Zak
12:32 am | June 12, 2004
yes, i know about "The Blue Monkey". You spent 3 hours on the phone telling it to me
8:02 pm | June 11, 2004
Sorry! I dont know when they will post my story THE BLUE MONKEY. but when they do you have to read it!
5:02 pm | June 11, 2004
Its Done,Its Done. My new story the blue monkey is finally done. Read it and tell me what you think!!!!!
4:08 pm | June 11, 2004
Listen guys! I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news, you all r gonna have to wait 4 my upcoming story, THE DUMB ASS CODE. The good news, Im working on a story called, THE BLUE MONKEY! It will be based on a true story! Zak, if u r reading this, u know about the whole monkey thing. And dont worry, THE DUMB ASS CODE is coming soon!!!!!
4:08 pm | June 11, 2004
ok im back! WAZZUP!?
The NEW Zak
10:23 am | June 11, 2004
ok, what the............
2:53 am | June 11, 2004
I will be back June 12. Please leave your messages 2 me until then. Bye!
Hawk7886(the fag)
2:40 am | June 11, 2004
Hey Fellow FAGS! Hawk the fag here 4 more embarisment. I just want 2 come out and say, I fucked my gay as hell boyfriend the mainevent. C you all later now.
2:36 am | June 11, 2004
Yo Ajax, I noticed u have been being cool with my hommie Zak. I want to thank u 4 doing so. And I would be honored to b your friend 2. As long as your not cool with that fagget Hawk.
2:35 am | June 11, 2004
I hope u heard me, because i will write a story. And i will call it - "the dumb ass code"- what do u think?
2:33 am | June 11, 2004
Hey Zak
2:33 am | June 11, 2004
Hey Zak
The New Zak
2:29 am | June 11, 2004
The NEW Zak
2:29 am | June 11, 2004
whoa, who wrote that!
2:29 am | June 11, 2004
U know Hawk, Im Proud of u 4 Revealing your true self. Im kidding. it was me who wrote that ok. And im proud of it too. And if u all are going to complain on how i never wrote a story, well , I will and u all will love it too. Oh and ill use the dumbass code!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hawk7886(the fag)
2:24 am | June 11, 2004
Im a stupid motha fucker. I like 2 piss in my mouth. And its mm mm good. Just like cambells. I never wrote a story in my life. And if i did, it would suck, Cause Im a Stupid BITCH. Just like my friend mainevent. Peace, IM OUT.
1:35 am | June 11, 2004
Yo mainevent!!! R u really hawks hommie? Do u guys hump each other at nite. Do u guys Read bedtime stories to each other. do u guys hump yo mommas? Do yo dogs hump your legs. Have u ever peed in your mouths. Pee taste good, NOT. My Grandma Can Make better insults than u. And My grandma is yo dada!!!!!!!
1:19 am | June 11, 2004
Yo Hawk . I think u r TOTALLY wrong. I Think the story rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! I think u r a stupid Piece of shit man !!@!!@@!!! And Yo momma is a bitch. Why Dont u go hump a goat!!!!!!!!!!
a guy
12:39 am | June 11, 2004
it was good but i think you made barnes to powerful. i mean a cpl killing 7 grunts 2 elites and 1 jakal and a hunter? thats just a lllittle too powerfull. good overall story though
The NEW Zak
10:32 pm | June 10, 2004
My next story will be a Single Story, and it's title will be Halo:The Fall Of Reach:A Marine's Story of Survival, what do you think?
The NEW Zak
10:30 pm | June 10, 2004
I doubt he could churn out the best story on FanFic, but, if he did, i would probably have to eat my hat too, i was a little mad when i said that anyway.
4:59 pm | June 10, 2004
Yeah, I'd have to eat my hat then. But sorry mate, think I went overboard a bit. I meant what I said, but should have said it nicer.
4:55 pm | June 10, 2004
It'd be funny if it was the best Fan Fic to ever hit the site.
The NEW Zak
2:29 pm | June 10, 2004
No, Ajax, ill read his story, if it comes out, but ill give it the sorriest flaming he's ever gotten in his life
The NEW Zak
11:45 am | June 10, 2004
Thanks for all the positive reinforcement, oh, and, don't read number 3, i'm begging you, it's crap, and pass this on to everyone you know at this board.
3:03 am | June 10, 2004
Hawk is just a little mad lately. He'll calm down soon.
2:24 am | June 10, 2004
I hear you, Zak. Any loser who starts off a comment with "Okay. What the fuck?" is either an insecure little bastard who makes himself feel better by putting down others or a cruel dipshit who's pissed because he just realized that no one gives a damn about him.
Oh, and by the way Hawk, you might want to shut your fat mouth and try writing yourself before dissing other people's efforts.
And when you do, I'm not going to read it, because I have absolutely no respect for you.
The NEW Zack
12:39 am | June 10, 2004
Have any of you noticed that Hawk7886 goes around flaming people's stories when he hasn't even wrote a story himself?
10:28 pm | June 9, 2004
you need more details. The story seemed off. Assault rifles stored in glass cases, ever hear of an armory. Don't post any more stories until u learn to use the code.
3:48 am | June 7, 2004
Is this the same Hawk?!?!
You seem more hostile lately. Not complaining, just saying.
3:36 am | June 7, 2004
Okay. What the fuck?
You tried to use a lame-assed excuse last time, something along the lines of, "I wrote it at 2:00 in the morning."
First time was bullshit, and this time is no different.
Proper paragraphing is needed to make the story enjoyable. Try USING a few paragraphs, or at least spacing it out.
2:31 am | June 7, 2004
The code, man, use the code! (Or at least put spaces between your paragraphs)
The NEW Zak
6:05 pm | June 6, 2004
I hope you guys liked this one better, Number 3 is on it's way.....