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Comments for 'The Covenant: Chapter 1' |
5:42 am | May 2, 2004
Wow, I couldn't understand what I typed previously. I guess it was awhile back. Anyway, I'm going to post the second part this weekend (Eg: Sunday, May 2, 2004). I think I can come up with a bit more originality for the first posters advice. As for Alpha Lance, I can't really stay away from MC, since he was the main character in the first part. I could do a different series as well though, and I have checked out some of your work. Mr. Bill, since I should keep it short and sweet, I'm thinking of somehow narrowing it down to a set of three chapters. Wado, well, you never got a chance to keep up with my writing, but now you will. I have a lot more time on my hands now. Sorry guys, I kind of ditched the whole thing it seems, but now I'm back in action. And Dude, I have no idea what name Juan Pablo is. I asked my grandma for a hokey spanish name that night, and I guess I got it. Well, I'll give the next part to be reviewed later today (It's already Sunday in Ohio). So I guess that means a few days until ya'll can read it. Later.
9:50 pm | October 6, 2003
I'm honored? Even if it isn't Mr. Bill of zenawhoover I'm honored to have anyone post comments. But thanks all the same. The second is finished, heck, even the 6th is. But they need MAJOR revision and MAJOR Halo classic-ness. It's not just about the action, it's about the storie.
1:41 am | September 6, 2003
Well, I got mixed feelings, ut o-well. Sorry if you don't like it, but I like them short and sweet. Some friends have told me too much stroie, not enough action. But I think that the action comes in the second chapter. But it is your opinion, and I greatly appreciate it. In fact, I love knowingwhat people hate, that why, my writing is loved by all. Thanks again!
7:24 pm | September 4, 2003
It sucks. Juan Pablo, what kind of name is that?
4:57 am | September 4, 2003
I'll catch more of your story in the next chapter when I get more of a feel for your writing. For now, keep it up William.
Also, is that The Mr. Bill of Zenith that reviewed your story? If so, you are very fortunate to have him read your stuff.
12:34 am | September 4, 2003
11:31 am | September 3, 2003
Seems to be a few little errors throughout this whole fanfics that bogs it down to only par.
Fix spelling, grammar, indenting and originality. I found some big problems with originality, it seems as if half of the fanfics submitted are (gasp!) CLONES!
You can't just go, "I have a great new story idea LOLOLOL!!!11!!11! I'll make MC fight an elite that says wort wort wort! I'll put the Warthog in too!"
Not new, not great. Come up with a twist and stay away from MC.
Mr. Bill
2:45 am | September 3, 2003
Not a bad fan fiction. The story was *gasp* simple which is great news, since I'm getting tired of all these endless sagas about stupid characters no one cares about, espacaily ones that always end in: to be continued- HOWEVER, being short ans sweet as yours was, you easily escape that fate.
Good job.
Alpha Lance
12:07 am | September 3, 2003
Wow. We got a new writter. I have to say that this story was great. 9.5/10...and check out my series, 'Halo Trilogy' and lets not forget my peoms. Keep up the good work. And yeah, you do need to stay away from MC. Like my main character is a mysteris guy name, 'Shadow'. Keeps it interesting. And make up charaters, and come up wiyh something with a twist. Like Disp said.
Alpha Lance Creator of Halo Trilogy