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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 7) - What the Heck Happened' |
1:03 am | September 3, 2002
good job Wado, I cant wait for the next part!
10:08 pm | August 31, 2002
Okay that explains alot. Thanks, Wado. Oh yeah when I said WADO in big letters, it didn't stand for anything. It meant I was supposed to put your name in instead of mine[putting my name in was a mistake.]
5:31 pm | August 31, 2002
Thanks Nike. Very cool predictions but hey here's the skinny to give you a catch up.
At the very end of this part it is implied that Imperius is the name of the Covenant Grunt Supreme Leader (a shiny gold grunt) in charge of the forces on planet Jukan.
John is just as smart as he normally is but way back from ROTA (Return of the Archons), I'm using the same character, it is revealed that John is an Archonian Sleeper, a sort of guardian of Earth. Sleepers have imbedded in them the abilities and knowledge from the Archons (forerunner knowledge and abilities of sorts). However, John is only a partially awake sleeper so his moments of great intelligence only occur when triggered by some outside stimuli. Mostly just when he is dreaming but sometimes when awake too if confronted by forerunner technology or something like that. He's not even supposed to be partially awake yet, but Princess Kira of the Archons expediated the process for her own purposes.
Commander Thom might be dead, we last left him surrounded by Covenant forces. He is marked as a Covenant traitor so they might have captured him. Sub-commander Zax is not dead at all, he and the rest of the crew of Seeker 157 are waiting for a signal from the Lady via the portal. They then will use Destiny's Blade (John's modified Long Sword) to stargate to the location where John is located. Maybe in the mean time, Zax is figuring out a way he could rescue Commander Thom. That could indeed be a future chapter or two.
Thanks for your comments Nike and I hope this answers some of the questions you might have without spoiling the adventure.
5:04 pm | August 31, 2002
I'm going to guest what the next chapter is about. There's a Covenant destroyer called Imperius. John, the Lady, and Val find the next portal with Flux key in hand. The portal takes them to the destroyer called Imperius where the next portal is.Your story is nonetheless, very impressive. I've read the whole series[SOA1 and SOA2] and I've noticed this: John is unusally intelligent.My reason for that comment is because he seems to know alot of what's going on around him, sometimes even knowing the situation before hand[I think.] Explain.Also, Commander Thom and Zax are dead, right? Will they make another appearence as ghosts or spirts?I usually don't post a comment this long and/or big, it's just that I have alot of questions, theorys, and some speculation. Keep it up, I can't wait.
4:28 pm | August 31, 2002
What the Heck Happened to the comments? Just kidding. I hope everyone is enjoying a long weekend.