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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 6) - The Chosen Ones' |
3:54 pm | September 3, 2002
email me, and i'll try to send those ideas again (if i can remember them). yeah, i did email your dad's address, but only because you were emailing from there. lol so email me sometime. oh, and i don't think many people would appreciate us cluttering up their comments board, so if you're having troubles with your email address, try switching to another service, like hotmail or yahoo.
5:45 pm | September 2, 2002
This may not seem like any good advice, but have you tried keeping a writing pad near by. When you get an idea, write it down as quickly as you can. The best ideas are the ones that you feel motivated about. Those ideas usually come from yourself.
And I find it helps NOT to get caught up with trying to finish a story, just write and make each piece a good one. I find I only get about a third of what I originally planned on writing actually written. I then go back and try to make that third of the whole as good as I can (clean the grammar up, add descriptions, etc.).
And don't get too far ahead of yourself, if you already know the ending of your story, try not to think about it too much, this can take the motivation away from yourself when trying to write what comes before the ending. Try placing the ending in a sealed envelope to be opened when the time is right. Until then, just try to write what you can.
Not really any ideas huh. Well this is the advice I choose to give you. Good luck and try posting something, I'll read it if you want and let you know what I think (but please post so I know it is you "anonymous" -- lol).
Goodybox (or the anonymous)
12:30 pm | September 2, 2002
anyones help plz
3:45 am | September 2, 2002
Did you want my help or do you have this covered Arch?
goodybox(brigad of marines)
9:39 pm | September 1, 2002
i am stuck email won't work so give me ideas someware like your comments area
goodybox(brigad of marines)
9:23 pm | September 1, 2002
my email has just been brought up and i think you may have sent it to my dad.i will try to email you m email address
6:30 pm | September 1, 2002
oh so THAT'S where you went! did you get that last email? it had some good ideas for your story.
5:56 pm | September 1, 2002
no i'm not Diablo!!!!!!!!!!! I am (origanal name) Brigad of marines
4:14 pm | August 31, 2002
Anonymous = diablo? Me wonders.
11:47 am | August 31, 2002
I would like to remain unamed. I do have a name but i don't want to put it on.Anyways, i want you to bring back Max and Thom too, soon. Please and if any of you ever play games over internet(especialy Starcraft Broodwar) i want to know your screen names so i can give ya'll some advice i have 30 stories in my mind but i don't want to write them cuz i don't know how to post them and i haven't written them but i will soon. I can give some great ideas and if you ever want to talk to me call me goodybox(my starcraft broodwar screen name) or goody.
1:01 am | August 31, 2002
I'm kinda afraid myself... arch... stop... its... scary...
Goodybox (or the anonymous)
12:05 am | August 31, 2002
havee fun writing the next one come out with it soon. you know poor Arch i wish he didn't end his series(i doubt that he did but thats me), oh well! nice job.time is a wastin hurry up
12:00 am | August 31, 2002
here's a part of a story(very boring): whilst th covenat prepared for the attack on___________ the humans launch an attack and capture a crusier, Kasacanya(russian no clue on how to spell)............Plz help and give me better ideas i lost all mine in my sleep and have to start new ones so help plz
10:41 pm | August 30, 2002
I'm afraid to ask...
10:23 pm | August 30, 2002
now what could WADO possibly stand for? What A Dick... no, no O.... this won't work, Knightmare
9:18 pm | August 30, 2002
WADO.... hhehehe. Now that thats in caps i have an idea. We have comedy to write!
6:30 pm | August 30, 2002
Hey Nike? Dah! I never looked at the Halo Story page. Kind of useful. Yes all the theory stuff is in my next story post (SOA2 part 7). Maybe I can condense it down and put it on the Halo Story page. Thanks.
6:30 pm | August 30, 2002
I just saw that mistake. I mean WADO. lol.
6:21 pm | August 30, 2002
Hey Nike, all the stuff your posting on the board are all good. But are they in your story. That threoy should be posted on the Halo Story page. You also learn alot about Halo, too.
6:05 pm | August 30, 2002
What if it was a 300-pound singing fish with a water-ballon launcher? ... Oh stop me please!
5:29 pm | August 30, 2002
5:24 pm | August 30, 2002
Wado does....
3:29 pm | August 30, 2002
Oh I'm just preparing myself for my next story post. I've got to warn you all that it has like no action in it unless you consider a fish getting eaten action.
3:07 pm | August 30, 2002
Grunt snipers, yes I did write that and the rest of that dream stuff... Oh wait maybe someone impersonated me, yeah that's the ticket.
Nah, it was me. I do indeed have grunt snipers. What can I say? Oh well...
1:28 pm | August 30, 2002
Arrgg.. spelling errors
1:26 pm | August 30, 2002
Grunts with snipers eh? Damn.... That MUST have been a lame dream... Oh wait, you WROTE that... Right... *Wakes up* Whoa for a second there I ACUTALLY though I went to Wado's comment board to post a lame comment! Phew...
8:56 am | August 30, 2002
*guarding borders, not guarding boarders
8:42 am | August 30, 2002
Ah diablo, one day our stories might collide. John will say, "I'm too late, earth is destroyed." Cooper will reply, "You bet man, where have you been? And why are you in my dream." John interjects, "Your dream, this is my dream and I'm waking up now!" Cooper, "Not before I punch you in the nuts." Just then Cooper wakes up, just then John wakes up. They both say "crap what a lame dream." ;-)
Well maybe that won't ever happen but hopefully my stuff about the Covenant Religious Leaders will be way confusing so nobody will know what their motives really are, except them of course. As for the grunts with sniper weapons, yes they have sniper weapons specially made for grunts as well as quite a few other weapons not seen in Halo. The only reason I can think of is that the grunts in Halo are not the most elite of the grunts. They are mainly for boarding party action and taking out small groups of enemies. Sniper rifles aren't too practical on ships.
The real fighting force of the grunts is guarding other Covenant boarders that are much more dangerous and strategically important. Same can be said about the other races in the Covenant. Terrans just don't pose that much of a military threat. But now that the Covenant has taken some serious losses against the Terrans, that might change.
10:01 pm | August 29, 2002
wow I hope you dont get too much into the covenant religous leaders, because thats what my next part is going to involve 8O AAH I JUST GAVE A WAY A PICE OF MY STORY! oh well. good story, I didn't know Grunts had so much honor in that world through that portal Wado, AND they can hold sniper rifles! My cheer's to the grunts! *ding*
12:57 pm | August 29, 2002
You know wado, you're really getting a feel for this, your theory is indeed a possible one. Now we get into the politics of WHY they do it, which is very important. Maybe the war was started over some dumbass human person seeing a cov child and trying to preach him one of our religions, the covs simply deal with this by killing us all because its a slight to their honor?
11:22 am | August 29, 2002
me likes.... me likes muchly... nuf' said
8:02 am | August 29, 2002
"Foe hammer" -- I never knew that. Halo needs closed captions for us folks that only pay attention to cut scenes the first time. Thanks Knightmare.
Oh Diablo thanks too and good luck on reading all the stories. I just couldn't do it... lol.
Now speaking of forerunners... am I way off but I had the idea that humans resembled at least some of the forerunner races. Now I actually don't really know but I was looking at how the Covenant are fanatically trying to kill the humans because of their religious leaders' orders. Now I was looking at it from the point of view of a religious order that discovers another race of aliens that resemble "God". Well doesn't that wreck havoc on their absolute control of society. I mean what if "God's" children (the other aliens) say something like, hey your religious leaders are full of it, come join us. Now humans have a history of making religious icons look human (are we conceited to do so?) but the Covenant have discovered many things that might indicate that their gods don't look like Covenant. The Covenant religious leaders might be keeping this a secret from the main stream Covenant.
I don't want to really debate this, I just want to know if I'm off my rocker thinking this way since I haven't read much about Halo and Marathon. I am using this as part of the background plot to the Shadows of Archon. If I'm way off then I'll just make it be some of the Covenant religious leaders think this way and not all of them, otherwise I'll apply it more generally to all Covenant religious leaders.
2:38 am | August 29, 2002
good story Wado, Im trying to read all of these stories, that all the big guns shot out today(Wow there's alot of them 8O )
2:06 am | August 29, 2002
oh and its foe hammer
2:06 am | August 29, 2002
oh sorry arch put the LRP forerunner there i'll have the 'dau' not telling kill them in a jiffy
1:03 am | August 29, 2002
No Arch reprogrammed the musical with a different Cortana. Only now it is in an infinite loop. Arch, you should not mess with things you weren't meant to ever know! You see the musical can never end until the fat lady sings.
I'm trying to hack into it and add a 300 pound Bowhammer but I'm pinned down by sniper fire. There's some big Bowhammer fans out there.
12:48 am | August 29, 2002
Thanks all.
Say Arch, you picked up on something that the MC hasn't. He is on a strange jungle world, the Archons are way out of context for him. It hasn't quite clicked to him that the Archon Shadowguard could be the same Shadowguard that the Jukans refer to as the lawgivers.
Hmmm... I better have Cortana give him a jolt, I mean the MC is forgetting a lot of things lately, would you forget about a cloaking device. If I could turn invisible, I don't think I would forget that... ;-)
12:32 am | August 29, 2002
Wado.... Wado? ....Wado? *Worried* Wado??Oh god... OH GOD! The musical!! THE CORTANA GOT YOU!!!
12:05 am | August 29, 2002
ditto lol.hurray for da Shadowguard! after all, my hero unlocked the ship that delivered them back in Return of the Archons. lol i still have no clue why i mentioned that