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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 32) - The Return' |
12:58 pm | December 26, 2002
Shoot, I wasn't sending in the last part til after Christmas. Oh gosh, we'll see.
3:11 am | December 26, 2002
Well diablo, I sent in the last part just now. Maybe it will get posted before you leave. Anyway, take care.
7:57 pm | December 25, 2002
hurry up wit that last part Wado, I leave in 2 days! :)
7:50 pm | December 22, 2002
Hey Wado, nice fn story. To bad it is coming to an end. It is hard to believe that this great epic is coming to an end in another chapter. Hopefully you will keep up your awesome work and write up another epic.
1:20 pm | December 19, 2002
It was still understandable if you read through the whole thing, but it turned out a little vague overall. I mean, how are you supposed to know what happened if you just suddenly announce that the Alpha Halo stargated to the Praetor Homeworld, and said earlier that they couldn't get ahold of the Stargate control room! Man, you've gotta be more specific in the next part! lol and by the way, get a Rolodex organizer, because then no one can tease you for playing around on it like a little girl!
5:53 am | December 19, 2002
no, just this chapter, u kinda flew through it without as much detail thtat has been in ur other ones, but this is still a very good piece of work
7:09 pm | December 18, 2002
Oh, Arch if you mean the whole story SOA2 jumped around too much, I can see that too, there are areas that I rushed the story too much instead of letting the story tell itself.
5:08 pm | December 18, 2002
Darn, you caught me Arch. I would have spread out this last part into two or three chapters usually, but since I had said only two more chapters I bunched a lot more into this one. Oh the pressures of constraint...
I also noticed when I'm not in a big hurry to race through the story, Sarge tends to like them more too. [Places more notes in secret writers diary... thinks, wow, these Password Journels are not just for little girls... err. did you hear that? I meant I'm buying one for my niece...]
1:29 pm | December 18, 2002
I'm sorry to announce that i didn't enjoy this one as much. It is getting a little vague. I mean, things keep jumping around. It is too much for my poor tired brain to comprehend! Aaaagh! Anyways, if you could fix that up, maybe things might come out even better. Can't wait to see that last chapter, Wado!
12:18 pm | December 18, 2002
Someone needs to get a grip on reality... WHO WOULD BUY A BOOK THEY CAN READ FOR FREE!!!!
7:23 am | December 18, 2002
WTF? ... LOL
Sarge, people can dream can't they. Besides I have the re-edited versions of the story, after posting I usually do some editing of my stories after finding mistakes and based on people' comments. No one but me has seen the re-edited versions. But anyway, it should be understood that if the story did become a book it would be revised some and edited so it really isn't buying what you could get for free. I'm not making this a book to sell though, that was never the intention. However, if I become famous (LOL) someone will probably dig up these stories and try to repackage them and sell them, I won't have to do anything but sign on the dotted line. :)
And Knightmare, whether I'm scared or not of the runics I don't know because they confuse me too much. I don't think I could be intimidated or scared by them until I knew what they meant. On the other hand, what do they mean?
And thanks all for the comments. I really don't think the story is THAT good, but I did enjoy the experience of writing it, I think I have a better feeling of what kind of writing can be really awesome. I'll try to incorporate the good stuff more in future stories. Although Knightmare knows what my next intended project is, he has been good enough not to spill the beans. Any, I plan on writing some more after SOA2 so I hope you keep enjoying the stories.
1:27 am | December 18, 2002
Somebody pointed out that Wado might be 'scared' of my luttle runic showing... And I'm going to point out that...
Number One: If you know what that last bit means... thats not the only substance to the message.
Number Two: Think REAL hard about my dislike for John, the one who seems to have more than 117 lives.
10:54 pm | December 17, 2002
Hell yah, just change the format a little, and i think sales would be just about the same as FoR, probably.
9:51 pm | December 17, 2002
your not alone trungyboi i'd buy it without a second thought
3:45 pm | December 17, 2002
You should print it into a book format. Heck I would buy it.
5:03 am | December 17, 2002
4:03 am | December 17, 2002
well. not all of my prediction came true, u did have a few twist that were sweet, and this is definetly the best sries ever.
3:18 am | December 17, 2002
WOW, im almost depresed now that its almost over. THank you so much for making what has to be by far the best fan fic ever. Please write a nother story.
10:03 pm | December 16, 2002
thank you for putting the time and effort intp creating this masterpiece
9:51 pm | December 16, 2002
I have no doubts this is the best fan fic out there. It was enjoyable form the start to the end of the series. Like I said before, I can't belive this story hasn't gotten more attention, hell you could make a web site devoted to this story lol. Anyway I'm blabbering, so keep it up Wado!
8:37 pm | December 16, 2002
Thanks gruntkiller!
8:03 pm | December 16, 2002
excellent truly your best ever shame the series is comming to an end though it was and still is the best story i have ever read on the net. there are so many events that took place in this series it must of been hell to keep them all together to make sure that it all stays together but somehow you did it and you did a perfect job of it too. if i were to rate this series out of 10 it would definitly get an 11
8:03 pm | December 16, 2002
excellent truly one of your best keep up the excellent work in your next series by the looks of it im guessing your next one is the last is it?
7:32 pm | December 16, 2002
Thanks Knightmare, I think...lol
Anyway, Knightmare should be given credit for the dialogue in Covenstein's duel.
BTW... This is basically the end of the story, one more part after this just to close up loose ends.
5:19 pm | December 16, 2002
-.- Thaydo Luna, Eshma Kalaun Donomon Kaira Yasi-- Zai'Gash Ne'Gola... Aiyo.