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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 3) - The Journey Begins' |
12:45 pm | August 24, 2002
have fun!
10:39 pm | August 23, 2002
I'm just going to keep writing. Maybe the next post will be better Sarge. I sort of compromised between the old and new stuff. Who knows what kind of reaction that will get.
10:21 pm | August 23, 2002
As i tried to say a lot earlier you gained 1,000 fans and lost one. Which are you gonna pick obvious right. lol to put it simply I don't matter and neither does anything I say.
9:27 pm | August 23, 2002
well Wado, all I can say is, Dont try to make it good for everyone, because then everyone will have something to complain about ;).
8:54 pm | August 23, 2002
Okay man my grammar don't matter to me do I look like I'm writing a story? First off my writing even half as good as this. Second I ain't no dang poet but you know I just remember that his old series (First few part anyway) flew very well. As for my grammar Well to quote a rap legend "I just don't give a..." I'm in a very bad mode right now.
2:33 am | August 23, 2002
Thanks all. From the posts many of you have spotted that I've been purposely changing writing styles from post to post. I haven't quite figured out who I'm actually writing for. I still feel like what I write is good but could be better. So I've worked on grammar, worked on story layout, but it all hasn't come quite together yet. I know already the next part has a ton of action but I'll see if I can make it flow a little more like an epic.
1:55 am | August 23, 2002
well sarge, your comment didnt flow like poetry, I can tell you that lol , check your grammar next time, before you post a comment. I have no clue what you said towards the end sarge lol
10:51 pm | August 22, 2002
I figured out whats with this story you might wanna know. I think the reason your other story got me hooked is because the way it was written. It was easy to read and flew with almost a poetic notion to it. When you described the person in your first chapter you ever posted. It was like something from a poem rather than a story and I can see your writing as changed since then. This can be interpreted as a positived or negative feedback it's up to you. While everyone else will tell me I'm on something that this si great I don't know theirs just that one little something anf if you can fix it eliminate even I will be unable to complain.
9:48 pm | August 22, 2002
yah and even when I usually only read something that has action in it, this is one exception! Keep goin with this Wado!
1:23 pm | August 22, 2002
Scene is set for something real nice....