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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 29) - Oh Great, Now What?' |
6:27 am | December 3, 2002
Thanks again for the comments. The next one is on the way.
6:40 am | December 1, 2002
Another superb installment in the series
1:52 am | November 30, 2002
I'm back!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but I've been in Disney World since last Friday and, although my hotel had internet access(by putting $1-100 in or swiping a credit card on the side) to find out it failed to connect. Also, my mind's been drifting away from Halo a little (right now, I'm enjoying Metal Gear Solid 2 and I'm righting a fan fiction for it). I mean, you DO play other games besides Halo, right? But four more chapters? Dang, I didn't know I was away from AOL THAT long. Keep it up, Wado. I liked this chapter.Cheese and rice, that was long. I gotta shut my mouth more often. lol
2:30 pm | November 29, 2002
WOW I read th story (finnaly) it is great. You found what you've been lacking the last...30 somthin chapter. This is excellent my friend keep up the good workand don't change your writing style again this time ;)
8:41 pm | November 28, 2002
Great Story. i liked the irony of Noc scaring Xeth. Make a new series
The sword of the admiral
4:45 pm | November 28, 2002
Yah man u rule!! And the story rocks too!! And yes, I am now going as "The sword of the admiral" instead of "Kyle". But I'm not gonna be here 4 much longer, and bruce already left.
(In fact, I think this is my last day)
1:30 pm | November 28, 2002
Wado, you are the man! I feel so loved to have this chapter dedicated to me! Man, keep it up!
7:02 am | November 28, 2002
Thanks for the comment MasterChief, I think you are a different MasterChief than the one I haven't heard from in a while, however. I also haven't heard from Nike in a while either and I forgot to list him... :(
"Well people have lives, they do what they got to do" -- That's more or less what one of my old Sensei's used to say, gosh that brings back memories.
6:45 am | November 28, 2002
wow, what a great story, too bad its almost over. Im looking forward to the next few chapters and the final wrap up.
6:35 am | November 28, 2002
Hey Sarge, yes the book is almost over. I say it will be 33 chapters long, and your 200 page count I think includes ROTA and SOA1 so I'm probably more around 160 pages. I want it to be over 170 pages, that's the length of a co-worker's book that actually is getting published. Guess, what, her book is science fiction too.
6:31 am | November 28, 2002
Looks like somebody is up past their bed time...lol
4:57 am | November 28, 2002
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........huh zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
4:57 am | November 28, 2002
your all nerd and need sports , girlfriend,..................oh yeah and a life lol
2:28 am | November 28, 2002
GREAT STORY as usual Wado. I loved it when Noc said," Do you feel lucky? Well do you?" HAHAHAHAHA. A grunt telling a forerunner!! I loved it! I can't believe there are only going to be 4 chapters left. I hope you start another series. Keep up the good work. Oh yea, thanks for putting me in the beginning of the story.
1:41 am | November 28, 2002
Amazing. I'm a newcomer, so I haven't read any of your other work, but rest assured I will after reading this one. Could you read my series and tell me what I could do to make it better?
1:11 am | November 28, 2002
I thought you were writing a book is it ending so soon??? You've got like 200 pages so far.
10:16 pm | November 27, 2002
i hope that after this great work. lol that you will write another story. maybe one about the omega floods first time being released
10:16 pm | November 27, 2002
i hope that after this great work. lol that you will write another story. maybe one about the omega floods first time being released
Colonel Miltie
9:22 pm | November 27, 2002
Only 4 chapters left? This is a great series!!! Can't ya think of any more??? I'm not yelling, but I don't want the series to end.
4:50 pm | November 27, 2002
Mwuhaha... Die Xeth, dare slight of mine, killing time its time to dine... See that thyn pass brutal sign, and perish in your tomb long last....