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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 20) - Second Strike' |
11:47 am | October 8, 2002
no it's just I don't like your stories and the dumbass moves you make on posting comments :D.
11:11 am | October 7, 2002
Diablo really hates me, huh.
10:44 pm | October 6, 2002
Thanks. lol
9:21 pm | October 6, 2002
this post thingy is big because Kyle's stupid refresh thing
Spartan415 (MM
6:16 pm | October 6, 2002
all thoughts go to knightmare for the thought of the HBO bible. I just made it known but of course knightmare started it. I'm just a "disciple" of the HBO fanfiction section.
5:33 pm | October 6, 2002
Oh, sorry, Knightmare!
4:39 pm | October 6, 2002
Wow, the comments are longer than my story.
4:28 pm | October 6, 2002
Dude I started that!
3:48 pm | October 6, 2002
Ya know, we've got to talk the site into making the HBO bible. Nice one, Spartan415!
1:44 pm | October 6, 2002
very good story, me wants more!
12:16 pm | October 6, 2002
pretty good not your best but still good
11:29 am | October 6, 2002
The minny me's are at it again.
11:00 am | October 6, 2002
The energys of the Space-time continuum tore apart with one clean stroke, and out of the magnificent hole stepped a man. However, this man was no ordinary Writer, but Archangel's Blade, a feared and respected author and comment-poster. Out swept his mighty blade of White and Holy Steel, a blade known and revered as Righteous Fury. Archangel's Blade stepped forward 'to the plate', and stood beside his friends and fellow Merry Marines, Knightmare Wolf and spartan415. "You will not doubt that Wado has something important planned," he said as the tear behind him closed. "You will not pressure the mighty Wado, for he holds the key to your Entertainment!" The Big Book of MM, Wad. 8-12P.S. Knightmare, how did you do the spacing thing, and the bolding thing? i can't figure it out! i'm confused!
4:19 am | October 6, 2002
dude its not funny...It's REALLY stupid! Anyways Wado, I can see this definatly going somewhere, and your titles are planned perfectly. I can see something big happening in a few parts later! Don't let me down Wado!
Knightmare (MM
12:43 am | October 6, 2002
Quiet Arch. lol
Spartan415 (MM
10:44 pm | October 5, 2002
Maybe we should make a Bible of HBO or history book. It will only finish with the last fanfiction posted.
10:08 pm | October 5, 2002
The Barbarians want battle with intelligent conversation?This is the hybrid of the comments: some wanting more actions, the others wanting less childish and annoying conversation.
10:03 pm | October 5, 2002
Spartan415 (MM
9:36 pm | October 5, 2002
The firfight of all races rolled into galaxies of the universe. All and any weapons moving across space. The sounds of the blasting of plasma cannons and other weapons. Explosions cover the endless space and stargates are opened everywhere. Ships are sent into other unknown territories after trying to escape in the battle. Noone will survive unless any live through a stargate or space portal.The Big Book of MM: Wado 20:2-4
Spartan415 (MM
9:36 pm | October 5, 2002
The firfight of all races rolled into galaxies of the universe. All and any weapons moving across space. The sounds of the blasting of plasma cannons and other weapons. Explosions cover the endless space and stargates are opened everywhere. Ships are sent into other unknown territories after trying to escape in the battle. Noone will survive unless any live through a stargate or space portal.The Big Book of MM: Wado 20:2-4
Spartan415 (MM
9:00 pm | October 5, 2002
The BIG book of Merry Marinesits kinda like an HBO bible thing
6:18 pm | October 5, 2002
3:39 pm | October 5, 2002
Azure blankets resting placid o'er slate-gray blemish, a cloudy dusk to say the least. There was no song here, no chirping of the birds, no cheerful breeze, for this was eve of shadows, no kingdom of the living.
Testament to his iron will, a steady gaze set within some noble yet still proud demeanor swept wide, let fall to barren-grounds covered in legion upon legion of HBO writers and readers. From atop his mount, called Zagasar, he drew forth -shining blade, seemingly frail crystalline surface, and radiant light promising swift demise. No quarter would be given. The Barbarians want battle with intelligent conversation?
Beneath the First Revancer; Zagasar shied, seemingly aware of the barrage of counter-comments to come. Steady gestures cut through the air, forming arcane runes consisting of warding and gating spells. Back with you, back, evil comment givers! Being a creature as his mount was, the rather imposing Shadow Drakes crimson eyes fell to the crowd, and before them stood Sandaras, Arch-Demon of the Burning flame, before them stood Synthstrasa, Multi-Spectral Dragon Guardian of the Cryshal Lake Udan. Before them stood the seven Revancers making up the council, GruNal, Vadakas, and any others. Let any who challenge the will of Wado the SoA writer know this! Cried he, the First Revancer. Let the first without error be the first to strike, but let be known that upon such words we shall strike thee down as cleaver to a herd of lambs!
And then the skies would rain fire; and those guys in the SFX room would do a superb job of dazzling the crowd. Unfortunately these SFX were real, and the cable guys go haywire, and erect nets which are set live by Vadakas of hellfire and electric currents, and strengthened by the dragon, Synthstrasa. Back with you Barbarians! The Big Book of MM: Wad. (Wado) 1:1-7
2:58 am | October 5, 2002
"I think the parts with Val and cortana and 788 is boring, childish, and annoying."Yeah they are meant to be. Maybe I've been playing too much of Two Betrayals where 343GS and Cortana have it out. I guess I got carried away. But in defense of their childish actions, Val has got a new toy, the Shadowguard armor. It doesn't matter how old you are, you feel like a kid when you first feel the life and power of the armor. As for 788GS, his status is not Monitor like 343GS, although he is of the same design. Cortana has quite a grudge against 343GS partly because she can see herself becoming something like 343GS. 788GS reminds her a lot of 343GS, so much that it takes a great amount of faith on Cortana's part to give 788GS a second chance. Boring, childish, and annoying perhaps -- Not everything I write is agreeable to everyone.
10:53 pm | October 4, 2002
Wado, I like this chapter. But uh... I'm going to have to eat the baby now.