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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 2) - A Night on the Town' |
7:08 am | September 3, 2002
No excuses about John, but in my story John is more than a Spartan II, he is an Archonian sleeper. Archonians dwell in beauty and emotions. I also had one of scientists that worked on the Spartan II project be a sleeper, she introduced her dna into the project to alter John. Otherwise, yeah it probably could have been written differently. This chapter turned out not be have the greatest reviews. Thanks for the late comment.
1:24 am | August 27, 2002
I know my comment is a little late, but oh well. I love the series, but this chapter was a little weeker. The umm uhh "Cat" scene could/should of been left out, or atleast done differently. Remember, John has no sexual urges, they got the boot during upgrades so yeah.
9:50 pm | August 22, 2002
well sometimes my hero has no one else alive to strive for ;)
12:07 pm | August 22, 2002
not really vec, i can think of instances where your 'hero' did more for his/her self.... Thus making it impossible to be a hero
9:59 am | August 22, 2002
A hero is one who strives more for others than he does for himself.... ::coughs:: Just my two cents.
1:48 am | August 22, 2002
I loved the complexity of that one, but i forget which one it was. I guess Wado's work is just to good for my liking. (but i loved that one where MC was persuading Zax not to kill him or somethin', and there was a mirror, or portal, i forget but anyways, with shadow-selfs and stuff, reading that whole thing was definatly worth my time.) Im sure ill enjoy the next one Wado, considering that the content seems to change every story. :D
2:58 pm | August 21, 2002
ok that may not have come out right... ah, words. Waht I mean is, the story itself, you were prob'ly loving, but in the recent ones it doesnt seem to suit your interests.
2:18 am | August 21, 2002
then again diablo i doubt you were into the story in the first place, stories are like that , some ya like and some ya dont
12:30 am | August 21, 2002
is this like a two-way comment thing or what? This story wasnt...(i hate to say it) good, because really nothing happened. all I remember is a drunk hunter, and.....a horny person??? I hope your next thing is much beter, cause im loseing interest by the second 8O !
8:20 pm | August 20, 2002
You'd prob make a good villain wado lolz, "one step ahead"
7:59 pm | August 20, 2002
Yes I already had my answer in mind before I asked the question. I'm glad to hear your answer. Helps to put things into perspective. And I said Rambo-like as in the likeness of Rambo. Thanks for your observation anyway.
7:55 pm | August 20, 2002
7:55 pm | August 20, 2002
You've given me something to thing about but I have one opposing statement to that: Rambo is a movie star??
6:59 pm | August 20, 2002
Nice Knightmare, I will think about this. You say good stuff. I'm not arguing with you but in my mind you are describing an idol as well as a hero. Someone you strive to be like. In a way all heroes are idols to someone.
The answer I would give is also simple: "A hero is someone that does something that you can't." At least you don't believe you can do it (it would take a lot of your own personal courage to do what they do as well as abilities you might not have). For instance, a new recruit might think that the Rambo-like warrior is a hero (I'm not saying he isn't a hero) but the Rambo-like warrior who has seen one too many battles might say that a person that can solve problems without violence is a hero.
6:52 pm | August 20, 2002
To give you something to think about... You see your hero in action, he or she is so great and you try to model after something greater than you, you set your goals and you swear to abide by them; but when push comes to shove you are nothing more and nothing less than "Normal." You are living, you have an instinct to preserve and indulge yourself. More often than not I find people saying one thing and doing another because of impulse, myself included. People are called Heroes and somesuch because of the deeds they do, yet is it not a normal person or thing behind them? Someone who FAILS? Someone who in the course of that greatness is somehow bound by horrible twists of fate? Someone who is real.
6:39 pm | August 20, 2002
Well, I didn't expect that answer.
6:32 pm | August 20, 2002
I can answer your question with three words Wado, and I stand by them: "There are None."
5:42 pm | August 20, 2002
Thanks for the comments. I hope I'm not weirding out people too much. I find it hard enough to write about other cultures, but deep down everyone's still human. Imagining an alien culture can get very strange, all we can do is make certain assumptions and build from there. Well we know what assumptions can lead to. Anyway, my heroes aren't always battling bad guys, they're also fighting to keep their sanity and their humanity.
Answer this question: What is a hero? You won't get one answer that fits everyone. For John half of the job is being a good diplomat, the other half is being good when diplomacy fails.
5:22 pm | August 20, 2002
Interesting, honestly I've got a lot of respect for your skill. I now see what you meant when you said the comment about "going beyond the usual."
4:35 pm | August 20, 2002
ok it's still good. Lol drunk covies.