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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 18) - Humanity's Best Hope' |
6:43 pm | October 2, 2002
okay, so i'm sorry about reprogramming all copies in the world of that stupid opera. but it IS kinda nice to be able to see Cortana dressed in a mini miniskirt and... uhoh, i've said too much.... *looks over at Knightmare* Hey, you stole my action figures! i want my Ken-Goes-MC figure back! i had it first!
7:21 pm | October 1, 2002
Wado.... Theres no puppet here only *Comes close to showing off models of key characters but hides them just in time*
11:45 am | October 1, 2002
*has sock on hand, making it talk* *whispers to an unkown figure* How come Wado is so smart of stuff and has a problem with spring time clinleniss.
12:14 am | October 1, 2002
huh? Put the sock puppet away.
2:22 pm | September 30, 2002
Nike the 400-pound Cortana is from a Nordic Musical version of Halo (make believe Opera I talked about). Cortana is the Fat Lady that sings at the end of the show. I'm not sure if there is a question about Archonian armor. Archonian personal armor is Adamantium plates over mithril chain but that has little to do with anything. Archonian ships are laced with Neutronium armor. However, Shadowguard armor is actually something different. It is a fusion of human and Archonian technologies from millions of years in the future (don't ask how, that's part of the story), but because of some space/time continuim, the Shadowguard armor gets more powerful as time goes on. So Shadowguard armor in Halo is just like 100 generations better than the first MC's Spartan armor. Against a time traveller from the future, the armor would be like a billion times better... Or something like that. The armor has quite a learning curve, so most of its potential is never realized until it is used against the Omega Flood, but that's another story.
10:39 pm | September 29, 2002
I agree with that one person: .
10:05 pm | September 29, 2002
3:11 pm | September 29, 2002
Its GOOD, but not GREAT. Wado would still whip you, just ask him how.
3:09 pm | September 29, 2002
Simple Answer: Archonian armor isnt all that great.
2:33 pm | September 29, 2002
Spartan415 (MM
2:31 pm | September 29, 2002
*takes out sotgun* let's go get her boys!
2:20 pm | September 29, 2002
Where the hell did the freakin' 400 pound Cortana thing come from? I need to know!
6:39 am | September 29, 2002
*laughing at the flated el hablo diablo on the floor after 400 pd cortana runns him over.* man, she sure needs her taco bell.this is a very good series, don't stop or i will hunt u down and kill you in my archoian armor
2:47 am | September 29, 2002
Don't diss the taco...
2:35 am | September 29, 2002
sorry, but I just ahd to bring that up...*looks over his shoulder* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! *El_Halo_Diablo is smashed by the 400 pound Cortana running to a Taco Bell*
8:49 pm | September 28, 2002
....singing cortana? Anyways, yet another good part from Wado. I've been trying to catch up from when i was really ignorant, and missed out on reading practicly all of your parts before SOA2, so I've spent a few hours devoting my time to understand what the heck is going on right now to read the past parts. I like them, they are very great! anyways, if you stop doing this series, I will have to find out where you live, and kill you!(either that or stuff you in a potato sack, and slam you against a few walls a couple times....or force you to listen to the fat 400 pound sining opera cortana! MUAHAHAHHA)...ok I think I'll stop talking riiiiiiight-now
6:23 pm | September 28, 2002
Nice job here Wado, I'm going to have to extend my complements to the imaginary Santa sitting next to you, because if there hadn't been a big... fat red.... Nevermind.