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Comments for 'ES03 - Eternal Sunder (part 03): Queen of the Neeps' |
5:04 pm | September 15, 2003
Wiley, I'm not that old, but you got the general idea.
10:44 pm | September 14, 2003
You're 49 or 50
4:03 am | September 13, 2003
Thanks Sergeant B.
Sergeant B
12:47 am | September 13, 2003
This is actually a Fanfic with the Master Chief I like. I'm not sure of spelling and grammar though...
8:49 pm | September 12, 2003
What does the clock chime?
I'm older than the Wu and younger than time.
8:33 pm | September 12, 2003
*Ack!* I meant *nosy*
8:27 pm | September 12, 2003
Sorry, didn't mean to post without saying something about your story, Wado.
I thought it was very good, though I'm more of a Military SF person not just Sci-fi, if you know what I mean.
And Wado, I don't mean to be nose, but how old are you? I remember reading a comment of yours some time ago about words or something you used in the 60's...
8:26 pm | September 12, 2003
I know what you mean, Wado. I'll type a story, check through it, post it, and THEN find all the bloody typos.
Hey Wiley, I'm only a Sophomore.
4:51 am | September 12, 2003
Thanks for the comments.
3:50 am | September 12, 2003
Just read the whole series, very very nice.
Its good to see John and Sparky back =)
Im working on my prologue series and its not done but theres a new series idea that I've been keeping close thoughts with for a while and I think I'll start it soon.
2:36 am | September 12, 2003
I want more Carnage! And, as I said in the Part One review, I'm probably not going to be able to read this series for a number of reasons. Sorry Wado. Just too much to keep up with. You know what I mean?
*Mauls the hell outta Sarge B and Brendan with a monkey wrench* Sic Semper Tyrannis!
Semper Fi
9:48 pm | September 11, 2003
Superb Wado you are by far the best author here you have outdone yourself. Some grammer errors here and there but I can relate to that as can most of us I'm sure lol.
11:15 am | September 11, 2003
Wado, I read ya. I'm finishing up my series, might take some time, but thats a good thing.
2:06 am | September 11, 2003
Thanks Berconius.
Hmmm... A scientist huh. I've got some work for you... muahahahahahahaha.
1:17 am | September 11, 2003
Yay, another installment. I'd be more enthusiastic if my physics work wasn't clawing at my door. @_@0
10:15 pm | September 10, 2003
Thanks, Wado.
One big story. I think I like that...kind of a never ending universal trilogy sort of thing...interesting.
10:15 pm | September 10, 2003
Thanks Wado.
One big story...I kind of like that. Sort of a expanding universal never ending type of thing...interesting.
4:55 pm | September 10, 2003
Yeah, you must be bored hornet34...LOL
What are you on about? New series or finish old one? I think either is fine just so long as you keep writing.
So anyway hornet34, the grass is always greener (okay this isn't sounding very original)... err... What I'm trying to say is that don't force yourself to finish a series before you start another because that can lead to rushing the story and you won't be as happy about it later when you go back and reread it on the sight. Take as much time as you need. However, at the same time don't rush into a new series, let your ideas mature a bit before committing them to the general public.
Make sense, clear as mud?
11:27 am | September 10, 2003
Hey again thanks for the comments. Very cool, you guys rock.
And Jinkaiden-XI, I guess I carry over characters because it is like one giant story. Kind of like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, etc. It all is related and these are the same characters starting in ROTA just after Halo and now hundreds of years later in ES. If you look at some of my other stories here on HBO you will also find that my Dark Halo series has some tie-ins too but mostly is not related to the other stories. Carnage Seven also is in its own story universe.
11:09 am | September 10, 2003
Yes, I wondered how long it would be before ES03 would come. Now that it has, I'm satisfied. Only I'm not because I want to read part 4.
Another thing: You carry the characters from previous series into your latest ones. I noticed Croaker and Kira (Both, as some may know, from The Return of the Archons) and I am perfectly fine with it, but I am curious as to why you do it.
Anyway, feel free to answer that when you like.
By the way, I'm having a bit of a struggle with In Light of Destiny Part VIII myself. The series will continue, and I will write the chapters until I end it all. I will not quit like I have on previous series.
Also, I have started a single chapter story called 'Slain Absolution.' I got the title from what I want my s/n to be. It's only partially done, and it may be the first to a series of short stories under that name.
12:11 am | September 10, 2003
Thanks for the advice, guys. While my first three chapters of my "Nothing to Lose" series were posted within a few days or so of each other, massive boredom had contributed to me spending a lot of time and rewrites on each nonetheless. I'm tempted to start a new series (possibly a comedy first), especially since I have some ideas I believe to be more original than my previous ones, but I like my current story and feel I should finish it first.
10:26 pm | September 9, 2003
long time waiting (very long time) but worth it all very very good, yet again you manage to find new ideas that none of us would ever be able to come up with
Alpha Lance
8:31 pm | September 9, 2003
Who's the man with the best stories on this site. Wado does! I have to say that this is a really, really good fic. Can't wait for the next one to come out. (10/10)
8:11 pm | September 9, 2003
It's taken 4 months cause I'm having massive writers block, but yes, ive scrapped and started over 3 or four times. But, I think ive found something I like. Expect it soon, once I'm able to put Soul Calibur 2 down I'll start writing again.
Never thought i'd end up Wado's hero. Someone up high must like me Lol. I'll say it again: 10/10 Brillant
7:37 pm | September 9, 2003
4 months Wiley... wow, you are my hero.
Oh thanks for the comments Wiley and hornet34. I'll address one question:
"How long do you spend on each story"
The answer is, however long it takes until I am happy with the story. My definition of "happy with the story" has changed from time to time and generally now it takes weeks to months for me to create a story and be happy with it.
Almost always the story I end up with is not much at all like the story I started with. This one chapter (story) took me anywhere from six to nine rewrites before I liked it and that does not include grammar and spelling fixes. I'm talking major rewrites.
So hornet34, as you continue to write, the parameters for when you are happy with a story you write will change too and most likely that means more rewrites of stories before submitting them. Don't count how long it takes, if you have to count anything, count how many rewrites you do on a story as a sign of how much effort you put into it.
7:12 pm | September 9, 2003
Guess I cant say anything new, because hornet said it all, other than the fact that I am a Freshman and I havent finished the 3rd chapter of my story, and I been working on iT for nearly 4 months, so that's sorta a stereotype. This is some of the best stuff on the site. Keep it up. 10/10 Brilliant
4:51 pm | September 9, 2003
Excellent. I read it once for pleasure and again hoping to catch even the most minute grammatical error, but there isn't much to be found in that department. Your writing is truly something to behold, the distinct personallity of your characters, the witty banter that takes place, and how you've developed a world inside the game that is your own. I don't need to go on praising, you know all this already. I only hope that soon I'll get a break from classes and studying to go and read the Archon series because I'm kicking myself for not doing so earlier.
Some questions if you don't mind, How long have you been writing, How long do you spend on each story, what's your education level and age. It's glaringly obvious that you are not some high school freshman that pumps this out in a night, but as a smart college student that I am, I want to gauge what I need to do and the time I need to spend to write stories of this calibur. I would like to write books when I'm older, and while I don't plan on writing science fiction, I believe all writing experience is beneficial, and these stories are a great learning tool. Hope nothing in there is too personal, and best of luck in the rest of your writings.
Oh yea, 9.9/10. Amazing work.
4:12 pm | September 9, 2003
Hmmm... grammar not too bad, two typos found so far: a "Converted" that s/b "Converter" and an "an" that s/b "a".
Hope you enjoy the story.