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Comments for 'Searching for the Past-A Halo/G Gundam Crossover' |
3:59 pm | June 21, 2004
Hey, I last checked out your halo/gundam crossover last year. It was excellent, but have you died or something? You have not written anything new in about a year.
6:54 pm | April 10, 2004
i loved all of the metroid\\halo crossovers, and the gundam one too. When are you reassuming writing them?
7:18 pm | February 18, 2004
How about resuming the gundam or metroid crossovers? It would be worth your time.
Verch Aran
2:24 am | January 17, 2004
I just read the metroid/halo crossover, loved it, and now i'm waiting for Master chief to visit the metroid universe... how 'bout a halo/pn03 crossover... another hot female mercinary in a high-tech armorsuit.
4:42 pm | August 5, 2003
love your crossovers
new person
4:42 pm | August 5, 2003
I enjoy all of your crossovers, and have been waiting for new chapters ever day. Keep up the good writing. oh, and by the way, could you do a crossover where john visits samus's neck of the universe? I thought you were planning one. Latly, whens part 2 of the gundom crossover coming?
2:47 am | July 2, 2003
I certainly enjoyed your Metroid crossover and I'm definately looking forward to this one. I could only imagine the Spartan Gundam. Very stylish indeed.
9:36 pm | April 30, 2003
When is the next part coming out? It has been quite a while.
The 7th Column
11:38 am | April 26, 2003
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
The 7th Column
11:36 am | April 26, 2003
Sorry about that comment. I was really angry at the time, and I didn't really mean that.
The Author
3:54 am | April 20, 2003
7th Column, you can calmly stick that comment back in your mouth...I will write what I wish.
And by the way, I've decided to go ahead and skip onto the sequeal to BOTU. ;)
The 7th Column
1:10 pm | April 19, 2003
Is there anything else you can think of BESIDES crossovers? In a matter of years, this site could be filled with crossovers about everything from "HALO/Alphabet" to "HALO/Shit". TRY AND THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE.
2:20 pm | April 15, 2003
Halo Barney crossover :D
3:48 pm | April 14, 2003
Halo/starcraft crossover? Sounds cool. Flood Zerg and Protoss, Prottos and croverent, who knows.
Traumatised Marine
1:12 pm | April 13, 2003
'Steal a tomahawk missile and blow up your house.'
You ruddy Yanks, so many of you are willing to make these overblown, mindless, redundant threats. You seem to think gun culture and big explosions define something. And yet, if it ever came down to it, 4 out of every 5 of you would not have the balls to go out to a place where there were bullets being fired at you.
And don't protest about it, we ALL know it's true.
2:24 am | April 13, 2003
It's pretty good and all, but my problem with crossovers is there isn't much creativity. Most of the characters a story line are there for you. I like G Gundam, so I'm going to keep reading. Also, you spelled Rain wrong. Actually it can be spelled that way, but I thought of it as Raign. Oh well. (by the way, that adult swim show Reign, is stupid.) also, it kinda gets annoying how you put a few sentences up, then skip a space. That really ticks me off. Annyhow, It's okay. By the way, will the MOJLNIR gundam have shields? that will be kinda cheep, but interesting to know how any gundam would get around that. Also, will it look identical to a MOJLNIR pair of armor? If so, what about the glass visor? That's gonna be a lot of glass or whatever it is going to be made of. I can't imagine a giant spartan fighting burning gundam. I just can't imagine.
1:37 am | April 13, 2003
[to The Author]While we are on the subject, I am working on a Halo/StarCraft crossover with a friend, so what do you think about that idea?
3:18 pm | April 12, 2003
Somebody's trying to do a Lilo and Stitch/Halo crossover. That's stupidity at its pinnacle of acheivement! That would be dumb. Most crossovers are dumb, but then agian one or two might be cool. But it all depends.
The Author
2:24 am | April 12, 2003
Lots of double comments all of a sudden. O_o
And LoD, no need to apologize for your outburst. I can understand...some crossovers are horrendous...if not done properly. I intend to not let that happen.
I'm still open to ideas and advice. That's what constructive criticism is for. ^__^
10:46 pm | April 11, 2003
Lol Merc my friend wrote that story and I preread it for him... If I had known it was gonna be hated because of the mechs I would've told him. When I laughed at him he told me it was my fault and that I should've told him that was gonna happen :p
10:46 pm | April 11, 2003
Lol Merc my friend wrote that story and I preread it for him... If I had known it was gonna be hated because of the mechs I would've told him. When I laughed at him he told me it was my fault and that I should've told him that was gonna happen :p
10:44 pm | April 11, 2003
10:37 pm | April 11, 2003
Yah Sarge I remember that, like that one crappy story from way back when...through firery eyes: A Jackal's story"? was that it? yah anyway, it was REALLY bad with mechs. People please stop it with crossovers. If that Nicholas faggot ever makes that Lilo and Stich/halo crossover, I'm going to find where he leaves, steal a tomohawk missile, and bomb the shit outta his house so he never makes another fan fic again!
10:19 pm | April 11, 2003
I lost my cool earlier, I just couldn't contain myself. However, your earlier one showed promise but this ones basic idea just sucks. I'm not saying anything about dialogue or content. Kinda like Metal Gear Solid 2-- The surface looked good but deep down, it left much to be desired in terms of story.
9:47 pm | April 11, 2003
Oh yeah when you were in 4th grade monitor what are you 11?
9:45 pm | April 11, 2003
Heh a Gundamn and a mech are very simliar let me quote you something "Does this look like a mechwarrior site!"
Heh no one here remembers that... cept for maybe diablo...
7:57 pm | April 11, 2003
I never thought of a Gundam/Halo crossover. I'm not sure what to make of it. It could either be really terrible or great, nothing in between, So I'll just wait to see how this one turns out. I'm going to do an Excalibur/Halo crossover. I know it sounds lame, but I think I can meld it right, if not, oh well...
7:57 pm | April 11, 2003
I never thought of a Gundam/Halo crossover. I'm not sure what to make of it. It could either be really terrible or great, nothing in between, So I'll just wait to see how this one turns out. I'm going to do an Excalibur/Halo crossover. I know it sounds lame, but I think I can meld it right, if not, oh well...
5:06 pm | April 11, 2003
Well Gundam is a really out of date show I used to watch it when I was in 4th grade but now its gone, done over. I myself have a crossover coming soon its still in the works.
The Author
1:46 pm | April 11, 2003
It's hard to avoid cheesiness when you concern yourself with certain kinds of Japanese animation.
...not that that's a BAD thing..:P
12:29 pm | April 11, 2003
This type of crossover shows promise, and since you've done the metroid/halo one, I think this will turn out ok. still though, some of your ideas, like the mjolnir gundam seems a little cheesy, although i can see the use. all i can really say is keep writing & pay respect to both worlds.
The Author
11:56 am | April 11, 2003
And by 'them', I mean the Spartans.
11:56 am | April 11, 2003
Spartan GUNDAM?? A little cheesy, but its a good start.
The Author
4:39 am | April 11, 2003
BTW, personal message to all those who think crossovers 'suck'...guess what? It's your opinion, and some may disagree (like me.). ;P
The Author
2:18 am | April 11, 2003
A crossover doesn't have to be dead set in one concept. I'm merely applying certain concepts from Halo (ie: John-117, Dr. Halsey, and the MC's desire to be with them again) to the universe of G Gundam.
And Lord of Destruction, you may think G Gundam is the worst of the Gundam series, but others have different opinions. I think it's the best of the Gundam series in my opinion.
And everyone, it may start slow, but eventually, you'll see more and more concepts of the Spartan IIs show up.
And no, the Spartan Gundam will NOT looke like the Greek Spartans...basically it'll look like a giant mech version of the Mark V MJOLNIR armor. Little spoiler.
Just be patient...don't judge a fanfic by its intro. ;P
1:53 am | April 11, 2003
Ok now I've added another thing to my NO list: No Mechs, no rambo wannabies, and NO GUNDAMS.
1:53 am | April 11, 2003
"You seem to be the king/queen (like i know) of crossovers. This series shows promise. "
True, but crossovers still suck... Don't expect me to be reading this one...
1:46 am | April 11, 2003
Tell me, is your head up your ass for the warmth!? A Halo/G Gundam crossover! What were you smoking? Not only did you pick the worst of the gundam series, you tried to cross a distinctly Japanse story with a distinctly AMerican series. You soil the reputation of Halo like fat bastard does his shorts!
1:03 am | April 11, 2003
1:03 am | April 11, 2003
the story is ok but, there was no gundams in Halo so i done see how there could be a crossover.
James Kinsella
12:57 am | April 11, 2003
I don't know much about Gundam so whatever. I guess it was cool.
12:54 am | April 11, 2003
You seem to be the king/queen (like i know) of crossovers. This series shows promise.