
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Prologue: Battle of Croton'

Boxer (Trevor White)
3:27 pm | April 12, 2003
Sorry for not indenting. and no, I won't give new speakers a new paragraph, especially if it isn't needed. But thanx for the comments.
8:31 pm | April 10, 2003
Just one week, but as for any withors who read this.. Justing1@ameritech.net, I will indent your things for you...
8:31 pm | April 10, 2003
That does it, I am starting a new fanfic indenting service...
11:49 am | April 10, 2003
While I do agree, laziness of indenting shouldn't really be encouraged, it isn't really that big of a problem either. I mean as long as you space between each paragraph it doesn't really bother me. I have started to indent the rest of mine though. I couldn't get the ^p thingy to work so I just did the copy paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste and paste.
8:24 pm | April 9, 2003
Fine then. I will not read any fanfic that the author is too lazy to indent. Others should follow me in this and ignore all fanfics that do not indent.
Arthur Wellesly
6:18 pm | April 9, 2003
That's stupid. I'm not bothering. I'll just space each paragraph.
Dirty Commie
3:57 pm | April 9, 2003
YOu just put the [indent] tag before each paragraph. It won't use a 'tab'. You have to put [indent] in.
Arinoth Koby
1:30 am | April 9, 2003
Dirty Commie, me and my friend recently posted a story and it wasn't indented when we indented it, so don't blame him, it wasn't formated properly.
Arinoth Koby
1:30 am | April 9, 2003
Dirty Commie, me and my friend recently posted a story and it wasn't indented when we indented it, so don't blame him, it wasn't formated properly.
Dirty Commie
9:34 pm | April 8, 2003



Its plain as day in the Rules.
Arthur Wellesly
9:00 pm | April 8, 2003
I always indent and I am really angry my stories do not indent on this site.

Hey, this was a pretty good story, I will read the next one.
Traumatised Marine
6:52 pm | April 8, 2003
Ah, clearly these two buttons make the text in between disappear.

So, is it the text; 'Indent' but with the ',' on the left and the '.' right while pressing the shift key?
Traumatised Marine
6:52 pm | April 8, 2003
I tried in my last submission. On the preview it not only showed an absence of indents but it also robbed me of my new paragraphs.

'' yes? I did that right did I not?
5:49 pm | April 8, 2003
New policy. I don't read fanfics that don't indent. That means there should be about two that I have to read...
James Kinsella
12:59 am | April 8, 2003
Indent!! Also, give a new paragraph for the new speakers. Work on the writing and plot and I think the sequel might be good...
