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Comments for 'Cortana: Knowing the Record Before the 'Lost Time' (final part)' |
Halo Master Dawg
8:54 pm | April 4, 2003
Good story. I liked it. Keep writing good ones.
5:47 pm | April 2, 2003
all i have to say is asteroid belt they could of been released togeter and over time of stayed together or possibly a much larger asteroid set out by the forerunner eventualy made its way to the planet and split up while entering the atmosphere thus leaving multiple craters. there.
James Kinsella
9:23 pm | April 1, 2003
at the bottom of page 233 it says that there are multiple impact craters that happened all at about the same time, all with similiar rocks. They wouldn't have all fallen into the planets gravity well at the same time unless someone put all of them there at the same time. Keep thinking though. Maybe you'll find something I missed.
8:20 pm | April 1, 2003
WOW, Dispraiser almost seemed to like this one, and that's high praise!
Indeed it is... I will give more D+s to these fanfics than all the other grades, frankly because most deserve them... My damn name does me to dispraise, or to bring or give great shame. I can't believe I got this reputation of bitching so much... But oh well, at least all the crappy authors that I give Ds and stuff won't feel alone when there is a horde of them...
8:02 pm | April 1, 2003
still it could of been floating in space for eons before the planets gravitational feild brought it in to hit sigma octanus.
James Kinsella
7:35 pm | April 1, 2003
The asteroid had specific data encoded in its structure that allowed Cortana to find Halo when they jumped away fom Reach. The odds that those coordinates just happened to be in the crystalline structure are so infinitessimal that the numbers would go on forever. That crystal was created by the Forerunner, or something else that knew where Halo was(referring to my theory about the surprise bungie has for us), and wanted halo to be found.
1:12 pm | April 1, 2003
just because the forerunner were gone dosn't stop asteroid activity
James Kinsella
12:38 am | April 1, 2003
WOW, Dispraiser almost seemed to like this one, and that's high praise! Anyway, I want to take this opportunity to put forth a little speculation of my own. By the way #s don't really matter for the following reason:
The F.O.R. states that the impact craters on Sigma Octanus happened 60,000 yrs ago.(pg. 234) This (I think) means that the ForeRunner were still around then. But technically that is impossible because if Halo had been fired then Humans would have been wiped out; at that point we were well on our way to sentiency. My personal feeling is that Bungie has a surprise they haven't told us yet that would make the timeline plausable.
Keep in mind; Numbers don't matter(that's what I tell my precalc teacher anyway) So they can't hurt a story as good as yours.
Keep it up! Especially with the Durandal thing I thought I saw going on!
8:58 pm | March 31, 2003
It seems like another series is going to branch off of this.
8:24 pm | March 31, 2003
A few more zeroes would ahve been nice, but other than that little thing, nice... I hate theory fanfics because most are way out there, but this one was possible... B+ The first half was better...
7:12 pm | March 31, 2003
Very very good... I enjoyed every moment of it. Well thought out and logical with good theorising. Wish I could write like that...
6:29 pm | March 31, 2003
The same standards as always TM! Give me a daily supply ad I'm happy! Though I do wonder sometimes (like with under the sergeants cap) if TM has got some kind of secret official bungie source...
6:03 pm | March 31, 2003
yah arther is right about then we were in to the ice age. but besides that little piece of tecnical bit great, i loved it inovative. and i wonder will cortana try to use the MC's body to do her bidding i guess i'll have to wait and see
Traumatised Marine
5:47 pm | March 31, 2003
Yeah, I should have added a few more zeroes. This story has been in my file for a while, so I thought I'd get it up. If anyone's curious to see a Halo theory that explains a lot, (...I think) then speculate away!
Arthur Wellesly
3:52 pm | March 31, 2003
Interesting... very interesting.
A very clever story, using a number of theories to explain away the events of Halo and its creators. I must say, the theory that explains GS's conviction that you already fired Halo was very clever.
I do have some problems with it though. 50,000,000 BC really wasn't that long ago. Earth was teeming with life at this time, already long down the road from the asteroid calamity that killed 70% of life at the time. This falsifies not only that there was no other life at all in the galaxy at this time but also that the Forerunner would introduce new life to Earth.
Besides this little date error, the story was great. The timeline theme you used was effective and, again, the theories were great.