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Comments for 'Brutus, the Spartans, two AIs and the Pirate Fleet (part 2)' |
James Kinsella
1:17 am | April 16, 2003
Dispraiser didn't stop reading them. When he left he was saying he was leaving that particular comments section cause he was catching too much flak from people about indentations.
5:54 pm | April 15, 2003
Heh, but he stpoped reading others fanfics, right? So he'll never know... I don't know if I can give this one a long reply like I usually do, but I can say that this oe is well written, enough so that I cannot find any holes in it. Normally I can at least offer something to improve, but this one seems to be perfect in the elements that you used. I would hate to impose a writing style on you, so I will not tell you things that you never used in this tat would make this series a little better, because yours seems to be doinh fine mainly, but also because any random person, even the moron anonymous guy would have new tings for you to try, and should you try them all you will end up with a crappy story, it would be out of harmony... Actually, now that this is done this is a somewhat longer reply... Crap...
James Kinsella
12:16 pm | April 15, 2003
It was a very good story. I look forward to your next one. It seems as though Dispraiser's crusade for indentation has had some effect; a majority of the last posts were indented. Thankyou for your response.
10:59 am | April 15, 2003
Yeah, I'll give a final mark on the series when it is finished. But so far it's looking pretty goooood. Sorta reminds me of Resident Evil.
12:52 am | April 15, 2003
This is by far one of the most interesting series I've read on this site. I really enjoy your work and love the way you give description. I'm anxious to see how this series plays out, good stuff. Keep it up
7:41 pm | April 14, 2003
TM this chapter rocks and the series will surely only get more incredible!! And to dispraiser- It's indented. So even you can read it.
Shadow Spartan
5:54 pm | April 14, 2003
not a surprise to see you doing good TM. another great story, 9/10, keep it up
4:50 pm | April 14, 2003
absolutly great, it was inteligent original and very very interesting, i can't wait to see wht will happen to Brutus and the team that worked on him, the way you formed this series its impossible to tell, or if you think hard enough theres just too many possibilities.
Arthur Wellesly
2:20 pm | April 14, 2003
As always, great story TM, a pleasure to read. I've decided to not mark you on individual chapters and instead I'll give you a final mark for the series later on. Keep on writing.