
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'CR.02: Chaotic Reign .02'

6:59 am | May 24, 2004
shadow white
3:52 pm | March 30, 2003
Tragically, I don't think I'll be continuing the series. CR.03 is up, but I doubt CR.04 is gonna happen.

My reason is that nobody reads them, so it is kind of a waste of my time...

12:27 pm | March 27, 2003
Shut the hell up Wado!
12:22 pm | March 27, 2003
DAMN PEOPLE stop and I mean STOP repeating my comment I meant to say stupid.
2:53 am | March 27, 2003
Oh, by the way Wado, Red faction II (yes I have it for the PS2, hence the name 'TheRedFaction') and it is kinda easy, but really good. Nice ironic twist, too. Hope you like it...

(My favorite part is destroying the environment in real-time. That's right, you can blast through walls, blow people apart, and they even recreated that little lobby shooting spree from The Matrix. The columns come apart and stuff is flyin' everywhere.)

Oh, and by the way Monitor101, I know what making fun of someone is. I suppose becuase of someone's comment style you choose to pick on them...how worthless...

12:06 pm | March 26, 2003
Well, monitor, it's my siggy. When you posted the comment stating my responses were typed stupidly, your name was typed at the bottom of the comment.

2:42 am | March 26, 2003
Faction its called making fun of f you.
2:39 am | March 26, 2003
5:24 AM | March 23, 2003
The way you post comments is really well supid.

The monitor101

I get it, monitor101 was mimicking you TheRedFaction. His wit was too subtle for me...ROFL.

By the way, just because of your comments, as soon as I get the chance I'm going to buy RedFaction (I think it is II) for the GameCube. Sounds like it might be an awesome game. Cheers.
12:47 pm | March 25, 2003

Okay, then what is so stupid about how I post comments?

3:22 am | March 25, 2003
Okokokok I just think that every time you post comments you when you put your name at the bottom it is strange.
11:12 pm | March 24, 2003
You Faction I'm talking to you.
12:47 pm | March 24, 2003
TheRedFaction, I think monitor101 was talking about me.
1:00 am | March 24, 2003
Well okay Wado, I was just wondering.

4:52 pm | March 23, 2003
Monitor101: The way you post comments is really well stupid.

To Monitor101: What do you mean? Who are you talking to?

4:50 pm | March 23, 2003
About that whole 20th century thing...

I knew it wasn't going to be very futuristic, because I wanted more of a fantasy feel to it, mixed in with the storyline of Halo itself. That is why it doesn't feel like it takes place in 2675 (which it really does), but I felt that it wasn't going to be like others.

12:18 pm | March 23, 2003
The story has a very good feel of a shaded universe. Not everything is black and white, there is the inbetween where most people live.

Nice job on writing about action with emotions, I particularly like how it seemed everyone was going die, sooner or later. That is the spark that makes each new day special, to know that nothing is permanent and to appreciate what we have.

My only objection is that although there was a futuristic sense some of the writing seemed too 20th century, and I don't mean today, I mean maybe back 40 years ago. Now I understand that you can have advanced technology, but because of war be driven back to the stone age, that's not what I have a problem with. It's terms like "morphine" that I object with. They rarely use morphine today, now hundreds of years in the future they must have something better. Probably something that blocks the pain nerve impulses directly affecting the spine (like a spinal block) or something. I can see in cases where the whole body is traumatized that something that also calms the mind (a sedative) or some type would be used also.

Anyway I just wrote a bunch more than I intended about it. How you write is your way and I don't want to change that, I'm just giving suggestions of what helped me. Oh, what I suggest is to use more generic terms like "pain killers" or "sedatives" instead of known stuff we use today. You could also make up your own "Morphinadrenine" name.

When you are not sure, use generic terms and let the reader's imagination fill in the blanks.

That's it, sorry about the long comment, I tend to leave them. Keep up the writing. Hope to see more.
5:24 am | March 23, 2003
The way you post comments is really well supid.

The monitor101
2:37 am | March 23, 2003
No objection here about the long comment. That was what I needed. I know in the future they will have something that won't be called 'Morphine', but it was really all I could think off in the state of mind I was in at the time.

Morphinadrenine....see, I might have been able to come up with something like that, but it would take a while I'm sure.
I did like the idea that the nurse injects a sort of "healing fluid" that increases healing activity in the arm and increases durability, keeping your arm from being more prone to breaking again. I thought that would give a futuristic touch.

With the whole "action and emotion" feeling, I think that epic stories where real war scenarios are displayed are the best because they describe what truly goes on in war. Those stories really...I don't know how to explain it...they're just...awesome to me.

Thanks, Wado, but I still feel small compared to your stories. I just sent in another which is very epic, I think.

8:48 pm | March 22, 2003
Again, not my best work, I'm sure, but I feel it's better than the first.

