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Comments for 'The Fall of Captain Keyes (Prologue)' |
1:26 pm | May 5, 2004
Sorry, just asking
The Silver Spartan
11:22 am | May 5, 2004
In the OTHER pelican. It said so in the first human POV par.
The Silver Spartan
8:44 pm | May 4, 2004
Not bad, but where is Johnson?
12:47 am | May 4, 2004
I actually want the Grunt to die but that is just me
CoLd BlooDed
12:36 am | May 4, 2004
Nice story, I spotted a few minor typos and grammatical errors, but otherwise it was really good. First time I've read a story with an infection form character. Not gonna give a rating, 'cause I don't do that. ;)
9:07 pm | May 3, 2004
That grunt dies and you'll never get another comment from me forever. Or at least until I read your next one.
The Silver Spartan
8:33 pm | May 3, 2004
Sorry for that spam... it has been happening to me a lot lately.
The Silver Spartan
The Silver Spartan
8:22 pm | May 3, 2004
To Mainevent and yeti- I am going to make the Grunt die a horrible death at the hands of the Jackals, he will be ripped into ribbons of flesh and than burned in a fire until he is ash than they will piss on his ashes...
Jk, I am going to make him live!!! Haha I'm so bad!
The Silver Spartan
The Silver Spartan
8:22 pm | May 3, 2004
To Mainevent and yeti- I am going to make the Grunt die a horrible death at the hands of the Jackals, he will be ripped into ribbons of flesh and than burned in a fire until he is ash than they will piss on his ashes...
Jk, I am going to make him live!!! Haha I'm so bad!
The Silver Spartan
The Silver Spartan
8:13 pm | May 3, 2004
DragonReborn- umm... in the Halo books (The Flood by William C. Dietz) it also says that they tortured an Elite and it told them about a weapons cache that was actually the flood containment facility. So he didn't crack from torture, but simply lied so they would release the flood and die. So you are right about the Elite's toughness, however I was just going along with the book. Thanks for that comment though!
And to all you others who posted comments: thanks a lot I appreciate it!
The Silver Spartan
11:18 am | May 3, 2004
I liked your story, smart little bastards!
3:00 am | May 3, 2004
nice, very veery nice. best story this week. BUT are the flood clever enough to trick an elite?. well, maybe.or not. everything else, great. and the grunt better live, yerhear?
10:50 pm | May 2, 2004
Very nice there Silver, just one thing. In the Halo books it says elites are ruthless warriors without fear. And its the same in the game. I doubt they would crack from any kind of torture. You should have made it a grunt. :X Other than that, it owned, and I look forward to reading Chapter 1.
Nick Kang
8:40 pm | May 2, 2004
That shouldn't be a problem... Muahahahahaha
6:36 pm | May 2, 2004
First you have to get by the pesky Bungie copyrights.
Nick Kang
4:33 pm | May 2, 2004
Okay I hereby copyright my idea on a Flood's life, starting from an infection form and ending with carrier. So if anyone takes my idea, I will not like you.
4:26 pm | May 2, 2004
My lack of saying anything bad about your story was equivalent to a good rating. Because it was a good story. The character switches were easy to follow, and didn't make it seem choppy.
A couple spelling mistakes, but I make them too. So no biggy.
And that grunt better live damnit, that grunt better live!
PS: The flood POV was my idea!
4:19 pm | May 2, 2004
Great idea with the Infection form. Very.....unique.
The Silver Spartan
3:54 pm | May 2, 2004
-Thanks Keyes! I am waiting for Ch.2 from you! -Mainevent- Hmmm.. Maybe it would be cool to have him live... More on that later. -And Cyclops jr I'm glad you found it!
Also Keyes- I wouldn't mind if you did one as well, as long as it was different than mine! You to NK!
Maybe I have started a revolutionn... :P
The Silver Spartan
The Silver Spartan
3:54 pm | May 2, 2004
-Thanks Keyes! I am waiting for Ch.2 from you! -Mainevent- Hmmm.. Maybe it would be cool to have him live... More on that later. -And Cyclops jr I'm glad you found it!
Also Keyes- I wouldn't mind if you did one as well, as long as it was different than mine! You to NK!
Maybe I have started a revolutionn... :P
The Silver Spartan
3:48 pm | May 2, 2004
Poor Hato.
That grunt better live you hear me, that grunt better live!
2:09 pm | May 2, 2004
Nice story. Yuo not nly beat Kang, but me as well. But that's ok, Yours was a lot better than mine.
Cyclops jr
2:00 pm | May 2, 2004
good story silver
1:46 pm | May 2, 2004
not too bad, not too bad at all....
The Silver Spartan
1:32 pm | May 2, 2004
I hope you guys like it! Sorry if it was a little choppy at the beginning, it smoothes out as it goes on, and also it is very short so I will make chapter 1 longer.
Nick Kang-- HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! I beat you!!! Umm... If that makes no sence than just ignore it!
The Silver Spartan